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Hi everybody, I'm new here.

I recently bought a '53 Chrysler Windsor and I'm a little new to this. I've owned all sorts of sixties Mopar (have an A12 Roadrunner) but this is my first 50's vehicle.

The car has a '50 Chrysler engine in it. It wasn't running when I bought it, some simple wiring and ignition issues had to be fixed, but now that I've gotten it to start, there is oil leaking badly near the base of the oil filter assembly. A little searching around shows me this is a full flow oil filter.

I'm assuming there is a bad gasket between the filter assembly and the block. Any other possibilities?

Before I take this apart, is there any source for a gasket? Or do I make one?



John, Welcome to the forum. Where are you in Syracuse?? I am just east of town. Really can't answer your questioin as I am familiar with the bypass system. However if you go to member Don Caotney's member page, he has a photo album linked to his page which details his istallation of a Desoto 251 engine in a Plymouth. I am quite sure he has several pictures detailing his full flow fitler installation. So whether ther is a gasket or o rings It is probably detailed there. If a gasket, it shouldn't be difficult to make.

Place the material over the filter casting and tap it with a hammer to impress the out line, then cut it out and punch the holes for the bolts, and flow pattern.

Will you be attending the Mopar show this weekend with one of your cars?? If so perhaps we can get together.

Nice to know there is another local forum participant.


I'm in Marcellus. Neither car is up and running right now so I won't have any cars in the show. The Roadrunner is all apart and the Chrysler needs a little more attention and a brake pedal that doesn't go to the floor before it leaves the driveway.

I'm looking through the photobucket right now!


The brakes can be a pain. If your are going to think about redoing the fronts, you might want to give mamber Charlie Ackers a shout. He makes a disc brake adaper kit that when all is said and done is probably comparable in cost to replacing all the old stuff, but you get new easily replacable stuff with better stopping power.

Look up his system at Rustyhope.com. You might need to switch to plymouth dodge spindles as the Chryslers uses a bit bigger drums but send him an email or PM and see what he says. He has quite a few satisfied customers among the members here.

Look at your PM as I sent you my contact info.


Welcome aboard John;

Remove your oil filter from the block and you will see two circular grooves cut into the block below the filter. Find O-rings that fit in these groves. No gasket required. The O-rings make the seal.


You might also want to drill and tap your oil filter housing to install a petcock. Makes oil changes a lot easier as the petcock will drain the oil from the filter housing.


Posted (edited)

Don: Ahh... O rings.... Makes perfect sense. The petcock makes a lot of sense too. I'll have to get out my NPT taps.

Greg: Got your PM! I'm thinking about doing the conversion, although I was looking at the Scarebird brackets. I believe they use a Ford rotor and a GM caliper with no changes to the spindles. Right now, I have to track down the problem and work from there. I think its the master cylinder, in which case, I may convert to a dual master cylinder. The one from ECI looks promising.

Edited by Big_John

Looks like a great starting point. Very solid appearing.

A couple folks have commented about the Scare bird also, I did not like the looks of the welded in and what looked like ground down nuts in his mounting brackets but choice are out there if you wish to go that way.

Welcome Big John! Nice car! Some pics of the interior and engine when you get time.






The car is as solid as you can get except for the front floor needs some work.

hi john and welcome. good to have you here. first thing i did when i got my 49 (a few years ago), was get a shop manual. good read and has come in handy. get stuff local when you can, like napa. here are few places to look at parts. www.oldmoparts.com, www.kanter.com, www.robertsmotorparts.com :)

I missed this on the first go round. Gotta get used to the slightly different format of this forum.

Yep, bought a CD manual from Faxon the day I brought the Windsor home.


I've bought a couple manuals from these guys. Its an exact copy of the factory manual without taking up the space. I print off pages as needed... have a copy on the server at work etc.


There are different ways to set up how you read this forum, maybe you need to adjust it to suit you, if possible. You have a very nice car...could we get a tight shot of the gauge cluster:)it looks very interesting.

What forum are you used to?

I'm on a few different forums. We use phpBB software for the forum I am admin on (69roadrunner.net). Nothing wrong with this, just takes getting used to. Having a new post show up in the middle of the thread got me confused.

There are different ways to set up how you read this forum, maybe you need to adjust it to suit you, if possible. You have a very nice car...could we get a tight shot of the gauge cluster:)it looks very interesting.

Yes, I found that out the first night I signed on and looked around. I'm using the "hybrid" setup right now, but I'm going to try the others again.


I'm on a few different forums. We use phpBB software for the forum I am admin on (69roadrunner.net). Nothing wrong with this, just takes getting used to. Having a new post show up in the middle of the thread got me confused.

I bought a new Road Runner in 68 and 69. Here is a shot of my 69.


Don: Ahh... O rings.... Makes perfect sense. The petcock makes a lot of sense too. I'll have to get out my NPT taps.

Greg: Got your PM! I'm thinking about doing the conversion, although I was looking at the Scarebird brackets. I believe they use a Ford rotor and a GM caliper with no changes to the spindles. Right now, I have to track down the problem and work from there. I think its the master cylinder, in which case, I may convert to a dual master cylinder. The one from ECI looks promising.

I have the Scarebird set up on my 52 Windsor for three years and have had no problems---I am using a master from an early 80`s GM pick-up and it`s manual binders and stops fine. Nice car and good luck..............Lee



Posted (edited)
I have the Scarebird set up on my 52 Windsor for three years and have had no problems---I am using a master from an early 80`s GM pick-up and it`s manual binders and stops fine. Nice car and good luck..............Lee

How did you mount the master cylinder?

edit: Bebop answered the question before I asked it. LOL!!

Edited by Big_John
Aint it a special thing how clairvoyent these guys are??? Almost scarry!!!

This is one of those cool forums where the the thread topic wanders around a bit... Oil leak to disc brakes to Roadrunners. :) I like it!

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