Here are 2 of my 3 "mislabled" 1952 Pilothouse New Ray city cruiser collection. They are really 53' models as you can see. The 3rd one I'm repainting to be the same as my real truck. The other pic is of my 57' from Liberty classics, and the red/white small one is a 1937 Dodge Airflow from Matchbox models of yesteryear.
How big a "gap"? Can you post a picture? Sounds kinda fishy that someone would remove the replace the intake, without something else being missing as well. BTW, looking real close at your windshield, that looks like a 54', 56' had the lower corners a little more square. Have you run the vin# to confirn its a 56'? It still could be, Dodge did some fancy stuff back then with parts on the shelf.
If you are using a "cherry picker" style engine hoist, do yourself a HUGE favor, run down to H.F. and pick up a air over hyd ram for it. I wish I would have done it years ago. pulling a SBC from the neighbors truck was super simple, sat in the engine bay, held the switch, and wiggled the engine right out with 3sp tranny attached. Never had it so easy! AND, you aren't pumping that darn thing forever to get it to move 5"!
Look for a 90's Taurus, it's a puller, but it's also 3k cfm! Try to find an aftermarket fan that does that for even double the PnP pricing, If you do,
POST IT! I'm putting one in my 99' Ram 360ci, follow, he has it shown step by step what he did on his Durango. Yes, I know it's newer, but if you already have 12v, makes no differance what year.
I'm going to be yanking the stock rear axle on my 54', if you want them, the shock mounts are yours for postage. OR, you can come get themm and help me pull the cab off:D
I know it's slightly OT, but wouldn't it be easier to locate/use a smaller starter motor and not use the foot switch? Rig up a starter relay and use an aftermarket one to your spec's with a starter button hidden somewhere? You should be able to locate one for under $150(US)
I've got the same "hourglass" frame under my 54'. Have you thought about the Fatman IFS? I know w/me, cost is an issue, I'm going to be putting mine onto a Dakota frame cause my 54' frame is way to hacked up.
The beds are out there, I have 2 extra myself I've picked up over the years. You can darn near build one new from places like Mar-K. I have a 53' and a 54', and the 54's frame is beyond resonable(sp) repair, so I'm going to drop it on a Dakota frame. Do what you want, it's your truck. My $.02's:D
My 53' has the rear light (got from orig owner son-in law), and the 54' has the center mounted(got from org owner daughter). Wiring ran same way for both, but the overhead light had an extention, poss dealer install?? Both families said nothing had changed for either truck that they could remember, BUT, the 53' had a 57' 230 IND engine, and the 54' has a 55' Windsor 301 poly in it, so take what the families said with a grain of salt.
BINGO! That's the couple I have "New Ray". Left one alone, gonna paint the other like what my truck is gonna be. Just found a 57' at a local shop (not the swept style), would LOVE to find a C series for my son's 54.
If I didnt know better, I'd say that was the same guy I got here in Greeley CO. Too long of story to tell here about 2 different guys I know who he TRIED to scam, but he does sell on ebay as well. If I can find his ID for that site, I'll post so everybody knows, and if you guys want me to run and look at the parts, just ask.
Hey, lets not forget "the day the earth stood still". The original, not the Reeves remake. Check out some of the military vehicles in the background, you see Navy & Air Force Dodges:) I also know of a couple of C/W viddeos that have them, just cant remember the groups/songs right now.
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