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John Fleming

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Everything posted by John Fleming

  1. Car is 1948 P15 sorry for the keyboard error !
  2. I purchased a new reproduction emblem. I would like to communicate with anyone who has replaced the old emblem with the new one. how did you remove the original plastic disc and its metal retaining ring. I am afraid the speaker grill will be damaged if I attempt to remove this part. Please send your suggestions. I have owned my P19 since 1972.
  3. Can you tell us about your tachometer and how it is wired ?
  4. I have a Duracell 6 volt in my 48 P15 . I did buy it from Batteries Plus. I chose Batteries Plus because their battery had the newest date of manufacture . Also look for a battery that has the highest cold cranking amp rating. When my car is not in use it is connected to a two amp battery maintainer. Be advised that many maintainers will indicate a battery is charged even when it fails a load test .
  5. Keith , If you are currently using a four blade fan consider a fan with a larger number of blades. This change was helpful on my P15. Also what coolant are you using . Many owners in my area use a 50/50 pre mix and ad red line water wetter . This also can be helpful. I live in South West Florida no hills just temps in the mid 90's.
  6. I recently replaced the head gasket on my P15 Plymouth 1948. I used modern Felpro gasket . The gasket fits one way copper side to block . I called Felpro and was told to use copper spray gasket sealer on the copper side of gasket that seals to engine block. No sealer was used on the side which is to cylinder head. Thread sealer was used on the cylinder head bolts which go through the water jacket . No water leaks observed. Best wishes for a successful project.
  7. Back in the late sixty's truck driver who learned his trade in the army made this statement . An engine often lugged will consume oil. run hot . and have head gasket failure . The man drove a tanker truck and delivered Exon gas to service stations.
  8. Service manual warns against putting sealer on the head bolts which pass through the intake. Using the torque sequence as a number guide , what are the numbers of the three bolts . My guess would be 3==6==?
  9. Was the water leak between the water neck and the cylinder head ?
  10. It is my goal to replace the head gasket of the 218 engine in my P15. I have carefully read Head Gaskets by Frank Gooz December 25 ,2020. Today I ordered a Fel Pro gasket to replace the failed gasket . If you have done this job please share your knowledge and experience. Is their a top and bottom side of the new gasket. If so are they clearly marked. Should gasket sealer be used on one or both sides of the gasket. If one side which side . What gasket sealer is correct for this job ? Please provide name and brand of the correct sealer. Please share any does or do nots that will help me complete this job correctly. Each time I lean to complete a task on my P15 I become aware of the many things I do not know !
  11. Each of the responses to this topic has provided well thought out information. My experience is with a P15 . I live in the greater Tampa Bay area of Florida. In the run of a year the temp is not below freezing for more than ten days . Temp below mid twenty's most rare. In this area a radiator must be in top condition. The coolant super clean 50/50 pre mix . A racer stay cool product or water wetter also helps .I prefer a four blade fan and original type bellows 160 thermostat. On this day the temp is in the 90s in the shade . The feels like temp is in the 100s.
  12. My sincere thank you for the several people who answered my question. My tentative plan is to use 205/75R15 radial on the original wheels. I know the diameter is smaller by approximately one and one half inches. I am told 295/75R15 radial tires vary only fraction of an inch in diameter from one brand to another. Please keep your old cars safe and check your tires.
  13. What size radial works best. My 1948 Plymouth P15 has original type 15X4.5'' wheels. Original tire size 670X15 bias ply. Tire size comparison charts are useful but real world experience is best. I would like to switch to radial tires. If you are using radial tires on a P15 with good results please tell tire size .
  14. O'Reilly Auto Parts has a 17'' corer. You can view the cover on their web sight. I like the look and feel of the cover even if steering wheel is in good shape.
  15. Glad you got it free to turn over. Nothing succeeds like success . Please buy the best wire harness you can find
  16. My statement was not correct . This front end is not original.
  17. A big thank you to the members who shared information . I made a bracket and installed it problem solved. This forum is great . Respectfully John Fleming
  18. A big thankyou to Eneto-55 for the dimensions of the bracket. Please tell me what the bracket attaches too .
  19. Terry my suggestion have your car looked over by an experienced restoration shop. Have the shop inspect the frame , the suspension and the fuel system as well as wheels and tires . If these parts are safe and sound next have a complete brake system check . If problems are found in these areas do not drive the car. Have it brought back to home on a rollback . If no problems are found enjoy the drive home.
  20. I am requesting information about part number 952585 . Clutch release fork pull back bracket . My parts book does show a very small drawing of the part. I would like to know the size of this part and were it is located on the car. A verbal description, drawing, picture , or full size tracing will be most helpful . Please share your knowledge with me a fellow P15 owner.
  21.  can any one supply a picture or drawing to describe   the addition of duel purpose pump fuel and vacuum in to a car  that was not originally equipped that way.  

  22. If car is to be towed a good distance remove the drive shaft. Shaft out will save movement of U joints shaft and transmission .
  23. As an owner of a P15 coupe I have made many repairs and adjustments on my car. The door weather strip needs to be be replaced . This will be my first time to replace weatherstrip . I have purchased the new weatherstrip from a respected company . Instructions not included . If you have replaced your weatherstrip please suggest does and don'ts based on your experience . I am an old timer wanting to learn a new skill. How should new weatherstrip be held in place until adhesive sets ? What did you use to remove remains of old weatherstrip and old adhesive ? Thank you in advance for any information .
  24. Members I respectfully ask if you have used manifold dressing on the exhaust and or intake manifold of your project car? Were you able to apply the dressing with the manifolds on the car ? Do you feel that the result improved the look of your engine ? I ask about wipe on dressing not paint . Please share any experience with manifold dressing .
  25. Don please do not give up on your self . We all get a day older each day. I will be seventy in November . When you are rested and recovered from your trip things may look different. Speaking of the car . The rubber gear shift grommet that fits between the shift rod and the lever attached to the searing column under the hood may have fell off. This is an easy fix that can be done with out getting under the car ! It is too easy for all of us to just stay in the house. Please keep at least one project car . Having one to work on keeps our hands and minds active. Get out side for an hour at least three times a week to clean paint or adjust something on that car. Also keep a good daily driver even if is sits more than it rolls . Go to car shows and share your knowledge with young people . Get out and go even if you no longer show your project car. I hope to meet you at a show in the future.
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