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Or the big race 1.1, Or the famous ride of Paul Revere, or the revenge of Boston baked beans.....

I have been working in Boston all week and my ARCH RACE RIVAL Pete (blueskies) Anderson has been in town conventioning all week. We spoke on the phone a few minutes ago and made plans to meet for food and good spirits tomorrow evening. Got everything mapped out and I am ready to party.




Just returned from meeting with Pete and his wife. What a great time we had! Pete took a couple of pictures and I am sure he will post them on his return home. We ate at the above linked eatery and then went to the "CHEERS" bar looking for Norm. My belly still hurts from all the laughing we did tonight. It is really great to connect with members of this forum. Now I have to figgure out how I can get 8 hours sleep in 4 hours and report to work in the morning with a clear head:D

Don' date=' did they let you sit on my stool?:D[/quote']


I did not sit on your stool. However I am hoping that Pete posts the picture he took of me pointing to a can of nuts with your name on it. Believe it said "Norms nuts":D

Course we all knew that already:cool:


I did not sit on your stool. However I am hoping that Pete posts the picture he took of me pointing to a can of nuts with your name on it. Believe it said "Norms nuts":D

Course we all knew that already:cool:

Well.........maybe I'll just buy a can of those nuts sometime in the next few years. Wife has been bugging me to go to San Francisco, Boston and London (among other places).:rolleyes: Since I'm running out of excuses I guess I'll have to start going to those places. So, if and when I get to Boston, I will buy some of Norm's Nuts and sit on my stool with a cool one. Hmmmmmmmm........wonder if they still have a running tab for me.:D


Couldn't find my camera cord this morning... Will post pics tomorrow...

Had a great time in Boston, knocking back a few cocktails with my ARCH RACE RIVAL Don Coatney was a highlight.

Found out yesterday that we won the AIA Convention give away... a 2008 Honda Civic Hybrid... Looks like it was worth the trip :D.

More to come-



Now I dont feel so guilty about you picking up the $$$$tab at Cheers:D CONGRATULATIONSicon14.gif

Well, as they say, there's no such thing as a free lunch... the car is worth $23,000, so I will have to pay state and federal taxes on that amount... plus doc fees, liscense, shipping, actual value of the car over the giveaway amount, etc, etc. But it is still worth doing, even if I just sell it.

Unfortunately, the sweepstakes only deals with three Honda dealers, and the LA dealer doesn't have any of the cars. That leaves Chicago as the next closest... That will probably mean about $1k in shipping.

With gas at $4 a gallon here, I might just unload my Toyota FJ Cruiser and be rid of the payment. I'll save over $200 a month on fuel costs by driving the Honda, which will pay back the loan for the taxes, etc.

Oh and Don, no need to feel guilty about the tab, your turn is on the salt.




I think we discovered why Norm's car never leaves his driveway... seems he's missing something that wound up in Boston... :D


Thanks for the laughs Don, Kristin and I had a great time.

As ususual, hit reload to see the pics that won't otherwise show themselves...




I think you and Don had one too many Irish Coffee's while at Cheers.:)

Congratulations on winning the car. Paying the taxes is a bummer though. I'm never lucky enough to win anything. However, if I were to win a car I think I'd take the money instead. That way, they can just deduct the taxes out of the cash. Then I can take the balance and do what I want to with it. Did they give that option.

... if I were to win a car I think I'd take the money instead...

Not an option with the sweepstakes rules, I have to decline the win or take the car...

But I think I want it anyway, it gets 3 times better mileage than anything else we own.


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