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Best deal on a new "0" gauge battery cable?

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The clamp that goes on the battery post cracked on my 47 Plymouth. Andy Bernbaum has one for $18.00. (Negative). Are his cables a good deal? Or are there better ones out there? Ed P.



I bought the three cables from Andy B. Both battery cables were the same just different lengths. The cable from solenoid to starter was to long. The cables are made like they were sixty years ago. And in my opinion that is were the simularity ends



According to his site his cables are cloth wrapped like the originals so if you are looking for authenticity his are a good deal even after paying shipping. If you're not looking for show quality then you could do better buying the wire and terminals at your local store and making up your own.


Any decent auto store should be able to make cables for you. I went to NAPA and told them the length and size. Took a day to get the heavier cable from the warehouse but they crimped them right there. Wayne P.


I ordered premade cables from Napa. I got 1 gauge but the catalog showed 0 also. I believe they were about 15 each last spring.


Do you have a battery specialty store in your area? I went to a local

place called Battery Warehouse and took my old cables for examples on

length. They made up some 00 gauge replacements from a roll of wire

and installed the ends on them. About $35 for all. ( I have a couple

more cables than normal due to a cutoff switch.)

I think some have used welding cable for their car stuff.


Rhode Island Wiring! There cable is 5.50 a foot, but it is rubber covered wire which is then cloth covered. They sell all the ends and everything that you need. The ends say solder on, but if you push the wire in and give it a good rap with a hammer it is as solid as can be. I think I replaced all my battery wires with good looking 0 gauge for about 30 bucks including ends.



I bought a set of 0 gauge battery cables for my coupe from NAPA. Think I paid about $20 or $30 for the pair. The clamps were already on and all sealed just like the cables for new cars. Just tell them how long each has to be and they can match a pair from stock to fit.

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