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Everything posted by aero3113

  1. I did a little work this morning and was able to get the water pump,alternator, radiator,horns,front shroud and flywheel cover installed. The radiator fit great except for a tight fit with the front shroud, I will have to file it down on each side.
  2. I installed the rear rubber engine mounts, how tight should I make the bolts? My car originally did not have the lower mounts just the washers and a thin rubber insulator only on the left side. I had to get longer bolts so I can use the lower rubber mounts.
  3. Good luck Joe, do you have the trans hooked up also?
  4. Thanks Powerhouse,you should come by when I start it, you are familiar with the island right ?
  5. He Joe, I don't think I will be starting her this weekend. I still have some things I would like to install before I do. If you have any questions let me know Ill be glad to help you out (If I can )
  6. I gave my friend a ring today to see if he was around to help me put the engine in today, he was available! We had the engine installed in about 30 minutes. Again the hood was installed and had no issues . I ordered new plug wires the other day,they should be arriving on Monday. I went with 90deg plugs this time instead of the straight ones.
  7. Thanks Merle !
  8. Here is a PDF of it if anyone wants to keep it on file. It will print to normal size. Transmission Gasket.pdf
  9. I did seal my cap with epoxy a while back that is not the issue,its just air getting in between the cap and tube. Won't that create a vacume leak?
  10. That would be the best way,but then I wouldn't be able to get the cap off to put oil in.
  11. How do you post a PDF? I have a copy of the transmission to bellhousing gasket and would like to post it.
  12. Yes,I have a line from the cap to the aircleaner but where the cap and oil fill tube meet it is not air tight.
  13. All of my fittings are air tight for my PCV system except where the oil fill cap and tube fit together. I can seal it with a strip of tacky window sealer around it but was just curious what others have done.
  14. Thats great! I'm hoping to get mine in the car this weekend:D
  15. I was able to pick up the engine hoist at my friends house today (he took it to swap a engine for his friend). I hooked up the engine and stood it up,installed the front motor mount,alternator bracket,starter,oil filter,oil lines and stuck the distributor in. Hopefully I will have some time this weekend to install the engine in the car. Included is a pic of what the cork gasket for the distributor looks like (sorry its blurry)
  16. I bought some gasket material and made a gasket for the transmission. I made a photo copy of the gasket and will scan it tomorrow at work and post the PDF if anyone wants to keep it on file.
  17. I knew that this would happen if you deleted a pic in photobucket but not if you moved it.
  18. I think it is only for engines without the oiler tube.
  19. I'm sure it messed up my other posts also, I guess I will have to add pics when I come across the affected posts.
  20. Earlier today I reorganized my photobucket albums and put some pics in order. I then went on the forum and was going to post some pics on my engine removal thread and all of the pictures on the post were removed!!!!. I just spent the last 2 hours reposting my pictures:mad:
  21. That worked, thanks!
  22. Still no good, checked on the K&N site:confused:
  23. My engine doesn't have that.
  24. Are you sure that is the correct part number? I just did a search and it didn't come up.
  25. Looks great,fits very clean in there. I might have to convert
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