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Everything posted by RHDSP15C

  1. Forget Ryco - long gone TO China. LF568 from the Cummins dealer for the filter $6.00
  2. I had the same problem with the chrome on the bezels. I noticed that the bubbles occurred in the same place both sides, it's not due the plating but the studs being screwed in to far.
  3. There is a very simple answer - Fumoto quick drain valve - no tools needed.
  4. There is no such thing as a merger, someone has to die, it's cannibalism in it's worst form. The little one eats the big one and chokes on it's meal. Benz were smart they sold off Chryslers' assets and bailed out before they could get really sick. I was a second line executive with a large whitegoods manufacturer, we were lean and mean until we "merged" with a smaller competitor, it was great, my salary doubled in two years, lot's of travel, nice hotels,wet lunches. Then we started dropping product lines, our engineering standards were degraded and they even changed our part numbering system. I went to so many meetings I didn't have time to do my work. When I woke up to the nonsense our turnover had halved and I quit. Two years later they "merged" with EMAB (electrolux) who systematically destroyed what was left and sold the real estate. Now EMAB have left to make their rubbish in China. There is absolutely NO hope for Chrysler and I don't feel sorry, my father and I supported them from 1938 til 1980 when they sold out to the Japs.
  5. If you have an Iphone don't ever drop it - some owners have a class action law suit going against the manufacturer.
  6. It's called the Tom Cat syndrome.
  7. That needle bearing is an odd size as you have found. Torrington stopped making it over 40 years ago. I got lucky after buying several sets I found one incomplete but it had the two needle bearings. Keep watching ebay.
  8. Cats and cars are not a good mix. They have a habit of warming their bodies on the engine hood and then peeing in the cowl vent. It takes a long time to get rid of that smell.
  9. What I stated was correct only ten copies were printed. Eight were issued and the two remaining mint copies were retained by Yorke Motors. Somehow they mysteriously escaped and a few years ago and were placed on the market. I tried to get both but one got "lost" only to reappear on ebay au about two years ago. I heard on the grape vine that it ended in NZ, why those pagans would want it I don't know. Anyway what I said about it being classified is a fact but I didn't do the classifying. By the way CAL is still in existence.
  10. Don't need a yard my two boxers live in the house - hell they own it !
  11. Classified - Restricted information. The letter that came with the publication which was issued by CAL stated that the information contained was only for the major parts outlets in each State. Although the book has CAL printed on the cover the letter was from Yorke Motors, Sydney. It's pretty hard to figure what was going on but would think that CAL were embarrassed by the lack of technical support for their products at that time. For some reason Yorke Motors in Sydney supplied all CAL outlets with parts. Having worked for CAL in the 60s I can understand why there is a vacuum in Richards history. When CAL forcibly Acquired CD Distributors the first job was to destroy the records, it happened again when MMAL took over CAL. MMAL systematically destroyed everything Chrysler until they systematically destroyed themselves.
  12. I am in possession of the Richards body parts book. It wasn't issued until 1953. Only printed because body repairers were in need of part #s. It has photographs and number listings and serial #s where things changed. P15, D25 and SP15 are covered. I regret to add that this publication is classified.
  13. Chrysler is dying from self inflicted wounds. The process has been long and painful as they progressively lost brand loyalty from their customers and dealers. The management spent too much time on the golf course rather than ensuring they were making autos that people wanted to buy. The writing has been on the wall since 1960 and fooling with Fiat is a joke. Water does not mix with oil.
  14. Round figures 2000 for D25. Information source Richards body parts book. Many part numbers were from 1938,39 and 40 models which can be distinguished by the part # prefix.
  15. 73 Dodge Charger SE. Constant overheating, fast wearing front tires, flat battery every two weeks.
  16. I had Norton installed when I bought my last computer, when the subscription expired my computer came to life. Before it ran out Windows updates took forever. I now have Avasti and it runs like clockwork.
  17. I'm FEDUP with Fedex and Ups, USPS rates are less than a third of the cartel fixed rates.
  18. Richards tag# 2463 was one of the last Plymouths made, probably 1948. Beware the only body parts that interchange are the front and rear fenders. Maybe the engine hood is the same as US models because it fits the Richards body very badly. The door handles are different. the glass is different and the inside trim was leather. The electrical system is the same. Electric wipers were standard.The gearshift used the prewar cable on first and reverse, usually it seizes and make reverse very hard to find. There is a company in Sydney that can still make this part.
  19. It won't fit Richards body.
  20. Much cheaper from Roberts.
  21. For the body parts you will need to get the P15 D25 SP15C manual with the Richard's part numbers. It wasn't printed until 1953 and very difficult to find. I think I paid in excess of $40 and have only seen one on ebay au since. The body parts DO NOT interchange with US or Canadian models.
  22. 116 degrees here today. Birds and possums falling out of trees. Railroads starting to buckle. what a contrast.
  23. Where I live I don't need one. When I was a kid I remember one old car my father had a hole punched in the firewall and when it got "cold" in the winter (50) he would pull the stopper out and let the hot air from the engine through. Now I think that's a bad thing to do.
  24. I will pay you two grand for it on delivery.
  25. I don't need any pictures I'm right in it.
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