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1940's Door Rivet.... Purchase..?

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Door Check Arm Rivet mopar # 536249 seems to fit 1930's to 1960's Plymouth's and ??? does any one know who might sale these.

A guy on ebay sells a repair kit that screws together I'm looking to find and install the original type

This is the part that connects the arm to the body by the hinges . I did not have the old ones to compare or know what they looked like ..TXS DANiel


I've never seen a source for the OEM type but I'd try mcmaster if I was looking. Personally I'm using the screw together type on both my mopars but I got them at the hardware store rather then off ebay.


the ability to properly install and stake an original rivet is not an easy "at home" task..the steel threaded type can be easily cut and filed smooth to the proper length so that when locked down will look clean and neat...I have found them to be very user friendly and excellent performer.


it wasn't easy Tim. WE cut out the car before we paint the outside. there was nothing in the car at all. You could get paint on everything and it would not hurt nothing. With the interior in the car it would be impossible. When you remove those stops the door opens a little more then normal.

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