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Posted (edited)

0 bids 48 1B-108 Panel Truck item 190386669632. $600.00 (no engine or trans)

No one bid. Sellar: klingcafe. Would be nice for someone that had a powertrain and a lot of time...You don't see too many panel trucks.


Edited by HanksB3B

They are fairly rare. Here's one I had years ago but ended up selling during a previous,but not so long lasting, depression.

That's my bro. standing next to it the day I bought it and his nice little 37 Dodge he ended up selling during that same downturn.



Posted (edited)

Yup....he's the one. Tomorrow I'm gonna make him have a downturn on his luck !

The panel didn't sell and he's started an new 3 day auction and dropped the price by $100.


Edited by Reg Evans

That Pannel looks like a good project, straight body. You are right there are not many around. I have a 46 chev pannel that I have had for about 20 years, have seen maybe 6 others so they are some what rare.


Yeah! won a Panel Truck off ebay!

I saw that he lower the price, so I emailed him. Nice guy. I told him about our site and sent him a link to the youtube video of the truck BBQ. Guess I'm taking a road trip to Hemet! How mamy members can I meet along the way?

Thanks for the heads up Dale.

I will build this truck to tow my 1950 Bonneville Truck .....who knows how soon, but heck, gotta have a dream before a plan.



Awesome! I have a 48 Panel that is next up. I started working on it, but got side tracked on my plymouth, but it's next. Mine has a Volare clip on it now. I bought a Dakota to put the body on, but not sure if I will leave how it is or transplant it:(





Hank,in july'2011 a group of friends of mine,intend to go in the USA.I ask a question for you:for a person like me,that love antique cars(originals,not hot nor rat) very much.Which side/region of the USA(east or west,north or south) to see this kind of hobby to me propose the chief of the tour/excurcion?If you want to hear some of your friends?:confused:

I'm in Torrance Ca., kind of on the way, if you prefer a coastal route in lieu of a desert journey. If you come up and over the Grapevine let me know.


Sure thing Hank....I'll swing by!

I'm glad the panel will go to a good home. old truck adoption is a good thing. You can come visit me if ND is on the way . LOL

I'll send you a picture of me and Hank. :D. thanks again for the heads up.


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