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My winter driver is a 2002 Durango with a 360. It sits for months without being used. Drove it a week ago and the a/c - heater blower only worked on high. Did some testing and replaced the blower resistor (15.00). After replacing it the blower worker as it should. Drove the truck today and it only works on high again. Can the blower motor be drawing to much current and killing the resistor? Blower seems to run quiet and smooth. Anyone got any ideas on this? One of the last times the truck was driven was in the blizzard we had in Chicago in Febuary. Everything under the hood was covered with snow when I got home, thought this might have created the problem but the resistor is under the dash.


I bought an '02 Durango new and that happened to mine twice while it was still under warranty. The mechanic told me he replaced a lot of those resistors. Not sure if there ever was a permanent fix..............tim


probably a TSB on it but since its not safety related, no recall. The default for the heater fan is full speed, when the switch craps out most run at full speed as the switch is a simple resistance deal.

They generate a lot of heat especially at the low setting so if they get a bunch of bad coils, the failure rat is high.


I replaced a bunch in my 1999 Stratus before I found it was actually only the lowest setting that was burning out. (OHM meter on one of the "burned out" resistor packs) I soldered a jumper made from a paper clip across the burned out "spring" and basically allowed the fan to run on the second lowest speed in both the low and med/low setting on the switch. Med and High worked as normal. It then lasted several years.

Posted (edited)

I had a similiar situation with my 2004 Dakota. I found out the original blower resistor and their exact replacement part is defective, prone to a short life.

When you get your replacement part, make sure it is the 'second generation new and improved' resistor.

I don't have a picture, and am not good enough with my typing skills to give a detailed description. But the improved replacement part looks different, It has the coils more exposed to help keep it cool, and is most likely able to handle a few more amps. It still cost approx. $15, unless you get a Dodge dealer part.

Here is a link to what is IMO one of the best Dakota-Durango forums on the 'net. You don't have to register to search their data. You will be able to get some good info here http://www.dakota-durango.com/forum/index.php

There are some very enthusiastic Dakota-Durango owners and competant troubleshooting mechanics there, very knowledgable on these vehicles.

Except for a steering column knuckle ($348 part and labor) replaced at the Dodge dealer for free under my warranty, the few issues I have had with my Dakota in the last 6 or 7 years I have been able to fix myself, with help from this website.

My resistor always seemed to go bad while in "AC" mode, not "heater" mode.

When I replaced it the last time with the newer style part, it has not been a problem anymore. Good Luck!

Edited by Jeff Ivan

Well, I checked out the Durango-Dakota site. This seems to be a common problem. I replaced the resistor I got from Auto Zone (15.00) with a new one from the Dodge Dealer (10.00 + tax.) Couldn't believe it was cheaper at the dealer. Dealer told me this is an up graded part (green). I cleaned the terminals in my connector plug and tested it, works fine right now but I haven't driven it since I replaced it. Dealer warranty is 1 year, Auto Zone is Lifetime. They both looked the same to me. I'll get a replacement from Auto Zone in case it goes out again. Next step would be replacing blower motor which is over 100.00. Hope I don't have to do that.

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