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Everything posted by power_hungry

  1. pictures... http://www.jerryandrewsauction.com/jun3/photos/photoindex.asp
  2. I tend to think of "Hoists" as installed in (or under) the floor, with swing arms "Lifts" as posts mounted above the floor, with swing arms and "Racks" as ramps that you drive onto and the weight is supported by the tires
  3. I went to the show.. a lot of beautiful, cool cars, but a lot of " just because you can, doesn't mean you should", too.
  4. I had a '72 cheby station wagon with pink fuzzy dice, but the 5 1/2 foot wide Texas longhorns on the hood toned them down!
  5. I went by today and took a look at the frame. No tag on it, or it was covered by the snowplow bracket. Then I sat in it. My head almost touches the ceiling (without the headliner) and the legroom leave something to be desired. Are Pilot House cabs a bit more roomy? Or Power Wagons?
  6. Nice looking truck, Ed!
  7. Believe me, I'm tempted. I like the civilain truck, but I like the looks of the military truck, too. I think I need to get my '40 sedan painted and on the road, first. And put the engiine of the Porsche back together... Then see about taking on another project.
  8. Thanks for the info, guys! Had it been the real deal, then I'd have considered it. I like the truck, but hate playing guessing games when it's time to buy parts. The price is tempting ($500), but I have enough projects as it is. Anybody else interested?
  9. I believe the WC model confirms the 4X4 originality? BTW... The phone number on the "For Sale" sigh in the previous message is not valid. It was at one time, but it has since been re-assigned to someone who has no clue about this truck.
  10. I'm thinking this is an authentic Dodge 4x4 ...
  11. Thanks for the link, I've asked my question there. I'm looking forward to getting more pictures tomorrow!
  12. It's not quite THAT big. The tires pretty much fill the front fender holes. I can't find the card adapter to upload from my phone. Guess I'll have to wait 'til Friday...
  13. I took a pic with my cell phone, but left it at work last night. I'll post it, and get more on Friday. The owner said it was a rare truck, of course...
  14. It's civilian. The chrome has been painted over, but looks like a larger (taller) version of a 1/2 ton truck. Bolt pattern is 8-10 inches, 8 lugnuts, I believe.
  15. Found one for sale. 1 ton, maybe? BIG wheels with split rims. Engine may be frozen... Gonna look at it again Friday. Paint is bad, but it doesn't seem to have any rust through, missing the tailgate, but for the most part, its all there. Is this a fairly rare truck? I can't find much about it so far. Thanks for any info..
  16. My guess is a pace car for starting horse harness racing. Wings unfold on the track and indicate the lanes, 1-10.
  17. They have the tank for a few bucks less than Ebay, and there is a dealer not too far away. The Ebay guy says his won't fit a '40. I'm inclined to go with a new tank, the threads on the old one are pretty rusty. The pinholes on the top side can be sealed, but it's nice to have new. It's not like my car is a valuable survivor, I'd just like to be able to drive it worry free.
  18. I'm debating to "reneu" my old tank, or replace it. There are tanks for 41-48 Dodges, tanks for 36-39 Dodges. Mine is 1940! Is it "special", or is it actually compatible with other years?
  19. Did you ask at a parts store? I just saw the tool to remove those clips at the local Auto Value store a few days ago. Seems if they sell the tool, they may well have the clips...
  20. I was an alignment ech 20+ years ago. At that time camber of 0-.5 positive camber was normal for most cars. Negative camber was desired on the rear tires (if possible), positive for the front. I haven't checked the specs for our cars, but it sure seems that inside tire wear is the most common problem... the combination of negative camber and toe problems. Toe-in should be increase a little if the front end is loose, as toe will decrease as you go down the road. the opposite is true for a front wheel drive, toe-in increases on the road, so go with a bit of toe-out. The toe setting is the biggest factor in tire wear.
  21. My choice for firecrackers was WWI Airplane models... more fragile, better effect.
  22. I'd second Don's opinion. Don't know if it applies to these cars, but I found older GM V8s tend to run hot when the chain is stretched... valve timing is retarted.
  23. I stayed there last fall (visiting friends in the area)... wish the show had been happening then. Not much into casinos, really.
  24. I bought an exhaust pipe cutter at Harbor Freight last year. It'a kind like big pair of pliers that clamp around the exhaust pipe. There are 4 cutting wheels, evenly spaced, like on a pipe cutter. Hardly need any clearance to use. it... just move the handle back and forth a few times (1/4 turn or so) and you have a clean, square cut. I used it on steel pipe, seems it should be good for stainless, too. I got the $20 cheapie, they had a heavy duty version for $10 - $20 more. It would be just the thing to use if you're financing your hobby by stealing Cat Converters!
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