Beware of the Cavalier R & P kit.
Chapter #1---I decided not to do that, initially because of what it looked like in the engine compartment. Looked like a whole inventory of U-joints. Yes, GM did that so it must have worked satisfactorily. I just didn't like the way the whole "cluge" looked.
Chapter #2---A friend installed that setup in his 55 Ford, with great difficulty. That suspension looks just like the earlier IFS's from Mopar. He wasn't concerned about the appearance. However, he found that the steering radius was severly limited, something GM, and their customers, would not have tolerated. I suspect the geometry of the Cavalier R & P and the early IFS reduce the imput to the early steering arms, therefore limiting the turning radius.
My friend gave up and pulled the Cavalier unit out.
On that subject,....I believe it is Flaming River that is recently advertising a R & P for early 60's Chevys. Although quite pricey, I think that might be a candidate as those Chevys have long lower "A" arms like our earlier Mopars.
Good Luck!