Dennis, Boy do we in the GSR understand how you feel about the National's statements of the fact that if it isn't stock they don't want you. But, we do!!! And when you look at it all, you will see that the actuall events and tours are put on by the locals. The National is just a managment group and rely on the locals to provide a reason for the membership to enjoy their vehicles. All we really get from National is the rules that the club runs by and the best magazine I have ever seen from all the clubs that I belong to. SO...since the GSR is receptive to modifieds, and most of our cars are modified in some way, some with big mods and some with very small mods, all that really matters is, are we willing to accept you and your car? That was one very, very BIG question we had back in '02 when we started this regional. And our answer was YES!!!! we want your modified cars and to devil with what the National rules say... !!! We also love the totally stock cars but, like Tod pointed out, driving is the real enjoyment in ownership. So, to everyone that still questions the modified cars acceptance... WE DO ACCEPT THEM AND LOVE THEM JUST AS WE DO OUR TOTALLY STOCK CARS, PERIOD!!!