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Langdons Dual Carter/Weber Carb Linkage Pics Help!

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Hey guys,

I'm getting ready to stuff my new engine back in tomorrow.

I've got the carbs mounted and was trying to get the linkage set up, but I'm confused now.

Can any of you running an Offy intake w/ Dual Carter/Webers with the Langdons dual carter linkage kit post up some pictures of how it should go on?

I can't figure out how it attaches to the stock pivot on top of the engine.

I think I set it up per the picture he attached to the linkage kit....but I can't get it to work right.


Here's a pic of my current setup right now that is obviously wrong:

Does the spring go towards the front of the engine or the back?

If its towards the front, where does it attach to?






They've done different versions over the years. I think your bellcrank is upside down. Here's my 53, the spring goes towards the back. My spring is not correctly hooked to the linkage or the head, it should go from the little hook on the linkage to the left rear head bolt.



Thats the only redeeming feature of RHD, our accelerator linkage is much more straight forward, no crossover/bellcrank setup.....theres a rod that comes out of the floor from the gas pedal, straight up to the springloaded linkage and thats it......


Another option- eliminate the bell crank all together, and use a Lokar Cable to pull the linkage on the carbs...

I did this, in part because my finned head doesn't have provisions for the bell crank mount. The cable was easy to work with, and fits the gas pedal arm like they were made for each other.

I used an old throttle cable bracket that I had laying around (Mr Gasket part...) at the carb end and fab'd a bracket to hold the cable at the pedal end under the floor.






Ok guys, I have the bellcrank and spring set up right now I think.

But Somethings still not right....

the linkage won't meet the bellcrank.

Does it matter that my car is a 1951, and this engine is out of a 1950?

I'm pretty sure the bellcrank is in the same spot as the old engine.

Having the throttle arm hooked to the crank is really crooked.

Here's a pic:




Not knowing which way the Webbers pull its difficult to give you much guidance. However with a bit of imagination, go kart parts and some stuff from the hardware store, I made up this Rube Goldberg solution. Not pretty but had worked w/o problems for 4 years.

Think it through and visit the threaded rod/brass rod section of your locall hardware. If you can't connect directly to the rod from the bellcrank, then perhaps you can cobble up an intermediate transfer rod similar to this.

No real rocket science here just need to understand how to make the motion you have fit the application you need.


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