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I just painted my engine and I wanted to replace some of the old hardware. It appears that the plug over cylinder 6 is steel. The only ones that I seem to be able to find locally are brass. Does anyone have an idea where I might be able to find a new one mail order. I could take the time to strip and clean the one that I have but if it was easy to find i was just going to repalce it. I know that this sounds like a frivolous endevour. Any ideas where I might find it?

I was going to be at my local machine shop this week, they might know a local place that sells this type of plugs.



I think Resotration Specialty has them also.

I'm surprised you can't get them at the local hardware store. The little mom and pop hardwares carry a much better selection of those small parts then any of the big box stores.

I think Resotration Specialty has them also.

I'm surprised you can't get them at the local hardware store. The little mom and pop hardwares carry a much better selection of those small parts then any of the big box stores.

It is possible that I missed it. The ones that I found in the hw store were brass. I am assuming that since it sticks in to the combustion chamber than I should make sure to get steel like the original.


Why not just clean up the original with a wire wheel and spray? Then you have the same plug that's factory original.

Yeah, I might just do that. After using some stripper I should be able to clean it up real nice.


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