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Everything posted by 40desoto

  1. Yes the torque converter had fins on the outside.
  2. That's not the converter for this transmission. I just scrapped this transmission. I desperately needed the space and cleaning out due to most likely a divorce. Most folks here in So California switch to Cheby V8/auto trans drivetrain so not much demand for it here and too heavy to shift. Thank You all for the input I truly appreciate it.
  3. Hello seeking help confirming what this transmission is from and if it's of any value to anyone. I'm cleaning out my storage. Im almost positive that's it's from a 1954 Windsor with a 265 flathead on it but can't recall and if these are related parts to it.
  4. Hey Sniper, my apologies if I already inquired about this. Is there a way to add a non-power rack and pinion while keeping the flathead six in it? I Installed fatman dropped uprights with scarebird disk brakes and exchanged the steering arms from one side to the other. (flipped?) suprisingly they work without any more modification but now Im worried about bump steer because they are not exactly level to one another. Would a R&P setup correct this?
  5. Thank You Andy. Thats what I was thinking but then noticed that they are perfectly symmetric to the center. Looks like the pictures I see of other 40's do not have them.
  6. Thanks Rob, I did see other pictures of 1940's and didnt notice those mounts. Does appear that it's for anything structural.
  7. Does anyone know what these bolt mounti g threats are for. Im about to replace my entire firewall and not sure what mounts here. They are symmetrical to the center so I'm assuming they might hold a part of the butterfly hood assembly? This is on a 1940 Desoto coupe
  8. Thank You Greg! I know that I need at least 17 inches for the booster. I might give it a try's. Some folks have mentioned using the vacuum from a fuel pump. My fuel pump is installed but using an electric pump. Can my fuel pump be used exlusively for vacuum? is it ok to run it dry for extended periods?
  9. Looks like scarebird is out of business. Does anyone know what year, make and model car the hubs scarebird used are out of? I believe they'll have to be machined down to fit the rotor to it.
  10. Question: might a lil off topic but I figured I'd post here since we are discussing the Asche AOK intake. I would like to install power disk brakes on my car, would drilling and taping into the AOK triple that I have on my 265 suffice for the brake booster?
  11. Thank You all for all the information. I'll be running it with a 265 and triple carb intake. I was thinking I can tap the intake to use as vacuum for the 7" booster. Not sure it this will produce enough vacuum (now after reading the responds- too much vacuum). Or pulling vacuum from the intake wil effect carburetor performance.
  12. is anybody running a power brake booster with a straight six engine? Does the engine produce enough vacuum to operate the brake booster? If so where are you grabbing vacuum from?
  13. Thanks James, I'll look into that
  14. Thank You Sniper, wondering if anyone has done the non-power one and how they liked it? specifically the limited turning radius based on what I read.
  15. Im thinking of installing a rack and pinion steering system on my 1940 Desoto. From what I've researched it appears that most front end suspension on Plymouths, Dodge, Chrysler cars from the 40's are similar. Wondering if anyone has done this on a 40 using the manual (non-power) kit. and keeping the flat six in the car. One negative that I've researched is that the turning radius may be limited with the R&P install.
  16. I know this is a really old thread but wanted to add some details and inquire on a concern that I have. After installing the fatman dropped uprights and scarebird disc brake kit, I swapped the steering arms and I have absolutely no issues with my arms hitting the upright or the lower control arm as some have stated. Im not using the flush tapered bolt provided, just a simple bolt with a nut at the inner side. No issues with clearance. My only concern is when connecting the drag links tie rods, the drivers sides both tie rods go in from the top and the passenger side both go in from the bottom. Originally one side would go in from the bottom and the other side from the top on each side. Would this be an issue that anyone is aware of?
  17. Ha! Yes not going to meet my goal of getting it on the road before my 50th next month. A baby and wife not working to care for our daughter has slowed me down a bit.
  18. Im just trying to briefly run the engine and thereafter do a compression test. Would it hurt if I run it for a bit without the ballast resistor using a 12v battery? When I cranked it I noticed no spark to the plugs so now wondering if the dist. or coil is bad.
  19. Its heating up the ballast resistor just on cranking and no spark to the wires. Ill troubleshoot further. Thank You
  20. Im running a 1953 265 Chrysler engine on a stand and was wondering if I had the distributor wiring, coil and ballast resistor wiring correct? Im assuming by 1953 this car was a 12V negative ground car. Does this wiring look correct?
  21. On my freshly rebuilt engine I used permatex white pipe pudding. After letting it sit for a week, I started the engine and its started weeping in some areas. I reapplied on these bolts and the weeping was less but never completely sealed. ran the engine (on a stand about) 8 times for about 15-20 minutes and the weeping stopped. Almost like if the water or any sediment that might be in the waterjacket sealed it?? Ive heard a few folks state that this is normal
  22. That's what she said!......... I'm sorry I just had to do that ?
  23. I would figure if your installing a scarebird disk brake kit that you would also be replacing the master cylinder and all the plumbing to make the brakes it effective especially for a disk brake conversion. Especially if its a non-power disk brake conversion. So... the removal of the residual valve on the original MC would be irrelevant. When installing my scarebird front disk brake kit, I did my own research and went with a 70's Mustang master cylinder. Must be one that was for a non-power, front disk, rear drum setup.
  24. You can always sell that second aluminum head and second dual intake and use the money to but a good running 230. ?
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