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    Northern Illinois
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    cars, beekeeping

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  1. I might have an OEM filter from a tear down. Let me know.
  2. My 54 Belvedere is positive ground. The pos bolts to the engine head back to the battery.
  3. 54Illinois


    An oil will say whether it has detergents or not.
  4. Sounds like vapor lock to me!
  5. 54Illinois


    If all we ever did was a search...then there would be no more forum. I run whatever is on sale. I stay away from synthetics, but gobble up any older, higher in zinc oil.
  6. Or you could have the floats boil over and mix gas with the oil....cleans the motor FAST!
  7. Either is fine. Monitoring the oil pressure is a great idea.
  8. The Plymouth manual says "any" oil pressure is okay....
  9. Tiptoe would require a different carb too, right?
  10. I scored some Valvoline VR1 racing oil from AutoZone when it was $1.00 a quart. 10w-30 was the viscosity. I added one quart to an oil change to increase the zinc for the 230. The other oil was SAE 30 PennZoil which was also a $1.00 a quart. Why was the Valvoline blue???
  11. I use SAE 30 or a 5w-30. brand not important. I did score some Valvoline 10w-30 VR racing oil when AZ had it reduced for a buck. Tons of zinc in that oil!
  12. I always thought about doing the paper filter as well. Then I got to thinking.....(not very hard mind you). One of the novelties of having these classic cars is the way they function. An oil bath filter draws some curiosity. So I decided to leave as is.
  13. I love talking about oil....in my experience I have ran just about every weight of oil in my 230, along with different brands. Not once have I heard a strange noise, loss of pressure, higher pressure, pinging, slap, etc. Do what makes you feel good, and follow advice from trusted car friends. Whenever you can, buy it cheap and stack it deep!
  14. My dad had his 63 t bird motor rebuilt...several mechanics told him the same thing about the zinc.
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