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clay diggs

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Everything posted by clay diggs

  1. show forum as not read

  2. wynne ar 50 miles west of memphis tn
  3. Bob, we really enjoyed the visit. This is the first time I have internet service since the visit. Your house is beautiful both inside and outside. A heated and cooled garage and an old car, does't get much better than this. Always enjoy meeting forum members. We are now in Prescott. Arizona, headed north into the Grand Canyon and then through Utah and into Wyoming where we will stay three or four weeks. About the leg, I broke the end off of the the small leg bone. It is doing great, getting better every day.
  4. My 47 is 8 years younger than I am.
  5. Sorry about your other house, but this one is really nice and know you will enjoy it. Hope you get your garage built soon. If I make it to the Springfield swap meet, will give you a call. Clay
  6. merry christmas all.
  7. Don Coatney Thanks for Bob's address. I have a picture I want to send him. Clay
  8. So sorry about your house, but as you already know, you are so lucky that you and your family are safe. If all goes well for you, maybe we'll see you again at the Springfield Swap Meet. Clay
  9. By now you will have surpassed the 6336 mile trip we made in our Plymouth in March and April in 2005. Best trip we ever made. Clay
  10. I bought some at NAPA yesterday. 1 5/8. 0.69 each.
  11. I forgot to mention the motor I was working on, sorry. It has the castellated nuts without lock washers. It is a '55 Plymouth motor and I just don't know if it is supposed to be lock nuts or not. Thanks for the reply. Clay
  12. Are these nuts really lock nuts? If they are, mine don't have any lock left in them. I can't find any new ones locally. VPW doesn't have any and they don't know if they are lock nuts or not. They sell rod bolts, but no nuts with them. Any idea where I can find new ones if they are really lock nuts? Clay
  13. Thanks for all the comments. The truck actually ran very well. On these cold mornings, it took more choke than usual and had to run the choke longer. Also had some hesitation when downshifting to 2nd. Everything seems to be in good order and running great. Clay
  14. Fuel transporter for Murphy Gas at Walmart topped off the gas tanks with diesel fuel and I was lucky enough to get a full tankful in my B2C. I put in 16 gallons, it holds 16 1/2 gallons. Got it out, everything cleaned out and fresh gas in it - runs good again. Anyone know of any lasting effects of running diesel in your vehicle? I ran it about 100 miles. Thank you. Clay
  15. Congratulations on your 28 years of marriage. It will be 47 for us the l0th of this month. You look good in long pants and shoes, but not as good as Lisa. Hope you have many more, always with an old car handy. Clay and Wanda
  16. Retired woodworker after 35 years.Always had my own shop.My building is now used for a little [very little] woodworking and a place to park and work on old cars.Worked on a lot of cars outside in all kinds of weather so you know how much I like my warm bulding.
  17. I have a 1981 f150 with a 302.Replacing the heater core in it was a easy job.
  18. Tires are 235/75/15 radials with 42 lbs. Wood is white oak & red oak.I burn 8-10 cord a year at the house and shop.Have done this for about 25 years.I carry the house wood home from the shop in the b2c 30 mile round trip.
  19. I finally got a picture posted on my profile. Now, with the help of Bob T, I am trying to post a picture on the Forum. If the picture shows up, it shows another way to lower a B2C.
  20. I lived in Redlands in 1943-46 across the ally from where ynz is now located.We stayed in Redlands in 2005 while traveling in our 47 ply.I enjoyed visiting the area for the day and we where there.
  21. So sorry to hear about Norm. It will surely be different to read the Forum without Norm's comments. We will really miss them. Thank you Don C. for posting the picture. Claython Diggs
  22. Wynne Ar. 50 miles west of Memphis tn.
  23. U.S.Navy 1956-1960. U.S.S. Ticonderoga CVA-14.
  24. thanks for the information. Someone asked me the question and I didn't know the answer. Clay
  25. The car I saw this on, also had an overdrive transmission. I believe that is probably the answer. Thanks Clay
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