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Have any of you tried the "PM" feature (private messaging)??

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You can send private, off the big screen, messages to another without going to their home e-mail. When they come on board there would be a note by their name saying they have a PM. You can also tell them you will be sending them a PM, so they will be sure to look there. So, that eliminates getting off the forum, going to regular email to communicate, then having to return to the forum, etc. ;)


I've already gotten 2. One from GTK to confirm I made it into the new forum and one from Allan about a deal we made. It works good. I am wondering if there will be any provisions for a live chat in here? Couple other boards I am on have live chats 1-2 times a week. Quite fun.



is the "multi-quote" button.

If you click the button that has the quotation marks with the "+" symbol, right next to the "quote" button, it will turn red. You can click this button from several replys to the thread, and then hit the regular reply button. The replies that were checked in red show up as multiple quoted remarks in your reply window. This will be very handy when replying to several questions in one thread...


Pete, thanks for the info. It occurs to me maybe someone needs to compile a list of such things as they discover them. Then a bit down the road, impart that info to everyone again. Or maybe make it a sticky. I have discovered a certain few things, but have wondered how others do other things. Some people have more compooter savvy than the others. So if you draw them a picture, make it simple as possible, maybe they can get a grip....like me. Yours for more fun with old cars and computers. Bob


Then a bit down the road, impart that info to everyone again. Or maybe make it a sticky. I have discovered a certain few things, but have wondered how others do other things.


I'm with you there.... as for the stickies... the threads that keep coming up (how do I post pictures), and others can be made into stickies....

As for the computer savvy, it all depends on search, read, question and try, try, and try again to learn.... since most boards I've been on in the past are like this one, you find that the things you learn on one board are good for all of em.


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