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The old forum had a tab at the top listing the top 3 posters. This would be reset to zero at every refresh. Perhaps GTK might think of adding a tab listing the top 10 posters on this format. Or better yet allowing the top posters to modify or personilize there earned title.

Norm, did you know about that lunch deal before you deleted a vast amount of your posts:confused::D

I think I did, but I'll have to use the old standby statement. "Not to my knowledge".;)

At any rate, even with those that I deleted, I'd still be well below Tim and BobT.


Please fellas, If you make it a contest on who can post the fastest. This Forum will be just a cluster f**k of gibberish by everybody trying to get points. If that happens, this forum will be like the rest of the tracsy ones out there and members who need this site for real reasons will be left under the avalanche of garbage. It what I said makes any body mad at me for speaking my thoughts on this issue, Tuff!!


I admit I post a lot..I have been know to post a OT here and there most recent the picture of the guy and all the tools...but if someone was to really check you will this is not an increase in post rate to race to some point of no consequence..and if that upsets someone here..well..put my name on your ignore list...don't open my post...whatever...you are in control of what you read...I admit I do not read all entries, nor comment to all threads...I often use the MARK AS READ tool offered in our tool box if only reponses are to threads I am not following.

Please fellas, If you make it a contest on who can post the fastest. This Forum will be just a cluster f**k of gibberish by everybody trying to get points. If that happens, this forum will be like the rest of the tracsy ones out there and members who need this site for real reasons will be left under the avalanche of garbage. It what I said makes any body mad at me for speaking my thoughts on this issue, Tuff!!

Not to worry, your post did not offend me and probably won't offend anyone else either. I don't think anyone here is racing to be the top poster. It just happens that way, someone has to have the most post, just like someone has to have the least. I just started this thread for fun due to the names GTK gives people going over a certain milestone, regardless of what their post were about. And lets not forget that old saying; "All work and no play makes Jack (just a name used) a dull boy.:D The few OT post made just brings a little humor/ribbing and spice to the board. The ribbing is just that, all in fun. I myself am the butt of some of the ribbing. You may have noticed Don Coatney ribbing me from time to time, and I him. However, last summer while passing through his area my wife and I stopped and had lunch with Don and his wife, along with Bob Toft. Bob and I may go back and forth too sometimes. However, if either of them are ever up my way I would make some time for them.

If you really don't want to muddle through the OT stuff, just don't open it, like Tim said. Actually, I don't open every post that is on or off topic. Plus, I have my preferences set to only show me what's happening for the last day. So, that's all I see to begin with.

IMHO that's what makes this board good. That and there is no offensive language. I will not visit the HAMB simply because of their attitude and language used. I also don't visit the POC or the AACA boards because they are always too serious. This is the best of two worlds here. You get the answers (or at least a good portion of them) and a little OT humor to go along with it.:D

Now, back to the real purpose of the thread. Who's buying lunch?? Tim or Bob?? And remember no paper towels.:D :D


Norm..well said...it I should hit the 1000 first..I tell you this...lunch is on me but the stipulation is that you place your feet under my table to receive it...a few member have chowed down at my place...if they left hungry..was their own fault and the spread was of a fair variety. And hey, was not that hard a meal to swing by the way..had both wives to help out...


Tim, Of course if you're up this way sometime let me know and we can get together too. Actually, I've met several people on the board now either here or like last summer with Don and Bob. Had a good time, each time. Also, who's in and around Louisville, KY. I get there at least once a year to visit family.


I have a number of friends and family not far outside the hub of Louisville...more than not if we met it would have to be in that neck of the woods...however still a working stiff and road trips at the present is visiting my parents and trying to keep up with the work needing attention there..however...could never rule out the fact I may be there when you are in town also.


I agree with some of the above sentiments....this is the best forum around. I like the mix of OT along with how to fix things, the decent language, and the humor. Keeps it from being boring. No race with Tim for the Big 1000. Had not even noticed where he was til this thread. But leave it to Norm to point it out. :)

If anyone is passing thru Joplin, feel free to let me know. Have met some pretty nice guys so far.....look forward to any future get togethers....such as Tulsa in June.


Knowing this forum, I doubt there is a single person interested in post count other than a curiosity.

The OT's give the place some "color" and a laugh once in a while.

Old cars are fun but we don't take 'em too serious!!


I wish I could swing a trip to Tulsa..I don't hve the best prognosis for the overall condition of the car but hoping I am plesantly surprised. On the line of a time capsule..I heard that as Fidel arose to power in Cuba a certain person had just took posession of a new corvette and not chaning loss to a changing wind..it was buried on the island somewhere an is still in wraps..probably a bunch of bull but stranger things have happened. Kinda like the old Woody Allen movie where he comes up an long abandoned VW and it starts and run after sitting in a cave or something..did not catch it all or remember the details..Woody is not anywhere near a favorite on my funny list...

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