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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. Hi Bob, yes I fired up only a few cylinders yesterday morning, got a little "fast on the draw". Was not a pleasant day, went to see Brother-in-law in Hospital, he is inthe advanced stages of Cancer, he is 57, and going down hill fast, hard to see this with family. I also gota real shock when I went into work last night. One of our Correctional Officers was killed ina car accident, he was 32 leaves behind his Wife, 2 Girls 1 and 3, the ironic thing is this, he was returning home from a Memorial Golf Tournament for another Officer of ours who was killed in a Motorcycle accident a couple of years ago, what a darn shame, and the 2 little Girls will never know there Dad........
  2. No big deal,just got out of bed, might have seen the lighter side after 2 cups of coffee, sorry if I jumped the gun. Will see what pics I may be able to get from others at the event, I could not bring a camera myself, or there would have been pics. The Manitoba Mopar Association Website may have pics, so might the Plymouth Bulletin in some future issue, but not sure on that one.....Fred
  3. I reacted a bit quick on this post, has been sorted out, sometimes this is how fights start on these forums, misunderstandings, especially with written communication. Then please by-pass by all means, nobody is forcing you to read this thread or to put out your negative comment either, have I ever come to some of your threads with a put-down.
  4. Yah Greg, there were a lot of Mopar 60's 70's Muscle, Cudas, Swingers, Dusters, Challengers you name it. Some 30s Mopar Hot rods etc, very few Trucks, a very cool 62 Sport Fury with Lighting Bolts painted on it. Next time will be loaded with a camera......
  5. Joe, I have my "Moments", sometimes I need to go to work for a rest, or for quiet time, like on night shift in Prison, it can get nice and quiet. On the serious side, because of what I do for a living, still can't go to certain places, and am always aware of who is around at public events, even shopping. Some ex-cons, have scores to settle with Justcice people, most just avoid us like the plaague, some are outright friendly when you meet them in the community. I am around some real sickos too in the Pen I work in, like Jaqualine, my formal training and University Ed, does not and did not prepare me for my own feelings toward some of these types, but we must be "Professional", so the system tells us, when I retire, I will not miss it, only some of my co-officers......
  6. Would Love to attend:), Gotta "Lear Jet" by chance:D, abou:eek:t 1800 miles away to the North West, 150 miles North Of Fargo ND. Pineapple Pie, now that sounds mighty temping. Having known Tim, for a few years, would surely like to meet him and the rest of Yall, hope you have a great time, have slice of pineapple pie ;)for me while your at it...............
  7. A couple of the Guys at work go to Cuba a lot. Tons of old cars, lot are used as Taxi's too, My Friends say some are in great shape, lots are rough. Engines could be whatever, even heard of Diesel engines installed in some of the Old Cars.....
  8. Not sure what the Police Academies and Prison Guard Academies are like in the Southern USA, but I can tell you up here ,what they taught us in Core Training was all great stuff, especially the self-defense, chemical weapons training, baton training, firearms training. But a lot of the theory was just that "Theory", cuz once you hit the streets, or the "Cell Blocks/Ranges/Units", life in Prison, or the criminal world is a whole other Kettle of Fish. I wish you the best of luck with your process, wanted to be a Cop at one point, but ended up beinga Federal Correctional Officer, Ist I started as a Provincial Jail Guard(aka County Lock-up type facility, or State Prison), then I worked with Juvies for a year or so, that was a miserable job to say the least, kids are not easy customers. Then I worked ata Medium/Max prison full of Gang Members, and Gang Wars, now I am happy to say I have been posted to a Minimum Security Federal Pen, for the last 7 years. In my work life, I am never around the average citizen, except for most of the staff, as I am surrounded by criminals every time I go to work, and even in Minimum Security, I have some Inmates with Very Heinous Offences.....All The Best enjoy your training, study hard, really learn to read people, to be aware at all times of your surroundings, and those you come in contact with, always work as a team with your partner(s) and squad, and to use logic and instinct, and you will surely have a great career ahead of you........
  9. Having just met Lanny for the first time, he seems to bea real nice Gentleman, nice to ssee he is right in my own area, hope he spends more time with us on this forum.....Fred
  10. Hi all, was at the Manitoba Mopar Association Car Show today. I spotted a P18 sedan, stopped to speak with it's owner, turns out he is Plymouth Bulletin Editor, it was nice to meet Lanny, and even nicer to know he is a member of this Forum, although he is not as active as some of us. Lanny, also knows our Young Ed, and Ed's Dad, I did tell Lanny that Young Ed and I are acquainted throught this forum, and that he is a great asset to this website. Lanny was a real nice Guy, a pleasure to meet him. I did have my 7 YO Son with me, he got bored after an hour os so, so we left the show early, before I could really a have a good look at some of the other cars, maybe and hopefully next year, the day went well..........Fred
  11. Had a great time Bob, sorry no camera with me. I saw a lots of very nice 60s and 70s Mopar Muscle cars. But 1 of the coolest wasa 60s Dodge Van/pickup, Hemi Powered, and Black Cherry Paint job to die for, very cool machine. My Car ran well, it is very warm here today mid 80s, a super strong south wind, maybe all the way from Missouri. I find my car does run about 10 degrees warmer, while travelling on hot days going with the wind, as oppsoed to going against the wind, engine temp was 170 to 180 , for the 70 mile round trip....Fred
  12. Just retuened from thew car show, all went well, some people were eeven taking pics of my car. Young Ed, Imet Lanny the POC magazine editor, he says he knows you and your Dad, he lives in my Hometown. Will report moew later, I am typing without my glasses, and am almost blind without them for reading, 3 feet and beyond, I am still an eagle eye......Fred
  13. Thanks all for the votes of confidence. Sometimes my own expectations for perfection get in the way of life's enjoyment. I think I had a case of the not being able to "see the forest", because of a few "trees", going out to clean the opld giorl, and get ready to head out to the car show......Fred
  14. Arthur, shes a nice straight car, looks good, enjoy this baby, get her out drivin.....
  15. Gonna be at least 1 other 47 and 48 Chrysler at each event, I know the owners of those cars personally, and they are much nicer than mine, but I can live with that.....
  16. Thanx Bob, yes eventually it will al get finished, I may even be able to wetsand and polish the paint to a better state, or will sand out and let Maaco spray a paint job on.....Fred
  17. Don, the 1 show is close to home about 10 iles, the other is about 30 miles form home into the city, no big deal either, just geta little nervous on the hot humid days, supposed to be about 85 and super humid tomorrow, not real scortching, just good and warm.....take care
  18. Thanx for the "Push" in the right direction Guys.....Fred
  19. I like this method of diverting these calls, heck Todd, my Wife should know how to do this on our phone service, she works for Ma Bell....
  20. Hi all, tomorrow there is a Mopar only car show, at a large Chrysler dealership in Winnipeg, and there is a cruise get together not far from home also. The big Mopar show, ill have lots of the muscle car types, as well, I know another guy who has a 1948 Chrysler, that is in minty sahpe that will be attending. The small cruise get together, is a get together for another Gent I know who owns a 1947 Chrysler T&C Convertable, real nice piece of luxury. My car still is not finished, has rally no interior other than the seats and carpets, seats have blankets over them, my paint job is a home job, not very good, with a few major runs, my bumper chrome is in real bad shape. Now I am getting cold feet on attending either event, I am embarrased about my car, I know it is not as nice as what will be there. It is going to hot tomorrow, the city and the highway going in will be packed with traffic, so I am even a little nervous about the drive there. Not looking for any sympathy, but my fear of what my car is lacking, is making me think I should stay away from these events, till I can ge the car to a higher degree of restoration................... Fred
  21. John, glad to hear you didn't have the tie rod connection fail at high speed, someone is looking after you 2, thats for sure. Sorry to hear you are still not feeling well, and I hope things get better in the coming days, all the best to you and your Family John, take care..............Fred
  22. Arthur, that car looks mighty "Fine", how about some pics of the car from some different angles, nice car, wish mine were as nice......Fred
  23. Hi all, was just outside in my hot, humid yard, and going back and forth to the garage, trying to wire a beat-up utility trailer I have, and let me tell you the skeeters are worse than I have ever seen all this summer. Now the phone in the garage starts ringing, and I answer it as my phone in the shop does not have a caller ID display, I hear noise, and people, then this telemarketer, named John states he is calling from Laredo Texas, this is 7:45 PM on Sunday night. I then tell John, poliltely, what on earth is he doing calling me from Laredo Texas on a Sunday night, he asks can I call tomorrow, I say no, it's Labor day tomorrow, you should be taking a break that day, as I plan to do. He does'nt know what to say, he asks can I call next week, I say sure, knowing I will be at work. He then says good bye, and I hang up, 2 minutes later he call back as for Mr B, as he did the first time, I then say to him, now John you just called me, don't you think you should be home with the family on Sunday night instead of phoning me, 1600 miles to the north, he gets real flustered and apologizes, I then say good bye and end the conversation. Now I know people need to earn money,work, pay bills etc, but on Sunday night, didn't even ask what he was trying to sell me from Laredo Texas, either, not sure if he was some kind of a scammer, but he sure didn't know what to make of me. The worst it is so humid up here, the skeeters are so bad, had to come into the house, thank God for central AC........
  24. Go to ths website for www.imperialclub.com, as well as yahoos PWHM 1946 to 1948 Chryslers. These 2 websites havea lot of info on these cars, there mechanicals etc, especially the M5 M6 transmissions. You really should get on-line and order the shop manual for this car, you can alo get it from Roberts on the East Coast. The manual is a wealth of info for your car, as well it has the complete wiring diagram you will need for the re-wire job. On converting to 12 volt, you can use voltage reducers for the gas gauge,wiper motor,heater motor, the radio, is polarity sensitive, not sure what you need to do there. Usinga GM single wire alt you can easily faba mount, and have the wide belt pulley installed on the alt itself. You see with the tip-toe trans, the engine needs to idle down to like 450 to 500 rpm, to up shift, it also hasa kick down, to drop to a 3rd gear from 4th on the highway. Tehy are reputed to be great bullet proof trannies, once it is functioning and is well maintianed....Good Luck
  25. Don't forget the Ladies......
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