I started pulling things apart this morning. The noise in the clutch was getting worse last night. I got the inspection cover off and I can wiggle the throwout bearing around, I'm not sure if there should be any play at all. I also have quite a bit of oil inside of there. I pulled the driveshaft and one half of the flloorboard. (I didn't pull the floorboard that the throttle pedal is sitting on, I can't figure out how the pedal comes off, I'm thinking it may not be necessary though) I'm at the point where there are just 4 bolts holding the trans. in place. I ran out of time and I have some questions before I go any further. I think I may have a few hours Saturday morning to work on it again.
Does the engine need to be supported when I unbolt the trans? If so where since I think I need to pull the oil pan to change the rear seal.
Do I just unbolt the trans. and slide it backwards to pull the shaft from the engine?
Do I need to unbolt and remove the bellhousing to take the clutch, pressure plate, throwout bearing out? It almost looks like it will all drop straight down once unbolted and when the trans. is removed.
How the heck does the shifter come out? My manual doesn't show much for detail on theis job.
I have leaks coming from the rear of the engine, from the transmission and from the rearend. I want to fix all of them while I'm doing this. It looks like seals need to be replaced, what else should I need for gaskets?
I would really appreciate some advice, I have never changed a clutch or pulled a transmission before. I guees it's about time I learned, It's about the only part of a car I haven't worked on.