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  • My Project Cars
    1950 Special Deluxe

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  • Biography
    Air Force veteran, married, 3 children, 5 grandchildren
  • Occupation
    Temporary Services Coordinator for DON


  • Location
    Kingsland, Georgia
  • Interests
    Cars, Ham Radio, panning, shooting

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  1. Yea, that's what it looks like to me too. I found original chokes, it's just... am I willing to pay the price for it. I will probably end up fixing the manual choke and going with that until I can do something different. I don't know who the guys were that my father-in-law employed to restore the car (10+ years ago) but, from what I've seen I wouldn't call them professionals. The manual choke cable is held up approximately 8" with metal strapping, you can imagine what happens when you push/pull the choke inside the car... absolutely nothing because the strap is not rigid enough to do it's job. Took Chrome off to paint, the side molding now stands about an 1/8" to 1/4" off the body of the car, completely left the windshield chrome off (I found a complete windshield chrome set a while back just haven't put it on yet). All-in-all, the car looks decent, just needs some TLC. Thanks for your input on my inquiry.
  2. I have searched a little to try to find pics and/or diagrams but have been unsuccessful. I figured for $25 it was worth the shot in the dark. Another question. Can the orignial chokes be refurbished, if so, where would I start looking for replacement parts?
  3. Yea, without a diagram or operating concept, I have no clue. It has nowhere to attach linkage. The description and the add on the packaging sounded good... hahaha
  4. Thanks for replying, I hear you are the subject mater expert on the Sissons. I will try to get more photos. I took several but with the 3mb limit, this photo was the only one that would upload. I'll have to see I I can reduce the pixels or something to get the photo size down below 3mb. More to follow...
  5. Doug&Deb, the original chock is still on the manifold but I'm assuming that, at some point, it stopped working so the linkage was removed. When my father-in-law (now deceased) had the car "restored" the folks who did the job installed a manual choke linkage. All I can say is I believe my father-in-law got raped on this restore job, if you know what I mean. I have not taken the time to "fix" the manual linkage so that it will actually work. I figured I would try to restore the original operation but the automatic chokes (period specific), if you can find them are as much as a carb. Anyway, I found this Sisson and supposedly it's compatible but I can't figure out where it mounts and how it links to the carb. Thanks for the info on Rich (deSoto1939), I will try to touch base with him.
  6. I am writing to see if anyone has any ideas about how to replace the original automatic choke with a Sisson Choke, Model MC400. I purchased it NOS, but it has no instructions for installation or anything showing how it works.
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