Hi Joe, you be careful my Friend, ISO poisoning/exposure can be lethal.
Or you can get so sick, any sniff of a chemical will give yuor lungs and upper respiratory system a shock.
Where the best protection you can afford, have the air moving, stay out of the vapor cloud (overspray), change your carbon cartridges often.
Exposure to ISO, can be very dangerous, and the health hazard very far reaching, use all procautions available.
The clear is probably the worst for getting sick from, the primer the least.
I have used the urethane primers, but am too chicken to ever use BC/CC in a home garage, would do it in a proper spraybooth with an air fed mask only, this is just for me only, others have had no problems spraying at home with these products, but some have gotten real sick, as you have had some exposure, and it ain't no fun.Joe be careful, good luck, even if you do all the Base coat, then let someone spray the clear, might help you with good results.
A Mopar guy up here has recently done this, did all prep, primer, base coat coor, then sent out car and pieces for a shop to spray the final clear coats, that way no worry about all the contaminants in a home garage, or having screw-ups, by inexperience.......Fred