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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. Dan, look at the map, you will see Manitoba straight norht of Lousianna and Texas, June, July, August can be very hot here temps in the 80s to 90s, very humid, gulf humidity finds it's way this far north, along with the Thunderstorms, and occasional Tornado, even the F4 types
  2. Light snow in my locale at 6:40 CST, last night I was out for a bit at Wallyworld etc. It was almost -18 when I got home at 9:30 PM,it was so bright out it looked blue, could see out in the sticks for miles, the vehicle I was driving a 1994 Ford ranger truck has such good heat it gets sickening hot in there even at -18. By 5:00 AM this morning it was 0, going all the way up to 10, so whoopdeedo. I don't think I will even warm up the garage to do more bodywork till the out side temps are at least 20. My garage is about 32 inside, with no heat on, because she is so well insulated..................Fred
  3. Nah, some joker:p started a "Winter In Manitoba" thread a couple of years ago, it lasted about a year:D , with hundreds of replies:eek: . Wonder who might have done that:rolleyes:
  4. HEHEHEHE LOL:p , hey Dan you wanna trade, we get and keep snow on the ground from November till the end of March/Beginning of April. Today it's only 5 above, sunny, crystal clear blue skies. I live near Bayou country near a big delta close to Lake Winnipeg, but man that stuff is all frozen, rodents, and reptiles:eek: are gone underground for the winter, the Bats go in their caves till May:D ..................Fred
  5. Hi Todd, I will attest to driving in snow on hilly or mountanous roads is not easy. Out here it's flat, you get drifting in a storm or on windy days when the snow drifts across the highway and such. The snowplows here are pretty sophisticated, but they use a lot of ice melting chemicals, not sure iof they salt anymore or not. So for the most part it's not too bad driving here, except on the snow days, but they clean up the roads quickly. It's freezing rain and black ice that is very fun to drive on, I have had a few close cals over the years............Fred ps my Supervisor grew up in Beaumont California, he still doesn't know why he came back here to live, his brother lives in Palm Spriongs and bugs him all the time about living in the Great White North
  6. Norm, is this your post under the influence ofMagic Mushrooms:D
  7. Charlie, no need to go that far for the magic types. British Columbia in Canada has them growing wild, so does Washington state too I bet.........LOL Heck, there must be something intoxicating growing in the swamps around your place, can't just be gators and snakes, in there.............LOL
  8. Tim, don't do magic mushrooms either, but there are ton's of wild mushrooms here, the mirels are the best. Bet you recipe would be good with the wild mushrooms too.
  9. Say what, if you have all wheel drive, or front wheel drive, you have no problems, except on highways that freezing rain laid on the ice. My little ranger truck I put about 300 lbs or so in the box, this truck has snow tires with studs all the way around, so does my 2005 Dodge Van. Snow tires make a huge difference on snow, slush even ice, the rubber on a snow tire stays pliabel below 40 degrees also. Right now the highways around here are bare and dry, no problem driving 65 to 70 mph, the snow is only about ankle deep around here too, but it is darn cold, -6 right now.............Brrrrr
  10. Glad your havin fun, sounds like the weather has smartened up some. It is about -6 here right now, no wind, when it's this cold it gets real dry and don't feel too bad. The shop is around 60, just layed some primer on my fender, fender will need more tweaking with the polyester glaze and high buld primer next.............Fred
  11. Mackster, how come fun sometimes becomes frustration:eek: . I will decide in the spring, which way she's c gonna be.Thanx everyone for there comments...........
  12. Men wore spats and the cars needed the same treatment, white walls and white trim rings.........PS not my thing either, like chrome reverse, baby moons, rims painted red, mags etc
  13. Hey Man, this is the addage, "It's Your Ride, You Decide!!!".
  14. Hi Rodney and the gang, it was - 5 here overnight, I am still not thinking of staying in though. Later on will go out to the shop to do a final block sanding of the filler on my left rear fender, will immediately primer it afterwards. Some temps here in Canada for you to dwell on Rodney, Winnipeg -2, Thompson, Manitoba 500 miles north of Winnipeg -25, Yellowknife NWT, towards Alaska -39. It is about -1 here at my place right now. I will have my shop at 55 when I go utlater to work on the fender. Gotta Love this crisp,cool air...........NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Nice Truck, not sure how the Patina jobs are done, but could it be done with paint, that way it will protect the metal substrate also. Mind you, if you clear over the truck, paint, patina and all, that should seal it up, to prevent further rusting, and risk of it spreading for a time. I wouldn't worry about hijacking the Satin finish thread, it's about done..........Fred
  16. You Know Ed, I may do the same thing, who knows what color or sheen it will be, this thread was about ideas for me. I figure 2 k epoxy primer, or any primer that seals well is okay for a time. It's not like your car will be in th Arizona sun 7-24, or driving in snow/salt/slush. My car sits inside when not being driven, so primer or satin finish could last a good long time, compared to outdoors usage. I have a Rusto painted trunk lid on my parts car sitting outside 7-24, I painted with very little prep a while back, gonna leave it outside a few years and see what happens, so far looks just like the day I painted it, mind you I put gloss/hardener in the paint.........Fred
  17. Hi Bob, thats about how mine would look, minus the bumperettes.....Fred
  18. Yes, that would look good also
  19. Hi Frank, yes I do like both of these colors, would lean toward the Dove gray. My notion for the asatin paint is to give the car more of a hot rod look, as apposed to the nice original. My car is close to original, but has an engine dry clutch and trans from a 1951 Canadian Dodge long block, I also have a 3.73 rear end, Smithy muffler. So no fluid drive or semi-auto trans, hope to install a disc brake conversion, dual exhaust and carbs at some futre point, I have a 265, I may use for my flattie race engine. I also have access to an early Hemi, also, wow would that scream.............
  20. Ed, I love it man, got some heart and soul to it. Actually do you plan on keeping her in Black Epoxy Primer for a while, or you gonna proceed onto paint. I have a friend with a 46 Chebby panel truck, he had it for the first 3 or 4 years just in the epoxy primer, he then painted it cherry bclack BC/CC, believe or not his wife preferred the black primer, and so did he. I may do this that or whatever, bottom line is this, my body work will be done under this, so would only need to sand out whatever I topcoat with and either re-prime and paint, or paint directly over....So not a big deal
  21. Irregardless of the type or origin of the paint, it gives you guys a an idea what a flatter looking black paint will look like on a 48 Chrysler coupe.....................
  22. Jim, I am not sure how it will look either, yes black gives the illusion of being more compact, it also hides bodiei lines and body joints better than white, but it shows flaws,waves imperfections etc, far easier too. Here is a pic of a 48 Chrysler Biz Coupe in some sort of flat/satin black,the pic was taken in Sweden by 1 of our Norway Members Roar.
  23. Yes I realize the Satin Black is more contemporary;) , rather than historical. The satin black look is more of re- invention, which is trying to re-invent the 50's primer and faded out enamel or lacquer paint jobs. Don I think will leave the spot primer idea alone:rolleyes: , I am working panel by panel after stripping the car, doing all the sheet metal work and spraying the entire car with the Tim Adams secret base primer formula, after each panel is filled,blocked etc, I re-prime the entire panel grey. Hey the car was a beater, I am not a pro, my expereince is limited, will do what I can, the end result can always be sanded out, reblocked and primed and shot with a professional paintjob at Maaco...........
  24. Yes they were the upper level Mopars, but so what, this baby did not look like that when I drug her home. I have seen a few rodded versions of the 46 to 48 Chrysler coupes, and yes they looked good. As I mentioned in the beginning of this thread is this, this car was very rough, it should have been designated as a parts car, so show quality, or a #1or 2 car ain't in the cards, but a nice #3 or 4 driver is, whether I go with regular paint or a mean looking satin. Maybe a hemi, should be added and a flame job..............LOL PS, I secretly would have rather had a P15 or a D25, just my prefeerence, a little smaller car etc. Here is a pic of the beginning of this ressurection of this old hulk. I am not sure whatever possessed me to do this car, I do remember in the summer of 2006, my wife saying, this car will be sitting like a piece of $hit that it was even in 5 years, oh well had to prove her wrong, she calls it an Old Man's car, she doesn't like it too much, but I love it.
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