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Everything posted by 46Ply

  1. Yea, sure is, I'd like to see a picture of that! Or, maybe not!
  2. Then there was the morning I went into the garage, got in my car, fired it up and backed through the garage door. Forgot to open it! I didn't actually go clear through it, but we had to replace to panels on a four panel door.
  3. Okay, if confession is good for the soul.... About 35 years ago, give or take, I had a 72 Mercedes that wouldn't start. Don't remember why I thought it was the starter motor, but at any rate I proceeded to take it out. And what a pain it was. One of those tight places where the wrench would turn about 20 degrees at a time, and that bolt had a lot of threads on it! Finally got it out, checked out and re-installed. Car still wouldn't start. So, eventually, after about three days of fooling with it, I put the shift selector back in the Park mode, and she fired right up!
  4. Regarding ammeter reading, I have a lot of bounce and erratic movement in the needle on the gauge. I think it is reading correctly, because I can see it fluctuate in rhythm with the turn signals, and also increases when necessary, (after excessive use of the starter when I had the spark plug wires off, and couldn't figure out why it wouldn't start). SEE my post on Stupid is and Stupid does!! Would this be a faulty gauge or coming from the regulator?
  5. I think that's a line Forest Gump used. Anyway, couldn't figure out why my car wouldn't start. Thought sure I had it flooded, but it never did fire! Left it sit a while, tried it again, same thing. Finally opened the hood and I had left all the plug wires off when I cleaned and gapped the plugs, about a week ago. Not sure what the moral of this story is, except if you start a job, you need to finish it.!!
  6. Thanks Merle, That's what I was looking for.
  7. Here's some pretty good pictures of a 42 Royal: http://www.hollywoodbobsmoviecars.com/1942_chrysler_royal.htm
  8. Dumb question time. If you remove the head can you resolve sticky valves problems? ie: If valves are sticking is it because of carbon buildup at the seats only? Or, is there potentially a problem around the stems, or further down?
  9. Great color choice! What about the color for the interior?
  10. Found this old post while searching for solution to the 'occasional piff-piff" sound as described earlier here. The car runs great on the road, but seems to miss a little on idle. I pulled all the plugs, checked the gap and reset 2 or 3 to .025, which seemed to be a little wide before. They look fine, with no carbon buildup. This post suggests that I might have a valve sticking? Haven't tried the water mist in the carb yet. Looking for solutions. (P15 - 217 cu. in.)
  11. Knuckleheadharley wrote: (Putting a new impeller and shaft in fixed that problem and also got the after market heater to start putting out heat.) This might be a good (test) to consider if you have a problem of this nature. Not that this is related, but I put a new heater core in mine, and I'm now amazed at how quickly it puts out heat on a real cold day.
  12. I've had the same question. I have a 1936 P2 engine that needs a new home. And I hate to scrap it. (In Illinois)
  13. I did the same thing. Reminds me of the 47 DeSoto I had in about 1960. Engine seized while sitting in my storage building. Took the flywheel cover off, used a crowbar to rock the flywheel back and forth. Put some oil down the spark plug openings. Finally got it free enough to start. My brother and I used a log chain to pull it. When it fired, we killed all the bugs and mosquitoes in the next mile and a half, when she finally fired up!
  14. Keep an eye on ebay or Amazon.com. They can be purchased as reprints, but personally, I prefer an original used edition, = clearer photos. And they also are available on CD. Look for a good used copy. They're a little pricey, and aren't readily available. Just keep watching.
  15. Welcome to the group... You're in the right place! Lots of talented, experienced, and knowledgeable folks here, who can answer your questions. First thing you might look at is under the Resources tab. Then Reference and Maintenance . http://p15-d24.com/page/p15d24/reference/maintenance.html
  16. https://www.youtube.com/embed/bFl5pEe-7uo?feature=player_detailpage
  17. Don't have an answer for you, but LeBaron Bonney comes to mind. Might check there.
  18. How about this.
  19. First thing I would do is unscrew the cable housing at the head of the speedometer and see if you can pull the cable out and inspect it. Should come right out and then you can see if it's broken off at that end, and also inspect the rest of the cable.
  20. If it's just broken off at the speedometer end this is all you need: $2.49 And there is also a wick at the base of the speedometer housing that requires lubrication, which might most likely be the cause of the break in the first place. See the lubrication chart in your manual. http://www.oreillyauto.com/site/c/detail/MTM0/03374/N2440.oap?ck=Search_speedometer+cable+kit_5219489_-1&keyword=speedometer+cable+kit
  21. I've been wondering the same thing. Love to see an update.
  22. Same thing happened to me. I bought a kit very similar to this one. But as it turned out all I used was the end piece and crimped it on the end of my existing cable.... (since it broke at the end). Works great! http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-MOTION-PRO-UNIVERSAL-FITTING-SPEEDO-SPEEDOMETER-CABLE-REPAIR-KIT-MOTORCYCLE-/391345243458?hash=item5b1dfe8542:g:fHIAAOSw3ydVrmEi (I have seen kits where you can buy just the end and the crimping tool)
  23. I would agree with that as well. Here's another one: http://www.ebay.com/itm/1935-72-NOS-MoPar-WATER-DISTRIBUTION-TUBE-Plymouth-Dodge-201-218-230-Flat-Six-/400966534880?hash=item5d5b77c6e0:m:m74Lshcbd_Zd7-71QE3OHVQ&vxp=mtr
  24. Home in Illinois during the holidays, I took a close look at my P2 engine. And to my amazement, the water distribution tube slid right out and looks to be in near perfect condition. All I know about this engine is that it has been sitting for years, waiting on a new home. Engine turns freely also.
  25. Merry Christmas to all!
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