clay diggs Posted January 31, 2008 Report Posted January 31, 2008 High winds in eastern Arkansas yesterday, late in the afternoon, took out half of my hickory tree, several sections of wooden fence and a couple of power lines, thus no electricity. A good wood stove, a kerosene lamp and a good book made a good night, but I missed the forum until the power came back on. Clay Quote
Ed Griffin Posted January 31, 2008 Report Posted January 31, 2008 It was pretty bad wasn't it Clay? Got the same just over the river here but now have been watching the weather to see if it is going to be snow, sleet or rain. Look's like ya'll got some snow early this morning. Woke up to sleet abt 2:30 am here so far. Ed Quote
55 Fargo Posted January 31, 2008 Report Posted January 31, 2008 Ed and Clay,its -18 here this morning, it was supposed to be -32 overnight, but did not drop that low. Temps will now be around 0 to -5 overnight and 10 to 15 during the day. Alot better than the -30 stuff, we usually get a week or 2 of the -30 to -35 stuff here every winter. Clay you need a generator for the pwer outages so you can get on the forum.............................Fred Quote
Ed Griffin Posted January 31, 2008 Report Posted January 31, 2008 Fred, I've noticed the various minus temps posted in the past and just shake my head when reading it. I imagine those who make these posts do the same thing during the summer when we talk abt how hot and humid it gets. While working at a nuke plant in Michigan on Lake Mich. I learned that after it gets so cold you cant tell the difference unless there is wind and humidity involved. Then it goes straight through you. To get to the plant from the parking lot I would wear Browning artic boots with gortex liners, a gortex hunting ski mask, an artic coat and black lined Carharts under all that including my long johns and regular cloths. Not to mention the goggles just to see where I was going. I prefer winter over summer for one reason only. In the winter you can add as many cloths to your body as possible. In the summer you can only take off so much. Even then I dont see how one lives under those harsh conditions you guys go through each year yet you probably say the same about the heat and humidity we have here. All that you see that they are getting in the northwest came through here and if it were colder we would have surely gotten white outs. Wind came through here around 60mph along with tornado watchs because it was around 68 degrees on one side of the front and a drop of 30 degrees on the other side which was not far from each other. Snow would be nice about this time as long as the roads don't ice over. Thats when the bumper cars come out to play. Quote
Young Ed Posted January 31, 2008 Report Posted January 31, 2008 Well I went to the store last night. It was below 0 and with the wind maybe 35 below. BRRRR And Ed it can still get pretty hot here in summer too. 90s high humidity ick! Quote
55 Fargo Posted January 31, 2008 Report Posted January 31, 2008 Hi Ed, you are right-20 when there is no wind and dry does not feel worse than 20 to 30 with wind and humidity, it is the windchill and humidity that cuts right through you. Yesterday it was aorund -15 out, and a wind with -40 windchill, I put on insultated coveralls,sorel boots 1992 models hat wore sweats and a fleece jacket under this. I went out to my parts car and removed a wiper motor, I was not cold in the least. It gets warm and humid here in summer, I live 9 miles from Lake Winnipeg, it is the size of Lake Erie, so the humidity, the hot summer air that blows from the south make 85 to 90 degree days common in July and August. Our weather is much like Minneapolis, or Fargo ND..............Fred ps we get killer tornadoes last year one made CNN news it was so bad, electrical storms here each summer, so winter is harsh for about 2 months, but summer is hot and humid for 2 months, from May till the end of september it is nice here, some years it gets nice and warm in April if were lucky...........Fred Quote
55 Fargo Posted January 31, 2008 Report Posted January 31, 2008 Here is the Tornadoe at Elie, 20 miles west of Winnipeg Manitoba, my thermometer is showing 120, it wa about 95 that day in July......fred Quote
Dennis Hemingway Posted January 31, 2008 Report Posted January 31, 2008 clay, You must have got the wind we had on Monday. We had winds of over 60mph here, I have been repairing the damage for the last 2 days. I lost 2 fences and had 2 plastic storage sheds blow over. Dennis:mad: Quote
Heavy Flat Head Posted January 31, 2008 Report Posted January 31, 2008 The Canadians finally took back there weather. It is back into the middle 40’s and rain. We have about another month to get through without any real snow and we should be home safe. The Mountains in Oregon and Washington are getting buried in snow this year; hopefully we should not have to hear about a water shortage this year. It has snowed so much in the mountains that one town south east of Portland (Detroit Lakes) has asked FEMA for help on removing the snow. The town is buried to the roof tops and has run out of places to push it to? Thank you Canadians (Fred) for taking all that cold air back. Know all I have to worry about weather wise; RAIN, RAIN, and more RAIN. Quote
Don Coatney Posted January 31, 2008 Report Posted January 31, 2008 In the summer you can only take off so much.. Fast Eddie Spaghetti; One thing I have learned in life is it is much more fun to remove clothes than to put them on... Get with the program:cool: Quote
littleman Posted February 1, 2008 Report Posted February 1, 2008 The Zen master DC,, enough said Quote
Dennis Hemingway Posted February 3, 2008 Report Posted February 3, 2008 High winds in eastern Arkansas yesterday. Clay Clay Hold on again if what we have here comes your way you are doing to have high winds again. We are having winds in the 50-60 mph range at this time. Dennis:mad: Quote
Normspeed Posted February 3, 2008 Report Posted February 3, 2008 I'm down the hill from Dennis's high desert. Cool and rainy here but just a little gusty wind. 46 degrees F on the patio. I've been working outside most of the day, under cover. Not too bad. Quote
james curl Posted February 3, 2008 Report Posted February 3, 2008 Here in central Texas under partly cloudy skies with a gentle southeast wind 77 degrees. Quote
steveplym Posted February 3, 2008 Report Posted February 3, 2008 After 60 degrees last Tuesday, then severe storms and lots of wind. We got 5 inches of snow and ice thurs night. Then it is 49 degrees here today and expected to be 62 again tomorrow with more storms. Guess if you don't like the weather wait a day. Quote
Norm's Coupe Posted February 3, 2008 Report Posted February 3, 2008 The cold isn't so bad if you dress for it. Don't need a lot. Just a nice Snowmobile Suit, hat, pair of rubber boots for over the shoes and gloves and you're good to go anywhere. Under the snowmobile suit all you need is a flannel shirt and normal clothes. Anything more and you start to sweat if you're doing something outside, even at 10 to 20 below zero. Never owned a snowmobile, bought the suit to ride a motorcycle in the cold weather. Don't own a motorcycle anymore, but still have the suit and wear it for working outside in the winter now. Best thing I ever bought was the snowmobile suit. If it ever wears out I'll be buying another one. A day like today when it's about 28 degrees out, I'd have to unzip the front a little so I don't overheat. Quote
Dennis Hemingway Posted February 3, 2008 Report Posted February 3, 2008 Just got the electric power, internet, and cable TV back on. We had wind guts over 75 mph and everything went down. Now we have winds of 39 mph with the temp in the 50's. Hope to be able to keep the TV working for the game. Dennis:rolleyes: Quote
55 Fargo Posted February 4, 2008 Report Posted February 4, 2008 I have the cotton duck insulated coveralls, dress with a few layers and a fleece jacket and your good to go. But to be honest the weather in most of the northern USA including your area Norm is no where near as cold as the Prairie region of Canada, especially Manitoba, this cold by the time February rolls around drives a person nuts, it is very hard on mechanical equipment including cars. This year it has not been too bad around here, plus we have way less snow than normal. I still think I would prefer a winter climate of 60 in the day and 25 to 30 at night, that would not be so hard to take. Quote
Norm's Coupe Posted February 4, 2008 Report Posted February 4, 2008 Fred, We've already hit our annual winter snow fall for this winter as of the other day at 52 inches since beginning of December. If we get the average for the rest of the winter we could be up to about 75 or 80 inches. Luckily it's been a warm winter so far though and we only have about 4 to 6 inches on the ground right now. It's snowing now. Quote
55 Fargo Posted February 4, 2008 Report Posted February 4, 2008 Hi Bob T. of Joplin, what is going on there today, its' 76 and expecting a thundershower, this is Feb4 is it not. Joplin is only 900 miles south of here, it is only about 10 or 15 above here today, wow you guys are having a better winter than last year.................Fred Quote
Rodney Bullock Posted February 4, 2008 Report Posted February 4, 2008 Fast Eddie Spaghetti;One thing I have learned in life is it is much more fun to remove clothes than to put them on... Get with the program:cool: don't listen Ed, like Louis Jordan says" tell em no, stay away from that Beware":D I feel for you all in the north please be carefull. Quote
steveplym Posted February 12, 2008 Report Posted February 12, 2008 Big ice storm still rolling thru down here now. Lots of power outages and trees down. Got about 4-5 inches of ice. Low of 12 tonight so it's gonna stay around for a while. It was 55 degrees on Saturday. 70 degrees last Tuesday with tornados in the area. Crazy weather. Quote
Norm's Coupe Posted February 12, 2008 Report Posted February 12, 2008 Big ice storm still rolling thru down here now. Lots of power outages and trees down. Got about 4-5 inches of ice. Low of 12 tonight so it's gonna stay around for a while. It was 55 degrees on Saturday. 70 degrees last Tuesday with tornados in the area. Crazy weather. Saw that on the news this morning. Guess all you guys from southern IL through Kentucky & Tennessee are getting the same thing. We got about 15" or more of snow a few days ago, now we're getting another 4 to 6 today. Seems like every week we have to clean up the snow at least once or twice a week since December 3rd. It's starting to get a little old, I'm ready for spring now. I will say though, I'd rather have the snow than all that ice. Quote
Heavy Flat Head Posted February 12, 2008 Report Posted February 12, 2008 I hope this gives all of you a little light at the end of the tunnel. Today in the Pacific Northwest a little rain around fifty three degrees, turing to partly coludy. By Monday in the lower sixties. Spring is trying to get a toe hold hear. Now back to work (Plymouth that is). :D :D :D I can only use ten images? Bummer. Ed. Quote
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