Normspeed, just got off the phone with one of about 5 carbshops in Winnipeg, the guy I spoke to is a 1 man shop.
He stated my carb symptoms are as he said"typical of old carbs".
His shop price $100.00 roughly to rebuild carb again, he sated he can get rid of any leaks, by truing the carb surfaces.
So 100 bucks ain't bad, might take carb in soon, as I just love to keep spending a hundred here a hundred there, beofre you know it you spent 10 grand.
I have got about $3000.00 into my car already, and there is a lot more to go. I suppose this is a better than drinking,gambling, womanizing and smoking, oh yah golf and fishing.
I would someday like to rebuild my 251 engine, then go with dualcarbs/exhaust, disc brake cnversion, and maybe a T5 trans, my ultimate goal. Some guys figure I sould go modern V8 and auto trans, not my idea of fun..........Fred