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B1B Keven

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Everything posted by B1B Keven

  1. Click on the word 'this' in his first post.
  2. The one with the script is an early '40's car hubcap. Not sure on the other 3.
  3. https://www.ebay.com/itm/1-VINTAGE1950s-DODGE-CAR-OR-PICKUP-TRUCK-DOG-DISH-HUBCAP-FREE-SHIPPING-/182789283104?hash=item2a8f171d20:g:2OwAAOSw~V9ZwHKv&vxp=mtr
  4. Thanks guys!! I really appreciate it!! And my name really does have an 'E' in it. Keven
  5. Beautiful!! Nice find.
  6. I use Imgur now.
  7. You're welcome. You've got a PM.
  8. Welcome. Post more pics of the truck please. We love pics. The search function is a great help. http://www.robertsmotorparts.com/store/trucks https://dcmclassics.com/ http://www.pilothouseinteriors.com/home-page.html https://enginebarn.myshopify.com/ http://www.clestersauto.com/Pages/DodgeTrucks.aspx
  9. Good thought Jeff, thanks. Or maybe some Rislone.
  10. I get mine off of e-Bay. Here's another source: https://hagensautoparts.com/catalog
  11. Well, that helped. Consistent 15 lbs at idle and 40 when I rev it. Maybe a new oil pump? We'll see.
  12. Well, this is interesting. I hope it's the problem. There was even a part of the safety seal from an oil can inside. Bottom of the oil pan had about an 1/8" of crud in it. I hit everything with compressed air and nothing else came out. Fingers crossed.
  13. Haven't found one John. I'll have a poke around.
  14. https://enginebarn.myshopify.com/ http://dodgepilothouseclub.org/know/wiring_harness/wiring.htm
  15. If you can't find an axle locally, I know of one here in WA. Complete, drum to drum.
  16. I worked with a guy in Sacramento that was from Cedarville. His last name is Hackney. I've even been to the Modoc District fair and watched a race at the speedway. I used to live in Susanville and Lakeview also. Small world.
  17. Awesome truck and story. Are you still in Cedarville?
  18. My setup is exactly like yours Merle. I'm using a Wix 51011 sock filter. So the flow of oil is into the bottom of the canister, through the filter and out the top line. Correct? With all the crap I cleaned out of the fitting at the bottom of the canister, I bet I have a partially clogged pick up in the pan.
  19. Thanks Merle. I'll look at it. The way it was plugged suggested that there was quite a bit of pressure coming up the bottom feeder line.
  20. Question. With the oil filter out I cranked the motor over. The canister filled from the bottom up. Shouldn't it have filled from the top down? Also, the line coming out of the bottom of the canister was plugged where the line screws in. Like the crud had been pushed up toward the canister?
  21. Pulled out the canister. The fitting and tube at the bottom were plugged with gasket or gasket making material. Think I need to pull the pan off now. Yes, everything is plumbed correctly.
  22. Canister is dry. I'll try bleeding the oil gauge line.
  23. Motor will start cold with 30 lbs of oil pressure. As you watch the gauge, it drops to just above zero within seconds (10-15). Revving the motor takes it back up to 30 then drops again at idle. I've pulled the lines going to and from the canister and they're fine. Also pulled out the check valve ( not stuck ). Thoughts?
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