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wire wheel help 33 plym sedan?????

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Wood wheels in good condition are very strong — by 1933 only the spokes were wood and the felloes (outer rim) were steel.

If your wood is sound and the spokes tight you should be fine. If the wood is poor, the wheels can be re-spoked at far less cost that a good set of wires.

The only wood that should be used in wheels is hickory which is very strong and resistant to repetitive stress (think hickory hammer handles). Oak has a tendency to break at the most inopportune times.

These guys are in western PA and have an excellent reputation: http://www.calimerswheelshop.com/


Wood spoked wheels have a certain panache that looks great on some vehicles of that period. Really sets them appart from the rest of the crowd. Remember wood spokes wheels transported many thousands of folks from the east coast to the west. I for one would leave what you have and just make sure they are mechanically sound.

Wood spoked wheels have a certain panache that looks great on some vehicles of that period. Really sets them appart from the rest of the crowd. Remember wood spokes wheels transported many thousands of folks from the east coast to the west. I for one would leave what you have and just make sure they are mechanically sound.

good point i think i might do that. who would i go to to make sure they are in good shape?

good point i think i might do that. who would i go to to make sure they are in good shape?

You might check post #2...

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