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way O/T i purchased a dog kennel fence need advice

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i picked up a 10x20 dog kennel fence with the door so mu huskie isn't running around the whole yard like a nut when im not watching

right now the floor is the grass and dirt what should i use as a floor i was thinking concrete but thats a lil pricey right now but seems the only way to go

so i guess i build a big box frame with frames inside making lil box's and fill with cement


Joel, we used to raise huskies and I know what you're dealing with. They love to run, and they are escape artists.

That said, we used concrete pavers to line the bottom of our kennels. That was 20 years ago, so they may have gotten pricey by now. You might find some left over brick at a construction site as an alternative. Don't know how big your kennel is, but ours were only about 5'X8', so it didn't take all that many.


concrete would be the way to go..will be easier to keep clean, good for dogs nails, toughen the pads, prevents burrowing down and out...as the dog is not that heavy will not require a lot of concrete..make the perimeter one foot wide at 3 inches and the rest in the middle can be crowned at 2 inch..right at 1.5 years of concrete for the 10X20 pad


Hey Joel, the cement advice is good...I know you have at least one helper for your car, handsome youngster! You might want to mount your gate latch up out of his reach so your husky won't have help escaping:D I have grandkids fom age 1 to 17, they will get into everything!



Just a few suggestions to ponder while you're digesting the excellent advice already given here:

Nobody has mentioned re bar (hog wire should work well for that small space) nor has anybody mentioned thickness of the pour. Even where I grew up in So. Cal. 2" would crack and heave, and anything with no re bar was toast really fast.

Okay, I'm sure you've given that some thought, but here's one I got from my brother's wife down on the SE Arizona desert. There's so much dust in the air there that she said if they ever built another house it would have a concrete floor with a drain in the center of the floor a few inches lower than the perimeter. When it came time to clean the floor she'd take out the throw rugs and bring in the hose. Seems to me that if you had a slant toward the corner you want the poop to roll toward it would be easy to do and shouldn't disturb the dog's at all.

Take as gospel everything Tim has to say; he's my current hero on the forum for the realization I had while reading his reply to me on a different post.


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