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Everything posted by mrwrstory

  1. Here's an update and material for those who might be inclined wonder "why would ya do that?" I decided to do a little augment to the cooling system. Standard practice for all Hemis was to draw hot water from just the front of the heads. I reasoned that by also drawing water from the rear that the head temperature would then become more consistent front to back. Apparently not a big deal to Chrysler or performance builders that I'm aware of but,.....why not? Kind of a fun project and who knows, it might allow me to run cheaper gas or more advance. - - - -
  2. Back on track,....kinda. Life got in the way (the good life, Grandkids & other auto infatuations) of progress on the Red Ram. Valve to piston clearance nominal .120". Heads torgued. Push rods and lash setting next,....for the last time. Very tedious but a one time deal. - -
  3. You are to be commended for your "can do" attitude. Awesome project!
  4. Someone said "deadly". I'd say "killer". Especially like your rear bumper/license treatment. Keep the pics coming.
  5. Yes, essentially a 46-48 P15. Definately a Club Coupe. The quarter windows are longer, the back light (back window) is curved glass and there should be a rear seat. If there is no seat, there will be room for one. All these are features of the Club Coupe vs the Business Coupe. ????????? Did they even make a P-15 Bus. Coupe in '49 ? Very nice car. Congratulations. Keep us posted.
  6. I'd suggest getting all the sheet metal on and then driving the car before cutting any coils. Lowered cars (I love'm a lot) have driving idiosyncrasies and if you have not experienced one, "you should" in order to understand the compromises. If you have old stock springs they have likely sagged a bunch and are somewhat softer than new. Even without cutting coils you may experience "bottoming out". Alternatively, If you have new springs, give'm a chance to settle before taking the torch to them. All that said, the first iteration of my P-15 had dropped Fatman uprights and something like 1 1/2 coils removed from the stock springs. I had to be careful entering driveways (diagonally), crawling over speed bumps and the suspension bottoming on highway transitions,....and I loved the look. It was a choice of aesthetics (my aesthetics) over practicality and I never wished I hadn't made the mods. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! Anxious to see the results
  7. Cadillac Ranch was my first thought too! Ya, please,....EVERYONE,.... share a few pics you think are cool images of stuff most of us would enjoy. Many have commented, at one time or another, how cool it is to experience visions from their car or from points their car has taken them.
  8. Yes, I'm aware of that. Last pics were posted two months ago and no one else has participated with images. So, maybe "from the driver's seat and other images", was/is a topic still looking for contributors.
  9. Went back to this thread to post my latest and surprised to see no one else had contributed. It was not meant to be MY thread. I assumed others would like to share images they've recorded. Am I missing something? I'm open to input. One more try. Visited kids in Washington last week. The following was a side benefit. - - -
  10. Great looking car! Good luck with getting it roadable. When you do come up to OC for coffee.
  11. Not at all! I did slip once,.... but I'm not showin that.
  12. I think the locked garage requirement is pretty standard for "collector cars".
  13. Done!!!!!! and back on track. Took longer to clean during bandage removal than the modification. - -
  14. Hmmmm,....ya maybe for drilling but I'm using a cobalt burr and it's throwing chips in every direction. This seems to be working pretty well. The magnets are picking up a huge amount of cast iron and the interior of the valley is sealed of and packed with oily rags. I can also see the debris going directly into the vacuum nozzle when I'm cutting. I'm a little over half done in an easy afternoon. The proof of success will be when the "bandages" come off. - - -
  15. Those valve covers sure are G R E E N !!!!!!!!! I'm happy for you. Great project. Really cool combo of parts. Remember 'tho,...........it's only BS until there are pics
  16. Yes, I worry about that. That's where all the grinding debris will go. You see all the tapeing. Next barrier is the cardboard taped down. I plan to put an oil soaked rag down next. On top of that will go my big welding magnets. Finally, I'll try to rig my shop vac to suck some of the stuff away from the site where I'm grinding. Wish me luck, I'll letcha know.
  17. Got the "go for it!" from two diff. Early Hemi guys. Ironically, the other Poly block I have, a 1957 issue, has the push rod holes that accommodate both Hemi and Poly heads. So, now it's sealed up and I'll soon be making cast iron chips. Note the marker outline that denotes what I gotta do,.....16 times -
  18. Well "Tim", I got half of it right And for me, batting 500 ain't too bad
  19. Drug out the 325 block to show the comparo....... -
  20. You're in a good spot, re maintenance, now. You can just wipe it off with detail spray when the dust or water spots get too bad. Mine's kinda like that and I like the option "NOT" always needing to polish it.
  21. It's Paul,....right? You organized the Old Mopar Picnic in Central Calif. this past Spring,....right? Maybe next year for me. - Anyway,....I'm responding to this subject, here on The Forum as opposed to a PM, because there may be others who are interested in this particular subject. #1 - I have heard many times that the HAMB can communicate "facts" that are out of context or just plain wrong. (I'm trying to be nice ) I think that's the case here. The HAMB can be a great source for getting started but after you know your subject, you discover errors or ill-informed opinion. Not an expert by any stretch, I'm a fair engineer and craftsman. Started my project over 15 years ago, talked to a lot of folks and did a lot of reading, got stacks of reference going back to "the last century" ,.....1990's. I started buying Dodge engines then and began researching the Hemi/Poly idiosyncrasies. I am fortunate to own 4 or 5 of these engines. #2 - The comment, on the HAMB, that you can't exchange low deck and high deck heads is just plain wrong. That being said, why would anyone want to put low deck heads with smaller ports and valves on the bigger 315/325 engine? Conversely however, the bigger heads flow more fuel/air and were a popular swap on the 241 and 259 Plymouth (Poly), with fuel, for running Bonneville. #3 - A '57, 325, D-500 is where I started. To avoid the cost of new pistons, I decided to install the stock 325's in a .060" over 315 Poly block,....believing as stated on the HAMB, and elsewhere, that you can do that. "The block did not interchange." The push-rod holes did not line up. Somewhere in the foggy recesses of my brain, I recall hearing that could be an issue in some Hemi/Poly head swaps but, also want to remember that the interference can be resolved. That's where I am this morning and I'm waiting for input from expert resources. - The book pictured below has been my Bible. I highly recommend it. "Tho out of print now it may be available on eBay or at swap meets. - - Also to your water pump/cross-over project, check this. Thermostat housings are available from Summit. 'Tho not shown here, you can easily adapt a SBC water pump. And, the alum. plates on the head (w/right angle pipe fitting) is available from Hot Hemi Heads or you could easily make them. - - Good luck with your project and I'll keep all ya'll updated as I work through this dilemma.
  22. Common perception is that the heads will bolt on no problem. But somewhere in the dark corners of my brain I seem to recall there "could" be a problem, like I'm seeing, in some cases. Also to your comment about "high" deck vs "low" deck, I'm certain there is no issue with early (low) or later (high) deck head interchangeability. I know of guys who have put the bigger heads on 241's and 270's, even 259 Plymouths. However there would be no reason to put smaller low deck heads on a 315/325 because the valves and ports are smaller. I have put my dilemma before a coupla folks who should put me straight soon,...I hope Yes, I have 325, high block, heads.
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