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It,s me again; In trying to locate a water pump replacement I found that the bottom hose from the radiater hooked to the water pump on the drivers side of the pump ( according to the picture that Napa had on their computer ). mine hooks up on the passanger side.

This makes me wonder if the radiater is the orginal. I noticed the hose on the top of the radiater did not line up directly with the thermostat housing outlet.

Can anyone tell me what side of the radiater the bottom hose comes off of???????? Driver,s side or passenger side?????????

Dan the Autonut:confused:


Bad picture or wrong pump. I've never seen a flathead that didnt hook up on the passenger side.


On a P15, the lower hose connection on the radiator is on the passenger side at the lower corner of the radiator, and the upper hose connection is at the top center of the radiator.

Bad picture or wrong pump. I've never seen a flathead that didnt hook up on the passenger side.

Thanks guys your problably right. It could have been the wrong picture. I gave them the Napa part numbers so I think they looked up the right pump.

I am still borthered by the fact that the top radiater hose does not line up with the thurmostat housing outlet.To keep the kink out of the hose I had to buy a hose that had the curve and cut it down to fit the offset.

Guess I,ll go ahead and order the water pump from Napa and hope the pitcher on the computer was wrong.

Dan the Autonut


Dan what year is your car and what style thermostat housing are you running? Its possible you have the wrong thermostat housing which is causing the kink in the upper hose. Some of them are angled forward to align with the radiator.

Dan what year is your car and what style thermostat housing are you running? Its possible you have the wrong thermostat housing which is causing the kink in the upper hose. Some of them are angled forward to align with the radiator.

You may be right Ed, it does look like the thermostat housing neck needs to be angled forward more than it is. I just assumed that was the housing that came with that engine. You never know what,s been done to a car when you buy one that old. Do the thurmostat housings have a part # on them??

It will take 7 to 10 days to get my new water pump. I will let everyone know how the job turns out.

Thanks for your input.

Dan the Autonut

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