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mopar kinda sorta maybe..at lest big block powered

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Posted (edited)

I oft times look at other cars..being a big fan of English sports..I guess cars are like wives, just because you have one does not mean you can't watch the race.

Anyway..granted the first car is of N.A. design and build, it took the Brits to refine the lines into a look of elegance and grace and match the power with a big block Mopar..In the 440 versions they did somehting even mother Mopar never did..installed factory air on a 440 sx pack..



Edited by Tim Adams


Beautiful cars, but for the life of me I will never understand the logic behind using tri-power instead of two four barrels. Two 4-bbl are much more easily balanced (giving better efficiency) and won't cost any more in fuel than your right foot feeds through them. Maybe three carbs just looks busier, which they are, but the only time anyone can appreciate their looks is when the car is stopped and they're not being used.



Isn't the first car an Avanti (Studebaker) sure looks lke on to me, And the Jensen Intercepter was always one of my favorites. There is aguy around here who has three or four, using them as parts depots for the one he has in roadable condition. Weren't most of those 383 powered?

Posted (edited)

yes most were 383 powered but in the last poduction units some 440's came off the line...have you ever gotten to change to gak on of them in person..awsome beasts for sure...

yes the Avanti and the Jensen I is very close in style...I however cannot even come close to thinking what may have been on the guy's mind with that front design...that Avanti is an ugly step sister beside the sleek body of Cinderalla..the Avanti is a period car that is unique unto itself and has a great following..just that I am not one of them..at quick glance the Jensen comes to mind..not to be confused with the Jensen Healey which could pass for the second ugly step sister..notice the look of the Avanti front end..someone was out to lunch that day..


Edited by Tim Adams

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