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Or are the Mopar gods frowning on us in general. I was pulling my carb apart for a cleaning and rebuilding and managed to break the clip/spring that holds the float in place. having just bought a kit I figured no problem well wouldn't you know it NO SPRING. anyone know a source.



Visit this website and contact Jon who is the owner and tell him what you're looking for. A fellow i work with has used them for carb parts on his old Buicks and says that he's been happy with the service and parts.



The first time I took apart the Stromberg on the '49, that spring split in two...that was back in '04. I took a battery contact (made of spring steel) out of an old radio that had gone kaput and made a replacement...it took some whittlin', but I made it fit. All that clip has to do is keep the float pin in place, so it don't have to be perfect :cool:


Mine broke on me during a quick carb repair on the end of the driveway. I just cut a piece of thin brass sheet and made a replacement. It has been there since. Not to tough to do either, so if you don't find one, try making one.

This was on a carter B&B, so your situation may vary depending on what carb you have.


While replacing the wiper blades on the '02 CTD, I noticed that the spring steel strips that secure the wiper blade rubber to the wiper blade frame are about the same thickness & width as the float pin retaining spring. I'll have to do some carb work on the '49, so I might be able to confirm this soon :cool:

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