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Everything posted by Bingster

  1. I just received my Then & Now fuel pump rebuild kit for what I hope is the AC 588 pump. I can tell by the fuel bowl screen that it has the two holes like my pump. It matches perfectly with the old screen. The accompanying pages of diagrams and rebuild instructions that come with the kit seem to be from some larger book with a section on fuel pumps. But some of the photocopied photos are so dark that I cannot read them. Anybody know where I might find these diagrams to re-copy them or any diagram for the AC 588?
  2. Thanks Rallyace.
  3. So for a first start in eight or so years for my 47' DeSoto, how do I know the pump is working?
  4. I'm assuming that since the fuel pump arm and cam were lined up when I removed the pump, if the engine hadn't been turned they will re-align if I just bolt the pump right in?
  5. Thanks. I wondered how you'd get those types of deals. I wonder a lot.
  6. Thanks!
  7. That answers my question!!! Fleet Farm has a 6v with 540 cold cranking amps for $76.00. I only need to start my car after eight years sitting but maintained. Rebuilding the fuel pump now. So after I start it (hopefully) that'll be it till Spring. But every time I do this I lose the good weather and a new battery goes dead and it wasted. This time I want to beat the cold. So is 540 cca adequate for that chore?
  8. I went into a battery store that sold only Duracells. I didn't know Duracell made a car battery. Any experiences?
  9. Thanks. That's what I wanted to know.
  10. So when installing the AC fuel pump for my 1947 Desoto, do I just screw it in or does the arm have to be set in some certain position?
  11. I bought a NOS chrome Flying Goddess hood ornament from him and couldn't believe they still existed.
  12. I did see that page but since it seems to look the same I wondered if the inventory was up-to-date.
  13. I used to buy parts from Len Dawson's Deception Pass Motor Parts. He had a lot of good DeSoto stuff. Is he still in business? I can't seem to find a new web site.
  14. Mmmm. Very interesting!
  15. By export, do you that AC/Airtex made the pump here for export across the seas, like Britain?
  16. Thanks. I'm going to rebuild the bowl type. They look more vintage.
  17. On the left, bowl type. On the right, bolt type.
  18. Oh, so the previous owner used the wrong pump. I post some photos.
  19. I have two Made in USA #588 fuel pumps. One pump at the bottom where the screen and bowl are has two orifices coming out of the pump bottom and through the screen. One inlet into the bowl and one with clean fuel sucked back up through the screen and into the pump?? The other pump has a metal plate and large center bolt where the bowl and screen should be. The large bolt goes through the center of the metal plate and has a hole drilled though the threads. Must be like a drain cock. So what gives?
  20. Yes, welcome brother. That car has great lines. I like the way the roof line looks kinda like a B-17.
  21. Just adding that I seem to recall a template for a center-spring adjustment tool on a 47/48 DeSoto on this board some time ago. Maybe that was something else. I did copy it at the time.
  22. You may be right, Sam. I just don't know enough not to screw something up. By the way, do you just push the pump in and tighten the screws, or does the arm need to be in a certain position relative to the cam?
  23. Have heard about bench testing a fuel pump but haven't a clue how it's done. I think I'd better do it after I rebuild mine.
  24. Moparpro on Ebay states: "Only ethanol resistant fuel pump kit on the market today!"
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