I'm resurrecting this thread provide an update. Well, it's funny how time flies. It's hard to believe it's been 2 years since I started this project.
I had to take over a year break from it though. We bought an older house just over a year ago that needed a full remodel, so I've been playing Bob Villa and the Plymouth has been sitting there gathering dust. The house is "done", at least enough where I can now start back on the Plymouth. Time to stop spending all my money at Lowes and start spending it on car parts.
However, one of the reasons I bought this old house was because there's a big workshop in the back and now I have plenty of room to work on the car.
Last week I ordered all new internals for the distributor and plug wires from Andy Bernbaum and a Pertronix Flamethrower coil. I got it all installed last night. I know for sure this car hasn't been started in at least 15 years, and I literally just put the distributor on and plugged the wires to the spark plugs. I thought I would see if it would hit so I squirted some gas in the carb and I can't believe what happened next.