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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. Hi all, took My Mother out to the back country today for her annual pilgrimage home to visit her 2 brothers and there families. Here are 2 pics of Plymouths, at My Uncles place, sure love this litle Biz Coupe, the other sedan was in very good shape when another Uncle parked it at My Uncle's place about 30 years ago, it is just sitting deteriorating......Fred
  2. Joe, hope all goes well with final attempt on the base. Maybe takinga break and going to Cape Cod is a good idea, give the base a chance to fully cured, even though it's urethane, maybea little more time will help for re-shoots. Looking forward to yuor pics.........Fred ps it's not that easy to paint a car, it takes time to learn as you and I both know.......Fred
  3. Hi Tony, you got my Vote, well I mean I would vote for yall, but I am Canadian, and for some reason, they don't want my vote in the next US federal election. I figure the FEAR party will give a good run, the Acronym stands for "F" Everything And Run. Sorry GTK, I hope I don't get the boot for replying to this thread......Fred
  4. Hi Richard, like the car, especially as it is a Canuck model, which I had one, instead of my 47 Chrysler Coupe. Try www.robertsmotorparts.com these guys sell the glove box cardboard. The more often I see these cars,without rocker trim with certain paint colors, epsecially light color or pastel colors, I prefer the look without the rocker trim. My Chrysler I hink looks better without the rocker trim, I have a beat-up pair, and have put them on with clamps to have a look, they look better shaved off, JMO, for my car only.....Fred
  5. Was just trying to be a bit choleric...
  6. Yes Gary Jr and Gary Sr, are nice guys compared to the competition, namely AB. But Roberts products are good, I have some of there rubber products, there igniton wire sets, and the clip on side mirrors have a lot to be desired. There rubber is definately no the quality of Steele Products, but then Robert's prices are a lot less......
  7. Now Don, I am not a BJ robot/follower, when you wanted a Dizzy for your engine, I knew it was going to the right place for the right reason, nothing to do with BJ or some aftersale.Nor did I mind doing the leg work in snow, and -15 f weather to retrieve it for you. Heck it was probably still cold when you got it all the way down in Good Old Tennesee.........LOL The beautiful thing about "Our Forum", is we help each other out, with info, parts, hospitality, Guys who only think of the bottom line, and big auction re-sale values, are on the wrong forum, we look out for each other on here, and help where we can, when we see Guys that are sincere, and are in need.......Fred
  8. Guys, I have been trying to get one of these vintage filters. I would buy one if anyone would be willing to sell me one.....Thanx Fred
  9. Who's that knocking at my door, say's Norm, Open up it's the Mopar Police, we understand you have a P15 you threw out of the garage and iis sitting in the elements, with no protection:mad:. Norm say's Nope Officer, she has a long driveway to go up and down on, a tree to hide under, and plenty of ashphalt to mark her territory, isn't that enough Officer:rolleyes:, Officer Coatney reples , Norm's Coupe, I am sorry we will have to take you into custody:eek:, and send your P 15 to the Old Mopar rescue Shelter, where someone will adopt her and take her for regular runs, and give her a nice warm place to sleep:cool:.......LOL PS I have worked a lot of hours the past few days, my sense of humour may be off or a little whacky
  10. Fireball, looks great, can hardly wait to see your car with all the trim back on. You did good........Fred
  11. Norm, hope all is well, maybe he is busy building a new hut for his P15, that sits outside now......
  12. Hi all, picked up the November issue of Hot Rod Deluxe, to my surprise there iis a 3 page spread on Earl the "Edgymeister" Edgerton, the Montana Mopar Magician. Pics of some of his cars, his first project a 55 Ford Pick-me up-1, his engine work of course. There is a pic of his finned heads for flat head 6s, and a cool dual 2 bbl intake for the same. He has another cool project going a F head conversion of a Mopar Flat Head 6, exhaust valves remain in block, but over head intake valves, more efficient chambers, etc, this engine should put out 220 hp, this is a bolt-on kit, sale price around $6000. Very interesting article, and this means more perfofrmance parts for the Mopar Flat Head into the future.........Fred
  13. Here is my oil filter, Black Body, Red Lid, not sure if it is a correct color scheme, nor do I care, I like, I picked it, I painted it.......
  14. Robert, let me know if you find a source, I need a complete set for my car too, I still need to order more body side trim clips too, only using 1/2 of what I should be, those little suckers are expensive for what they are, rocker trim clips will no doubt be more scratch than the body clips......
  15. Thanx Robert
  16. Still running my oil bath breather, it was soaked cleaned, and painted and 15w 40 oil added, been using it 2 years about 3000 miles on it now, how often should it be cleaned and re-oiled. While were on this topic, what about the oil filler breather, how often should it be cleaned and oiled? Mine is clean at the moment, but I do drive 3 miles of gravel road to pavement everytime I take the car out....Fred
  17. Yah these little gadgets work really neat, right now it's a 106 at the front of my house on the brick facing west, 84 on the north side on the house siding. The mail box is black and is 108. So although the sun is at a different angle, more like fall the temps are more like summer, supposed to be 88 tomorrow, and this is prairie Canada, not supposed to be this warm here toward the end of Sept, should be 65 to 70 and thats about it......
  18. Hi all, Canadian Tire in Canada had the hand held laser temp readers on sale, they were $29.00, on sale from $99.00. Although I really do not need one per say, could not resist at that price. I had the 47 with me too, got home aftera highwaydrive, outside ambient temp about 82, engine temp gauge was close to 180, as I was going with the wind, and my engine always heats upa little more going down wind. My engine temp with the laser at the rear, right beside the temp gauge sending unit was reading 171, when idling after a good run, so not bad at all. The rad was all over, form 160s up top to spots of 111 in the middle, and warmer on the outside areas, but progressively cooler from top to bottom. Not sure why my rad had temps of 111 in some ares in the middle. The exhaust manifold was around 400. Love this little gadget, really cool item, for the money......
  19. Congrats Jim, the good news is you can do "side jobs" here and there to your liking, electricians can always be in demand.....
  20. Hi Joe, you be careful my Friend, ISO poisoning/exposure can be lethal. Or you can get so sick, any sniff of a chemical will give yuor lungs and upper respiratory system a shock. Where the best protection you can afford, have the air moving, stay out of the vapor cloud (overspray), change your carbon cartridges often. Exposure to ISO, can be very dangerous, and the health hazard very far reaching, use all procautions available. The clear is probably the worst for getting sick from, the primer the least. I have used the urethane primers, but am too chicken to ever use BC/CC in a home garage, would do it in a proper spraybooth with an air fed mask only, this is just for me only, others have had no problems spraying at home with these products, but some have gotten real sick, as you have had some exposure, and it ain't no fun.Joe be careful, good luck, even if you do all the Base coat, then let someone spray the clear, might help you with good results. A Mopar guy up here has recently done this, did all prep, primer, base coat coor, then sent out car and pieces for a shop to spray the final clear coats, that way no worry about all the contaminants in a home garage, or having screw-ups, by inexperience.......Fred
  21. Just spray-em with BBQ paint, especially if you ar just selling the car, if your keeping it, use a quality high-heat paint......
  22. Sterling Silver........LOL
  23. Bring on the Johnny Cash, was raised on this growing up, never get tired of hearing his tunes, or a lot of other classic country or back roads country either.....
  24. Very Good Robert, and the Old Merc stays on the road, with it's new owner.....
  25. Way to go Robert, can hardly wait to see the finished product. I am in the boat you werer in 30 years ago, as you know, hope to be retired doing what your doing someday also......Fred
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