Plymouthy Adams Posted November 2, 2007 Report Posted November 2, 2007 I tell ya...the shot came from the grassy knoll...worked in Dallas.... Quote
chucky07 Posted November 3, 2007 Report Posted November 3, 2007 sorry to hear you were burglarized..glad they didnt try to jump you when you got home... Where I live...anything you leave outside will be gone the next day...I've had my stereo and speakes stolen from my from back of truck etc... The best part is I live about 2 blocks from Police Station...And when you call to report something stolen they act like "big deal", they're a bunch of kids who call themselves cops....they wont even take a report. I wish they'd be a little more harsh on thieves...Here they just slap your wrist if you get caught stealing..a little fine and maybe probation..I think it takes 20 or 30 convictions to really do some time...It's outrageous if you ask me! I just hope a thief never brakes in on me while I'm I am heavily armed and quite capable of using my firearms... Quote
Norm's Coupe Posted November 3, 2007 Report Posted November 3, 2007 I was selling a used washer and dryer and when the man was on his way over my wife (she's the smart one of the family) told me to drag it out of my shop so some stranger wouldn't get a peek inside my shop. I thought that was a great idea. Usually when I have an old appliance to get rid of, I pull the motor if it's still good, then set the item on the curb for the garbage men to pick up. Usually, within 24 hours it's gone because some junk man drives by and takes it. Do the same thing with old furniture we don't want anymore. It's just not worth the hassle to try and sell that stuff. Don't get that much money for it anyway by the time you pay for an ad in the paper. Never have a rummage or garage sale. Small stuff we'll usually give to Good Will etc, or if it's worth anything at all and small I might put it on ebay. That is providing it's small enough for me to mail. That way no one ever comes in the house to look at stuff. Quote
Norm's Coupe Posted November 3, 2007 Report Posted November 3, 2007 sorry to hear you were burglarized..glad they didnt try to jump you when you got home...Where I live...anything you leave outside will be gone the next day...I've had my stereo and speakes stolen from my from back of truck etc... The best part is I live about 2 blocks from Police Station...And when you call to report something stolen they act like "big deal", they're a bunch of kids who call themselves cops....they wont even take a report. I wish they'd be a little more harsh on thieves...Here they just slap your wrist if you get caught stealing..a little fine and maybe probation..I think it takes 20 or 30 convictions to really do some time...It's outrageous if you ask me! I just hope a thief never brakes in on me while I'm I am heavily armed and quite capable of using my firearms... If your going to break the law, the best place to do it is right in front of the police station. When I first started selling on the road back in the late 60's my local Chicago territory was in the worst part of Chicago. One day I had an appointment at a plant that was really in the worst of the worst part of the city. Got there and the gate to their parking lot was locked and no one there to let you in the lot. Drove around the streets looking for street parking. None to be had for at least 2 blocks away. No way I was going to walk around that neighborhood for 2 blocks. However, right in front of the plant was a spot, but it had a fireplug there. Looked across the street and there was a district police station. Hmmmmm......I thought, I'm parking in front of this fireplug anyway. If I have a ticket when I come out, I'll chalk it up to parking on my expense report. (back then it was only a $5 ticket). I was in that plant for over an hour. Came out and NO TICKET. You'd think one of those Chicago cops would have noticed that car sitting there that long. I think what may have saved me was the fact that I was driving a current year Impala 2 door hardtop company car. Had blackwalls and looked like it could have been a plain cloths cop car. However it did have Ohio license plates on it, in Chicago. Quote
Don Coatney Posted November 3, 2007 Report Posted November 3, 2007 You'd think one of those Chicago cops would have noticed that car sitting there that long. I think what may have saved me was the fact that I was driving a current year Impala 2 door hardtop company car. Had blackwalls and looked like it could have been a plain cloths cop car. However it did have Ohio license plates on it' date=' in Chicago.[/quote']Why back when (I think around 1969) I was working for a company in Chicago. The company I worked for had an old (66 I think) furd van for sale. I bought this van (remember this was the hippie days) and drove it home to Ohio where I was living at the time. However I did not buy plates for it. I was stopped a few miles from where I bought it in Chicago and questioned about the lack of plates. Gave the fuzz a song and dance and they let me go. I was not stopped again and made it all the way home. Drove that van for a couple of years. Hippie days were good:) Quote
Norm's Coupe Posted November 3, 2007 Report Posted November 3, 2007 Why back when (I think around 1969) I was working for a company in Chicago. The company I worked for had an old (66 I think) furd van for sale. I bought this van (remember this was the hippie days) and drove it home to Ohio where I was living at the time. However I did not buy plates for it. I was stopped a few miles from where I bought it in Chicago and questioned about the lack of plates. Gave the fuzz a song and dance and they let me go. I was not stopped again and made it all the way home. Drove that van for a couple of years. Hippie days were good:) Don, that sounds about right for Chicago cops back then. When I got out of the Army in July 67 I moved to Chicago. However, I still had a valid Kentucky drivers license because I had just renewed them before getting out of the army. You were supposed to get a new Illinois license within 30 days after moving there. Well.........30 days turned into a little over a year. One night about 11 PM the wife and I was on the way home from the doctors office. (yes that doctor had appointments up until 2 AM). One of the kids was ill at the time. Anyway on the way home, I got stopped for going a little too fast. Cop ask for my drivers license, so I whipped out my Kentucky license and handed it to him. He shook his head and ask why I had a Kentucky license, driving a car with Ohio plates and living in Chicago. I explained I just never got around to changing the license and the car was a company car. He then said, I'm letting you off this time because I'd have to take you to the station to check that out, but you better get your drivers license changed. Guess it was his quitting time and didn't want the hassle. Quote
1just4don Posted November 3, 2007 Report Posted November 3, 2007 Had a guy 'give' us a 50 Dodge we used as a 'hunting' car. Had paper (hand written on a scrap piece of paper) with the words "In Transent" on it. In country spotlighting for raccoons. State patrol pulls us over and asks what we are doing,,,whole car load of high school kids. We replied we are coon hunting(quite illegal) and reached in the trunk and showed him a dead coon(quite stupid),,,anyway he says"Oh is that what your up to,,,behave yourselves, goodnight!!!" We always happened to change the paper in transet sign a few times too, to keep with in the day limit of those!! had to have a date written on them,,,quite useless actually!! The trooper never even blinked or asked us about registration!! Would NEVER work that way today,,,they would have you jailed and fined up the whazoo. Quote
Ed Griffin Posted November 4, 2007 Report Posted November 4, 2007 Hate to hear what happened and glad "you" are safe regardless of the valued items stolen. I can say I've been there and done that to most all post's made on being "violated" of items in the past. The one time we had to move in apartments was the worst 1 yr experiance of thievery I ever experianced and taught me several things. One that the cops dont care even if you can show fingerprints of the thief and two you have to take care of yourself to prevent theives. My first measure was to purchase a silent alarm with a beeper from radio shack. Sensors mounted on the doors and beeper in the apartment so they can be caught redhanded. This was only for my 67 Ford truck that kept being broke into. If using a dog in your home or garage to keep out thieves, make sure he's good and mean. They put our setter in another room as they stole several items. As for a rigged shotgun all your doing is asking for trouble legally and a possible accident. Dixie Gun Works does carry one or two replica type pistols that used to be used for the same reason. They mount to the door and are triggered when opened. Even then I would be afraid of the legality of it's use. With that in mind you could always use the old fashion "rock salt" method instead of lead to "blow out" those varments. Quote
BobT-47P15 Posted November 5, 2007 Report Posted November 5, 2007 When I went out to get the newspaper this morning, I found that my car cover was missing from the 54 Plymouth. Had been on for several days, but did not use the cable that runs underneath the car and locks it. It is sitting right by the street in the side yard. Ah well. Guess I may stop by our local P D and tell them that if they somehow run across such an item, it would probably be mine. Quote
builtfercomfort Posted November 5, 2007 Report Posted November 5, 2007 There is an outfit that sells pepper spray alarms - when the bad guys break in the big can of pepper spray fogs them - more meant for gunshops and smaller places than a large shop, but maybe adaptable to this. Sort of the non-lethal shotgun trap idea. Charlie, sorry about the loss of your dog. The big ones, sadly, don't last as long. Hang in there, buddy. Quote
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