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Everything posted by DAVE KNOXX TENN

  1. They are Our future and one day they will take care of you. also leave them your old DODGE
  2. Sorry To Hear About Don. He Will Always be Remmemerd By myself as the true PILOT HOUSE Person! My Pilot House Is Gone but the Don Bunn Book Went Whith it!!!!!!!!.I had to sell because my shop was at my dads and he sold his house do to his age. I wish Don And His FAMILY The best!!!!!!!!.Thanks To all for your help and may something good happen for Don and EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DAVE KNOXX TENN.
  3. Well It Seems As My Way Of Advertising Worked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. What Was My 51 B3B. Has Gone To A New And Better Home. A 40 YEAR Old Man Has Taken Her And She Has Ben Saved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........................... I Want To Thank Every One For All You Have Done To Help!!!!!!!.I Wish All Of You The Best.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
  4. I Have A Whole Truck For Sale For Sure !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lots Of Parts !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Iam trying to sell my 1951 B3B Any one iscome me greenjewell@ charter.net .Iam not doing any moreworkrt o it I am done whith old trucksIWQIIwil give the buyer a real deal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1thousand dollars is ba sateel whith theb parts That comew whihit
  6. THe truck is some what in a whole codition.It Has 55 years of rust from the hills of tennessee it can be fixed up or parted out I will not screw any one out of their money.I have over 6thousand bucks invested in truck.But will take one mthousand dollars or will take it or I will cut it in 10000000000000000000000000000000000000 parts.I have one wanting theparts they have verry little time to -produce money .Ihave sent plenty oyf pictures to every one.share and share alikieIDONT CARE TO SPEND ANY MORE TIME OR EFFORT ON TRUCK PS I WILL TAKE 1,000 Bucksfor the truck.it has two extra doors two extra front fenders two extra running boards a real good set of floor pans sent by a good standing member of this forum as a matterof fact another good standing person onthis forum supplied me whith al the body parts.I also have a set of tailgate hinges a turn sgnal switch whith the original directions SO WHO EVER WANTED THE GRILL PARTS PLEASE E-MAIL AGAIN I LOST YOUR E-MAIL ADRESS
  7. 1951 B3B DODGE EMAIL greenjewell@charter.net I HAVE A FEW EXTRA PARTS TO TRUCK Iam willing to sell saperatly.Truck is located in west Knoxxiville Tenn.Dont be shy to ask about parts or pictures of both.I willtell you the truth about the truck .I will not be bound by the Regulations OF E-baySo If You Need Apart and I Have It Just ask!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THANKS DAVEADKINS JR
  8. E_MAIL greenjewell@charter.net for More Info
  9. FOR SALE 1951 B3B e-mail greenjewell@charter.net for more info
  10. Happy New Year To All!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.hopefully We Will Have More Members This Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
  11. I think a good person told me there is a tab you bend at the cab end you bend and the tab and the pin will come out.If I were you I would use some sort of lubricant.That is only if i am correct.Maybe you would want to wait a bit to see if I am on the money.
  12. Has any one been sent a Phone number to talk To a live person at e-bay??????. I was SHOCKED DEAD when my wife was sent one!!!!!!!!!.It was about a bigg purchase gone bad.e-bay was very aggresive in correcting the matter.We use Pay Pal only no matter what.She retuned the item and got the money back pluss all the shipping.The seller and my wife both left posative feedback.I have to add the seller had over 19,000 sales whith 100 percent feedback.
  13. I have noticed jumping from truck to car forum i have to logg in again.Just like I had to to post this Post
  15. Any one Have pictures and info on the swivel frame trucks??????????.I Lost the two files on another computer.All I can remember is one was from west Virginia and it was red.The other one was yellow whith some custom made rims.My other computer went very hay wirer and just stopped working.I lost all my files.Any Help will be deeply appreciated. Thanks Dave KNOXX TENN.
  16. Vintrader is a real trooper!!!!!! He made me another offer.The second one I could not accept.He is still a true VINTRADER.THANKS VINTRADER!!!!!!!!
  17. Another Fine mess I have Gotten my self in!!!!!!!.LOL!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Looks like Get er done is a big understatement!!!!!!!THAT IS A BUEATIFULL JOBB!!!!!!!!.THANKS FOR THE UPDATE AND THE PICTS
  19. Hey Reg Here Is tho Woody You allways WANTED!!!!!!!. ITS ONLY 135 K.Maybe you could trade you boat and old yeller.Then Bring her home.LOL
  20. Just me But I think Molson Golden a very refreshing drink?????????????
  21. I Know What you mean!!!!!!!!!!!. One Day soon A Peson Will be able to cook a house in a microwave oven whith 1 tablespon off water then let cool for three minutes!!!!!!!!
  22. You think it would be a chalange??????????????
  23. Just a thought??? can you down size front and rear axeles and change motors??????????????????.Please keep in mind I am green horn!!!!
  24. We wish you the best outcome!!!!!!!!!!!!Our thoughts and prayers are whith you and yours.We will be looking forword to your retun.Dave and Connie and all of us from Knoxxville Tennesse!!!!!!!!!
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