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Everything posted by TJM70's_48

  1. http://piccpete.posterous.com/hidden-for-half-a-century-the-1940-barn-dodge Quite a story! They make it sound like they drive it on 60+ year old tires and brakelines...I guess it's good storage in Idaho? None the less, a super nice original car in almost unbelievable condition...I hope this hasn't already made the rounds here...
  2. Just another part of why I love being around this forum...encouragement! I guess the only way to get competent with the flares is to do them...
  3. I need to replace the brake lines on my car, and have always been frustrated with making double flares with the tool...I am considering trying a set from ebay. This is a lot less than the $300 you mentioned. Price seems reasonable, but, I do not have any other knowledge about them. I haven't bought a set, yet. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=380244089397&viewitem=&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT To me, at least, it seems like it could be a time and frustration saver. Anyone had any experience with this seller?
  4. No...it's not a joke...the speedo lighting changes from green to yellow to red the faster you go. There's a small lens inside the assembly. Usually, over the years the effect has gotten pretty dim, though.
  5. Good...thank you. I don't have any problems with mine (that I know of), nor do I know what the status is of the one I bought...but it seemed worth it just to have so I can take the drums off, practice adjusting brakes, learn about the setup, and so on without having to learn the "hard way" on my car. I'll take a look at the casting info. So much to learn.
  6. Nice car! Love the color. I have 15" chrome reverse rims on mine and 215 75 15s on them...they do not clear the upper control arms on tight turns...I have tire damage and will be going back to stock 15" rims and old style (but radial) tires. Just realized you have a dodge...I have a P-15....I barely know my own car and a D-24 not at all! Interesting about tire guys damaging rims. I'll be interested in what others have to say.
  7. I bought a complete rear end with brakes and drums thinking I would keep the drums, brakes and other useful parts for use on my 1948 P-15. But, (forgive me, as I am still learning about my car and the series) I think I recall that there was a change in wheel size from 16" to 15" between the two years. I got some wheels that are bigger than mine, so I'm thinking the drums are different too... Is the rear end otherwise identical? Are the drums the same? Thanks, Tom
  8. When I was a kid, I had a set on my 1976 Ford Maverick...worked great. I was thinking of giving a look at a pair for my P-15, many other things first....
  9. grease & rubber wrapping, good grief!!!! I just realized that I might be able to sell the chrome reverse wheels to offset the tires cost....hmmmm. I do like the look of the stock style ww tires better anyway...
  10. I haven't driven a car with bias tires in at least 25 years...believe it or not, I used to run them on my Ford Maverick back in the 80s! How are the bias tires? How is it to drive one of these cars with them? I can handle a $124. price a lot better! Might be an acceptable fix for my problem...and look nice, too.
  11. Thanks for the backspace info...I will get under there and check it out. Just about everything on the car was done by the previous owner and I've been dealing with issues as they pop up. I'm not sure if I want to get the spacers or not. It needs new king pins and a tie rod end, and two new front tires :-( The 215s are mounted on chrome wheels...not on stock wheels. If I went back to the stock rims, I'd get the wide white walls...but it's just a money question right now...don't want to spring for 4 Coker tires yet if I can help it. So much to learn....
  12. I had my car up on a rack last week and got a good look all around. I was troubled to see that my front tires are hitting somewhere and have substantial damage to them. My best guess is the tie rod ends, but I haven't figure it out for sure. The car has 215/75R15 tires on chrome reverse rims. All from the previous owner. I have the stock rims, but no tires on them...and not eager to spend almost $1000 on tires if I can avoid it. I will need to replace the tires, but, I'm looking for opinions on using spacers on the front wheels. From what I'm reading in posts here, the stock lugs should be able to handle a spacer around 1/4"...but do you think this will get me enough clearance? I think it would do so, but, not 100% sure. Is anyone running a similar size tire or had a similar problem? Any suggestons about alternative sizes to make sure I don't hit the tires? I think the 75 is the narrowest tire that I can get for the 15" rims? Thanks, I appreciate all the help I get here. I have a lot of learning to go. Tom
  13. Has the radio been electronically rebuilt? There's a 99% chance it won't work otherwise. I don't know if it will fit your car or not, but, I should be able to help you hook it up. Did you get the speaker too? It is possible to hook up a modern speaker, but, it's an obsolete size so an old speaker & mounting bracket will make your life a little easier.
  14. Dutch...I did not know it; so don't assume anything! If it's not in the shop manual, I don't know it. I don't have a "Homer" (ham radio term...helper or mentor) and I'm going along as I learn, trying not to learn by trial and error when this type of resource is available. However, in this case, it was warm after bringing her in from a drive. So even a blind squirrel finds a nut, sometimes. Thanks, Tom
  15. As I mentioned at the outset of the thread, I'm in a learning curve - so the information is very appreciated. I think I'm going to leave well enough alone...for now. After I clean up some other house projects, and it's not spring & summer, I may look into learning enough to replace the guides. It's a little bit daunting to think about as a project. Is there anything else that could be learned from my vacuum test readings?
  16. OK...vacuum test is done. I am at 1500 feet above sea level, if that is a factor. According to my specs, this should show about 16 inches to 20 inches of vaccum at my altitude. At idle, the gauge moves rapidly between a low of about 15 or 16 to a high of around 17 or 18 inches. It's consistent, but difficult to read as it is moving rapidly between the two points on the gauge. Per my tech data this is most similar to the middle diagram in the service guide: "Rapid vibration of needle at idle speed indicates worn intake valve guides." Is this what an experienced mechanic would determine from this? I'd be happy to shoot a brief video of the gauge & post it to YouTube if it would be helpful. If this is worn valve guides, what is my course of action and how fast do I need to tend to this? Can I drive the car or should I get to this right away?
  17. Greg...that's the kind of help I'm looking for...thanks. Is this the page you meant? http://www.secondchancegarage.com/public/186.cfm I don't know what I don't know...it makes it tough to do diagnostics. I've always been OK at turning the wrenches, but not so good at determining what course of action to take. I know it's a learning process -so thanks. ~Tom
  18. I have had my car for just over a year; in that time it has always had a little valve noise while running. Nothing major, but, not perfectly quiet either. I am one of "not broken, don't fix it" people so I don't want to mess with anything if a little noise is acceptable. But how do I tell what's OK? I have never messed with valves or much internal engine work on any car. Not that I am opposed to it, but, I'd have some learning to do first. Part of the fun of having this old girl is the chance to maintain her. I ran the motor at a car show last summer for a guy who also drove a flathead and he said it sounded OK to him. But, I'd like to get a better opinion. How do I know if I need to adjust the valve tappets? What kind of learning curve is there? I have the shop manual and read the instructions last night; also have a Motors manual. But I don't have any specialty tools (gauges, valve wrench, ???) Is this something that I should not attempt myself for a first time? Do I need to get a mentor?
  19. Thanks, guys...it's what I'm looking for - on both accounts... PM sent...I was out of town for a few days. ~Tom
  20. I got a YOM plate (can't run with it on the back but we can put them on the front in Pennsylvania) for Christmas...but I don't have a front plate holder...is there a source for one? I also need new exterior side mirrors...screw onto the door type...I found some online a few months ago and didn't bookmark the page...now I'm driving myself crazy trying to find them again...no luck.
  21. I had to head out of town for a few days...now it's raining pretty hard...still don't have my car at home in my garage yet from it's winter quarters. I'm getting antsy.
  22. My car was originally the crusier maroon...sure looks sharp on that one. Great interior pix too...a useful reference. Only thing it makes me think is how far I have to go with our car...
  23. Yikes...I was so excited to just get the car out & checked out on a ride...it never occured to me to take any pix! Ever wonder why none of the dust blows off when you drive?
  24. Claybill...I'm about 45 minutes south of Indiana. Not that many miles, just not a straight shot...all 2 lane roads for the most part. I'm a salesman and I deal with some customers there. Still a nice place...in case you hadn't been back in a while. I'm hoping for no more snow but it's not looking good. A Farmers almanac forecast has been going around this year calling for our final snow of the season to be on April 12. None the less, I think I'll try and plant some onion sets tomorrow. And maybe sneak out the Plymouth one more time...if the rain holds off until I'm done with my house stuff.
  25. I actually had a dream anticipating going out for a drive...we had some good rain to clear everything up and 99% of the snow is gone....
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