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Is the advice found in other forums ok,

to put anti- freeze with silicate in our 50ies engines??


Tks, even if answered 100 times- then just put a link please!





In the older flat head engines you should be using the old original GREEN colored antifreese and not the newer modern 100000 mile AF.


I had a conversation with a Prestone rep and he also stated that the original green AF is the only product that should be used ALso suggest that you also put in a bottle of antirusting agent which comes in an 11 oz bottle this chemical helps prevent rust from forming and keeps the antirusting agents active in the AF.  I put in a bottle of the antirusting agent every fall.


Rich Hartung


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The color of antifreeze means nothing anymore. There are at least three green colored antifreeze types out there, all different additives.


If you want the original type make sure it is IAT, inorganic additive technology.








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I have written to the Prestone corp regarding what specific product line in their products will be the best one to use in our cast iron blocks in requard to the IAT versus the  OAT versions.  When I receie their reply I will post the information.


Rich Hartung

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Most modern engines still have iron blocks.  So I would be surprised any of them would be unacceptable based on block material.


I run OAT, specifically this one.


I just had a very interesting phone conversation with a tech rep from Valvoline in regards to their Zerex Original Green Antifreeze Coolant.  This coolent is an IAT type of collent and this is the product that they recommend to be used in out older cast iron block engine.


Make sure that the bottle has the wording ORIGINAL Green  and the part number on the container is listed as ZX001  ZEREX Original Green. This comes in a 50/50 mixture.


This product is good for 5 years or 100k miles but their tech rep states that we should basically drain every 3 years to keep up the anti rusting agent.


Also if you had used the type that has the OAT products that you should drain the system and flush becasue they have found that some of the gaskets and seals do get compromizsed.


attached is the Tech sheet on the Zerex Original Green product.


Hope this solves the question on AF.


Rich Hartung



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