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OT Hey Canadians, Come on Down

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Looks like the Looney has surpassed the USD on the currancy market. Everythings on clearence. Bring some beer when you come. We'll have a party.


Yep, our dollar actually closed higher than yours the last couple of days which is the first time it has happened since 1976. The trip idea sounds good, Greg. Only problem is I live 60 miles from the border but about 2500 miles from you. If you pay for the gas, I'll bring the beer. Even though my '48 Dodge D25 is a Club Coupe it can still haul quite a bit in its trunk. I know the car would make it but there is only one small problem. I might drink most of the beer on the way down to you. :P Maybe we could meet at Norm's place in Wisconsin as he would be kinda midway.



Places like Grand Forks and Fargo ND have a lot of Manitoba plates in there shopping mall parking lots. Canadians are starting to take advantage of a high dollar value. Now if I had any money, now would be the time to order my new gas tank, from tanksinc., in Minnesota.


Article on our news last week said Canadians outnumber Americans at A Great Falls car dealer.

How about y'all come on up here. Soon there will be good skiing, but not right to the igloo door. ;)

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