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Norm's Coupe

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Everything posted by Norm's Coupe

  1. I would at least ask as much as I have into the car so far, including the cost of my labor. After all, the labor you put into it is worth something. That said. Don't know your necessity for selling, but if it's just to raise a few thousand you may want to keep it. When you look at it, even if you got $5,000 for it, how long would that $5,000 last you in today's world. Not very long. Would be gone in no time at all. If you just feel you don't want to or can't afford to work on it now, just park it and cover it until things get better. That is, if you haven't lost interest in the car altogether. That's a whole different story and maybe you should sell then.
  2. Don, Don't know about this year, but I heard that last year was worst in years so far. Maybe this year is trying to beat that out. Tim, good to hear you and yours are ok, and no real damage done.
  3. Good to hear you found out what caused the overheating. That said, I still would not have driven that car to a show with no brakes. Even if you only have 302 people in your town, that's a 301 to 1 chance of hurting someone, or even yourself, not to count any property damage that would go with it. I would not drive a car without brakes, except the mile down the road if I wanted to have the shop fix them. Otherwise, the car would just sit until I fixed them myself, regardless of how many shows I missed. Statistics show that most accidents happen within 5 miles of your home, so you don't need to go far to have an accident.
  4. :D My feelings exactly! I can understand having mechanical problems like the overheating. But..........if one has no brakes when he starts out, one should stay home and fix said brakes before driving it. ADDED: As for the temperature light on the dash. We've always called those warning lights "Idiot Lights" since the day they first started putting them in cars. Same with the oil pressure lights. If it were my car, I'd convert both to gauges. That way you can see the heat rise or oil pressure drop, before it gets to the critical point.
  5. I removed the springs off a rolling chassis without a problem. The chassis was up on jack stands and wheel was hanging freely. Used the type spring compressor that goes through the center of the spring. Compressed the spring and then simply lifted it out. Did not tie the spring to anything prior to compressing. Put the spring in the vise, then removed the spring compressor from it without a problem. So.......I think it's better to just let the wheel hang free when removing the spring.
  6. Bill, If you go to a Firestone store, they can order www if they don't have them in stock. They aren't quite as wide as Cokers, but almost. Don't know the cost. But........if you go there, it's no shipping and they can mount and balance them for you at the same time.
  7. Even if it was 10 years ago, she still got ripped. Prices may have been a little different then, but with the same spread.
  8. If that young lady traded her 60 Corvette for a Honda Accord, she really got ripped off unless she got a few G's to go with it. Didn't look up the price, but.......a 58 Vette will go for about $60,000 or more. A 60 is just about as desirable.
  9. Greg, I see no real benefit to that either. Like you said, we all talk to each other on the forum anyway, and once in awhile through a PM. You can still send a PM to someone, without them being on your friends list. It's just something else to burn time.
  10. You can check the things Greg & Ed mentioned. They are the most common reasons for the light to stay on. However, it sounds like your brake system is not properly bleed, if your brakes locked up. That could also cause a problem with the switch. Might want to bleed the brakes again either way.
  11. Ed, You'd be surprised what used Corvette's are going for. I know I was when I started nosing around at them the past few months. They don't go for all that much used, except for some of the real old ones from the 50's and early 60's. Even the 90's Corvette's and around early 2000 are fairly reasonable, and in real nice shape. My barber has a 2001 Corvette, and believe me when I say he doesn't like to spend money. Don't know what he paid for it, but probably wasn't all that much. He even complained about the price of a set of new tires for it about a year or so ago. He doesn't drive it on a regular basis. Primarily for pleasure after work and weekends, then for the Corvette club activities he belongs to.
  12. Well.........I guess some may be willing to pay that much after all for a 95 Chevy. But..........as much as I like Chevy's, there's no way I'd pay anywhere near that price for a 95 Impala. Maybe a Corvette, but that would be it. Don C, I don't know anyone in Milwaukee selling a P15 coupe for only $12,000, but I do know someone that will sell one for $12,500, if you're interested.
  13. Not the bias tires. Don't know if they sell radials or not.
  14. Sorry guys. Don't usually post something like this here, but this guy has got to be smoking something. Check this car out on this link. http://milwaukee.craigslist.org/cto/1160069680.html if you want a good laugh.
  15. Bill, I don't think it matters if you just replace one or two new tires on the car, as long as the fronts are even. Reason I say that is. What happens if you go to a tire store and have a tire replaced under a road hazard warranty? I've never had them tell me that I had to replace both tires. They just replace the one and sent me on my way. And, I really didn't have any problems with a car pulling to one side after that.
  16. Don, Sorry to hear about losing your dog. I know how you feel. We had to put ours down in spring 2001, after having her for only 10 years. It's like losing a member of your family. Like others said though, he is in a better place now.
  17. Ed, I don't know what he charges for belt line clips, never ask since I didn't need any at the time. When I mentioned the clip price, that was just for the rocker molding clips price. That said, I know others charge several dollars each for belt line clips too. So.......you may be stuck paying that much or more, no matter where you get them, especially if you want new clips.
  18. Agreed. During my ebay heyday I picked this up at a steal on ebay because it was listed wrong. And, it works as good as it looks. Picked up a few other interesting items back then too. But........don't do ebay anymore.
  19. Ed, I just pulled that picture off their website just a few minutes ago. They were probably just out when you called. Otherwise, you'd think they'd take that picture down. When I need clips several years ago, Mr. Plymouth wanted about $8 to $10 each for those clips, plus shipping and about 4 would have been used clips. As I mentioned, I only paid rj&l about $38 for 2 dozen, and that included shipping. Now, I don't know, maybe Mr. Plymouth's are made of gold, but I wasn't looking for gold at the time, just those clips.
  20. Well Bob, as the old saying goes. We can buy them books and send them to school, but we can't make them learn.
  21. Try this link. http://www.rjlautofasteners.com/ The clip pictured below is the one you need for the P15 rocker molding. This is where I bought mine and they are just like the originals. Bought 2 dozen of them for the same price Mr. Plymouth wanted for 4.
  22. What do you mean when you say the drums are "Dented"? The drums are cast iron and would break before they got dented. Are your drums pitted from rust beyond the point of having them turned? Or.........is it the backing plates that are dented? Backing plates are made of steel and will dent or bend.
  23. Didn't hear that expression, but did experience the courteous drivers.
  24. Bob, I don't know if they're overbuilt or not. When we were there a couple of years ago, the hotel we stayed at was jam packed. Was even hard to find a parking space when we would come in for the night. We hit the downtown and Bass shopping mall while there too between shows. That five and dime store in the old downtown was well worth the admission price too, but it was free to get in there. The only problem was the traffic. Gets pretty heavy in between shows. But.........I still would not take a tour bus to get there. Without your own car you can't possibly see everything.
  25. Ben, Was it the fact that the Chevy was an 80's Chevy or that it was just a Chevy? I agree with you that if it's an all one marque show, that's the only cars that should be there. However, it really doesn't hurt if an off marque car is there, it just can't be judged. If it's also the 80's car that you disagree with. Well.........lets face it, these were not the cars we grew up with. But.......they are still over 20 years old if before 1989 and therefore are now considered a classic car. We will just have to get use to seeing those cars at shows, because that's what a lot of the younger generation is collecting and restoring now. Our cars are no longer classics. They are antiques now. And yes, we are now becoming antiques as well.
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