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Everything posted by aero3113

  1. Can you just show up there? Powerhouse is this the station you are talking about? I have never been there either. Looks like I will be stopping by once I'm back together for some pics . http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Yaphank_Garage.jpg
  2. No, I have not been there. I am not too far from Bay Shore,would like to visit one day. I remember when you posted these pics a while back and was thinking of going over there. Is it worth a visit? I did run into the Ace at a local small car show.
  3. In the maintenance manual they tell you to line up the slot in the pump shaft a certain way so that when you install the pump it will line up with the distributor slot when the engine is at top dead center.
  4. Do you have vacuum wipers? If you do just tap into the vacuum source.
  5. Just call Vintage Power Wagons 1-888-695-0578, tell them what you want and they will set you up.
  6. Just find the correct size socket and use a breaker bar with it to turn the engine over.
  7. I'm in
  8. What do you think? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Dodge-Other-Pickups-B-Series-CLASSIC-HAULER-340-MOPAR-NICE-TRUCK-VERY-RARE-/280575350173?pt=US_Cars_Trucks&hash=item415398159d
  9. If anyone is looking for one. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Brake-Gage-40-50s-Chrysler-Dodge-DeSoto-Plymouth-/290493271591?pt=Motors_Automotive_Tools&hash=item43a2bf8e27
  10. Great pics! I guess it's safe to say your family is a Mopar family .
  11. Do you think it has true dual exhausts?
  12. The flames don't bother me that much but I think the window molding and dash should be a different color.
  13. What do you think? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Plymouth-Deluxe-1949-Plymouth-Special-Deluxe-2-door-Club-Coupe-P-18-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem35ad60b02eQQitemZ230542061614QQptZUSQ5fCarsQ5fTrucks
  14. What do you think? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Plymouth-Deluxe-1949-Plymouth-Special-Deluxe-2-door-Club-Coupe-P-18-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem35ad60b02eQQitemZ230542061614QQptZUSQ5fCarsQ5fTrucks Sorry, posted in the wrong area and can't delete for some reason.
  15. I received the crank from Chance today, MUCH better shape than the one I pulled out. Hopefully I can get everything over to the engine shop soon so I can continue the build .
  16. Found this browsing ebay,might look good on someones ride(might be a little small). Says he has 4, Price isn't that bad also. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Motorcycle-DELUXE-Tail-light-Assy-STOP-Stainless-6-VOLT-/350398841189?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item5195660165
  17. Anyone know what the max RPM's for a stock 218 is ?
  18. Just curious, what type of 6 volt tachometer do some of you use?
  19. I hear ya! Also how hard is it for someone to say thank you when you hold a door open for them.
  20. Im 31, I have had my 50 Plymouth for about 3 years.
  21. If you still have a leak after you tighten the bolts check the vent hole,on my old pump it was leaking oil (If yours has a vent hole).
  22. Hey Fred, Too bad the Hull compass I sent you doesn't lite up.
  23. I wouldn't mind this monster in my garage http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/JESSE-JAMES-PERSONAL-WEST-COAST-CHOPPER-MAC-TOOL-BOX-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem19c0533f8aQQitemZ110600863626QQptZMotorsQ5fAutomotiveQ5fTools
  24. What size cables are you using? Too small a cable with 6V it will barely crank.
  25. Looks GREAT! It's hard to tell from the pics but it looks like the paint is in really good shape and should clean up nice.
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