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Everything posted by jd52cranbrook

  1. Good for you, congrats,,,
  2. Napa part number EC LR32, ( if I remember right ),, $48 good luck again,, pay attention to ground.
  3. Gee, thanks for the rooling eyes,,,,, lol,, I read the thread, and surprised you havent figured it out by now. Save your reply. Roll your eyes somewhere else. Im busy building a motor.. sheeze,,
  4. Aint it pretty? You should be able to get relays for less than 20 as I remember. Problem with relays are the diagrams in the manuals refer to 6 volt positive ground. Remember to switch it when running 12 volts. Good luck
  5. Man, where are you getting your relays at? 75 bucks????? I dont think so.
  6. this pic taken before clean up and chrome.
  7. I did that. Worked great, and also had a shrould made up. And, the closer to the radiator, the more air you are assured you will suck through. How often are you going to pull the fan anyway? I doubt you will get it close enough where you cant get a new fan belt to slip in front of it if need be.
  8. I moved mine about 1 1/2 inch forward with no problem. Plenty of room for you fan then. I am running AC, and used a pusher electric fan for a while, hated the sound. Back to a flex fan in back of the radiator now. very happy. Made up a bracket and bolted it to the timing chain cover, passenger side.
  9. Man this stuff is right in my back yard and I never knew it. I'm going to check out some their events.
  10. cool beans
  11. Droped everything off there today for the balance. Smoot ride with great torque sounds nice.
  12. I forgot to put OT in the thread topic, sorry. Now I can't figure out to edit it.
  13. This is a web cam mounted on top of the San Jose City Hall, where a Falcon has made a nest and is raising her chicks, pretty awesome. http://sanjose.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?publish_id=91/nest
  14. Thanks for all the info, appreciate it.
  15. Wish I was closer, and hadn't already spent 10 mil on the General Lee,,,, I think that would a good project car. I talked to guy a living a hour away who was going to go see it for me. But then the General Lee went up for bid and I could not pass it up.....
  16. Good point about the smooth idle and vibration. The cost is a bit over the 150, which doesn't bother me too much. Everything is going up it seems. I see the machinist Monday, he explained it to me once how it's done but I'm going to get more clarification.
  17. This cant be true. Those cars were made to wreck just like all the movie cars. Heres a link to the prowler club, they raced two of the Lees last year at the drags. http://www.prowleronline.com/ubb/Forum18/HTML/003375.html
  18. How important is it? Being it is not a V type engine. This is next in line for my engine and was just curious.
  19. Wasn't there a thread awhile back about putting 30 weight in the tranny? Or was that the rear end? I wish I would have saved it. I remember now it was for the tranny because of the cut of the gears on it. Anyone remember?
  20. Same here. He's kind of gruff at times but no big deal. Always had what I was looking for. Anyone can have a problem with anybody at times. Guess that's human nature.
  21. I have lap belts, want to change to the three point belts soon.
  22. Go for it,,, good luck.
  23. Well thats not true... You should be able to locate Top Dead Center mark from your old cover and transfer it to the new one with a mark on the pan or something.
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