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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. Hi Ralph, I also have driven this route from Winnipeg to LA, one time in my younger years I left Winnipeg in the wee hours of a Saturday morning, drove all the way to Idaho Falls by Saturday night, then slept in a Motel , Contiued on Sunday morning, pulled into Glendora California Sunday night, now that was a long ride I have never repeated. This route is very scenic..............Fred
  2. I think the Winnipeg area has had around the 15 inches of total snow fall for Novemebr December 2008
  3. And you didn't stop and say Hello to Dennis:D
  4. The ambassador job here is $400.00. The key really is prep, my car if it goes to one of these places wil go in with chrome, trim removed, and possibly the windows too, the car will be in primer with it's final blocking too. I do not expect a $5000 paint job, just a reasonable job, I have seen a number of Maaco paint jobs that looked pretty darn good. Yes you get what you pay for, and sometimes you pay a lot for the same thing you could have got done else where for less or done yourself, for an F of lot less money too............Fred
  5. I do my own body/prep priming, and blocking, just need the bodyshop to lay on the paint, and possibly do some final sanding. Who knows, I amy end up shooting the paitn myself yet, with the help of an experienced painter friend of mine.
  6. Your Joking, please tell me your joking, are you really serious. I woulda slapped that sucker upside the head, thats unbelievable...........fred
  7. Seems like Earl Scheib has a special on single stage urethane paint right now. The Bronze pacakage is $299.00, not bad for a Urethane paint. Anyone on here ever have their cars painted at Earl's, wish they had them here in Canada. Well if they were in Canada, the special would be no doubt $499.00 not $299.00. Just wannted to know if any of you guys ever got paint jobs at Earl Scheib's, and how they compared with a Maaco paint job.........Fred
  8. Norm, have only used the snow blower once this year, and really didn't need too use it, as there is very little snow. I have used the broom mostly for the side walks at my place, we are to get about 1 inch or so today and maybe 1 inch over night. I think you guys along the Great Lakes get more snow than us, we get colder weather though.............Fred ps we might have 6 to 10 inches for the year total snowfall
  9. Nice looking car you have there...............fred
  10. Dennis you have darn near what we have for snow, a way up north from you guys, mid you i't a lot colder here, than in you area. Has this ever happened before, I di not think you got snow in Southern Cal, only up high in the mountains...........Fred
  11. Reg, get that line deeper in the ground, and where it comes up, if the are is not heated use heat tape. It goes down to -35 here and never do I have a frozen well line, or septic line, cuz everything is below the frost line..........Fred
  12. Here's a pic of my 47 Chrysler Coupe being loaded onto my cousins tow truck, this was July 2005. Although I owned this car since 1988, it sat there all that time, before it came home. This is the homestead where my Mother grew up, the old shack in the picture, is part of the original house where my mother and 11 other kids were raised...........Fred
  13. Michael, that should be the ticket, don't think you can go wrong with a re-core, the price sounds right too..........Fred
  14. Minot, just a 4 hour drive or so from my place..........Fred
  15. All the best guys for your Holiday Season, Merry Christmas and the best in 2009.......
  16. Frankie an Alberta clipper, is a winter storm, but is not as severe and much short lived, than a Colorado Low, which bring wicked storms to the prairie region of Maniotba.........Fred
  17. Cattle are tough, they can temps down ral low if they have something to block the wind, I have seen some famrers keep Sows outside in covered pens, with lots of straw, but Hogs are 99% kept indoors here in Manitoba. My dogs were outside all the time too, insulated doghouse, straw, and a 250 watt brooder lamp would keep them warm..........Fred
  18. Tim it was brutal here last night and again today. It was -15 and with the windchill it was -41, it was so darn cold, I was doing rounds at work outside last night every 2 hours, any exposed skin could freeze in ess than a minute, I was dressed for it, my face still was exposed, and would get so cold in a few minutes it would turn red and feel hot. I saw a cat outside at 2:00 AM, we have cats at this place as it is a farm, I tried unsuccessfully to catch it a number of times before I gave up, hopefully it took cover and didn't die, I felt sorry for some of the cattle too, they were behind shelters but man that wind was wicked. -15 In our area -41 with the windchill 450 miles to the southeast in Minneapolis temp 34f go figure............Fred
  19. Robert and evryone on P15 D24, it is -2 here right now with a -20 windchill, was primering a fender in the garage it is 62 in there. Tonight -25, with a windchill of -40 to -45, I will be at work, do rounds every 2 hours outside going from living uinit to living unit to make sure all the prisoners are accounted for and are well. How do yall like that one...........Fred
  20. Looks good Bob, hope the floor, and supporting structure is strong enough to hold up the 2 cars. Or is there no basment under the floor.............Fred
  21. Bienvenudo Fernando, Mucho gracias for your post, looks like you have a few nice cars..........Fred
  22. Merry Christmas (Kristos Rozdiacha) Jon, all the best to you and your in the coming New Years..........Fred
  23. Okay Ed, we are reviving this one, so here's my banter:D . Today it was 0 at dawn, a light dusting of snow over night, were looking at some snow over the next 2 days or so, Pat's Alberta Clipper is headed Eastwards, probaly whats also going to hit the Twin Cities. Tuesday night were looking at night time lows of -20, now brother that's crisp,a dn I don't mean like fired bacon. Lets face it winter is tough up here:rolleyes: , not that it isn't in other locales, just more severe up here.I will conituye to do body work in the garage tonight and tomorrow will shoot on some Tim Adams formula primer, garage will be at 60. I will be using heat lamps if I add a little more filler on the fender I am currently working on.......................
  24. Ed, go for it, I think, everyone on here needs to know how much we suffer during a Manitoba/Minnesota type winter:eek: , mind you the Twin Cities area has about the best of the weather, comparing Minnesota and Manitoba:D ........Fred
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