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Had to be uptown this morning..got there early, had a little time to kill and was but a couple minutes of the junkyard that had many 40's through 60's cars. I arrived on the scene and back up a bit to allow the last semi leave with the last 12 crushed cars on board. This guy was setting on a gold mine..as I was told, long story short..EPA moved in after man failed to heed warning and clean up the few infractions..EPA went to court, court took control of the property, contracted out the cleanup of the yard..after the EPA releases the property for a good bill of health the family may get the property back..may..of course it may have to be sold to pay the cost of the clean up..one does not know as the dust is not settled..

2500 cars and trucks smashed flat..none were to be sold locally by court order as I understand it..crying shame..


long back I posted some pictures of this yard on here..I have them on file yet on the computer somewhere..Sorry Rodney..two big finned Hawks flattened..along with a P15 and a D24, large mid 40's Dodge bus...plus many other various makes and models..some fairly large number of big block Mopars of the HP days..I had stopped by as I also recalled they had one LBC like I am currently dealing with..

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