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Everything posted by TJM70's_48

  1. Thank you all for the advice. While I'm not entirely new to working on cars, I have been doing less and less over the last 10 years as my regular cars got newer and newer and less and less user friendly...this is my first "old" car (97 Chevy Lumina not withstanding :-) I had an 84 F-150 with a very early crude (EEC II?) electronic engine control module on it, that's when I knew it was going to be a losing battle. The forum adjustment instructions are great, and I plan on following them. As I've read the various threads in searching thru the forum, I've also found that all of you veteran owners have lots of practical tidbits to offer, too. Tom
  2. I picked up a Mopar manual and I'm still trying to get a Motors Manual. I think between the two I would be covered. There are always tips, based on experience, that don't make it into the books. So...thanks for the advice. Jackstands under front axle or on frame? Tom
  3. I'm a new P-15 owner and have a slight pull to left when braking moderatly hard...is it time for me to learn how to adjust the brakes? How tough is it to do? I've read the procedure...any tips you can offer? Tom
  4. I should be able to do that...but not for a few days...I'm going to be busy thru Sunday. I hope my schematic skills are good enough!
  5. Jim...being new to old cars, I'm going to have many questions for the experienced guys - so I'm glad to make a contribution to the knowledge here when I can (which won't be too often...more questions than answers!) -Tom
  6. Hi Dean... I'm new completely to antique cars...my P-15 is my first one. Clearly you have been around the block a few times...that truck is impressive. I've found a lot of help here, I'm sure you will too. I don't think I would have bought my car if I hadn't found this forum, and all the help available, first. (another) Tom
  7. With help from friends at the antique radio forum, I successfully added an input jack to my Mopar 602 radio. I thought others may benefit from this...the MP3 player is the size of a pack of gum, is tucked into the glove box and plugs in behind the dash...all out of sight. My radio was a total wreck...missing speaker, cut power line, cut off speaker wires. I started by replacing all the capacitors and testing the tubes. I found a shorted tube, which is sort of unusual...normally the tubes are good in these old radios. I'm a radio collector,but, even if you are not a radio repairman, most people can do this re-capping...If you can follow a schematic, you can do this on yours. Just watch out for the "hidden" ones under the power supply - there is a buffer capacitor in there with critical values. Order exact replacement values from a dealer like JustRadios.Com - he'll send you a set that's matched to your radio...if you have one left, then you know there's still one hiding out somewhere. If you already have a restored radio, you can pull it out and add the jack in a couple of hours. If you can find a speaker that will fit, consider ditching the old speaker for a newer one with a permanent magnet...it'll draw less current. Just find the wire in the pigtail with the 6V on it, cut it & tape it off...connect the other wire and the ground shield to the speaker terminals. Get a 1/8" closed circuit input jack (PN - 274-0206) and a patch cable (if you don't have one already )at Radio Shack. 1.Remove the radio. 2.Open up both sides of the radio (at least on a 602). 3.Disconnect the "high" side of the volume control...if you can't figure out which side it is, use an ohm meter to find the one that goes up & down in value as you turn it. 4.Bring through a shielded cable to pin 3 on the jack. Ground the shield. 5.Connect pin 2 to a 2k resistor and connect pin 5 to a 2k resistor. 6.Connect pin 1 to chassis. 7.Connect other end of the two resistors together, connect to center wire of shielded cable, run back to high side of the volume control, connect. Ground the shield. If you ever use your radio as a radio you'll want the jack to be easily accessable - when the mp3 cable is plugged in, it will cut out the radio audio...unplug it for normal radio operation. I ran the new cables back into the radio thru a vent hole and zip-tied them in place so they wouldn't move. I mounted the input jack in my P-15 on the far right of the dash board...and ran the cables over the glove box...so leave enough extra on the shielded cable for your final installation. A little soldering under the dash and you should be in business. Just want to let you know that I can't take credit for the procedure...I had lots of help and info from various sources in this forum and elsewhere on the web...one thing I didn't find was a "one stop" procedure so I thought I'd add it here in one place. I think I've got everything listed, so, if you are inclined to do this, I hope it helps. -Tom
  8. I don't have a dwell meter...no other way to check it, is there?
  9. Thought it was worth following up to thank all of you for the help. I ended up with no spark and replaced the points and condensor. Voila, started up right away. I adjusted the timing and took it for a spin. A little miss on acceleration in all three gears. Re-adjusted the timing (retarded it a bit) and much better. I took it out for a long ride with numerous hills and some 2 lane highway driving last night and had a nice ride. I'm not sure if I still have a timing adjustment to make or not...as I don't know how much power to expect in any given gear...the car seems to lack power when trying to take a Pennsylvania hill in third gear with a running start. I've only had it for 4 months and don't have anything to compare it to. Thoughts? Thanks, Tom PS - My radio is almost ready to go back in....I just finished rebuilding / fixing capacitors / testing tubes, etc the original Mopar 602 - had it playing for a few hours on the workbench with a new speaker last night. Just have to figure out how to mount the new speaker and a couple other details.
  10. I was thinking about lugging a 12V battery in there....the charger would be a lot easier.
  11. All I can find are lights to operate with 12 V systems...will I be able to use one on my 6V? Thanks Tom
  12. Greg...this is great advice (not to hijack the thread, hopefully). I'm dealing with my ignition system and possible problem now...and I haven't had a car with points since an old Dodge van from the 1970s...lots to re-learn. Thanks for the good advice.
  13. Rich...great story. My new 30A fuse blew out on me about two weeks ago...at midnight...and we live in the country... Got off to the side of the road and impressed my wife - 10 minutes to replace the fuse and get back home. Haven't found the short yet, though. Not doing much night driving anyway. Before we bought this car, I warned her that on my brother's 57 Sedan DeVille, at least for a few years, everytime we drove it...something failed. She's blessedly patient. Tom
  14. Thanks for the pointers, I'll do some more checking. I had it out earlier this week, not a hint of a miss until I had to stop quickly for a fast changing traffic light. Upon the green light, I had a heck of a miss that went from start into third intermittently. Then it went away and didn't return that night for the remainder of the drive...about 12 to 15 miles. Fairly steady speeds (40 or 45) no more quick stops. This got me thinking about the mechanical advance maybe not working properly...and not returning the timing at idle? I do finally have a shop manual. I'm reading and waiting on a new timing light to arrive via the mail. Please keep the suggestions coming. I plan to look into all of them. Californian - I haven't checked the compression...don't have the gauge yet. I've not done much other than brakes, oil, an occasional gas tank or other odd job like a sensor or two, wires, plugs, on my other newer cars for quite a few years...need to stock up on some new "old" tools. Rdemarti - I like the idea of looking in the dark. Hadn't thought of that. Thanks again, guys. I'm open to any idea.
  15. After giving it some thought and doing a lot of reading, I felt like it must be an ignition problem. I am not a good diagnostic mechanic...I can do the work if someone else helps me figure out what is wrong...but, my diagnostic skills are woefully thin. Anyway, I've only owned the car a few months. When I suspected the ignition system, I emailed the previous owner as he had mentioned a problematic and small miss that was points related. I checked the points gap and found it was too wide...but only by .002 or so. Would this be a possible source for an intermittent problem like mine? Another important question - he gapped the points to .020 and did the timing. Possibly left the lock screw a little loose...if I restore the gap back to the right size (from .022) do I need to recheck the timing? Of course, I need to buy a timing light if that's the case. Thanks, Tom
  16. Thanks, Jim. I am talking about the bowl on the pump...I have so much to learn. So much.
  17. Well, I did some checking today...thought I'd look at the sediment bowl for dirt...nothing there. I mean, really, nothing in there no dirt but also...no filter...isn't there supposed to be a filter inside the bowl? This leads me to worry that my carb is dirty if crap has passed thru the bowl. I still don't have a shop manual, so, I have to ask for pointers on the fuel filter (part number, replacement, how to remove bowl, re-installing, etc). I will also check the fuel lines. It's a new fuel pump put on by the previous owner. I do not have a fuel pump pressure tool.
  18. Thanks for the help, the books are not inexpensive, so if I'm going to buy more than one, I want the to get 'right' ones. That's always been my main gripe about the Chilton's books...if a book covers 1988 to 1994, I always seem to have a variation of the '89 that isn't in there.
  19. Yes...it is a repro. Good point about the pix...they are important to me. Part of me hates to wreck an original manual by using it in the shop, but, there is value in the information it contains. Anyone have any of the CD-Rom versions? How are the pix in those? I haven't seen the MOTORS manual...is that the full name - Plymouth Motors Manual? I hate to sound stupid, but, for now on this...I am.
  20. I am considering buying one of these For my 1948 Special Deluxe...is this the best one to buy? There seems to be another version that also covers '48...but goes up to '54...seems like the black one would be more model specific. Any good sources to purchase? Other suggestions? I really need to get myself a good manual. Thanks, Tom
  21. After driving it again yesterday, I'm thinking that it's a fuel related issue. Any suggestions on troubleshooting that area?
  22. While driving tonight at various speeds I experienced a "miss" or very temporary loss of power...kind of a quick bog down with no backfire (or carb backfire). At slow speeds it was enough to jerk the car a bit, sort of like a sloppy clutch release, and at higher speeds it was a momentary loss of power. I've only had the car a couple of months and I'm still getting to know it...but wondered if anyone could help me figure it out. I'm thinking that the logical place to start is with the distributor, wires, plugs...but where else may be a possible cause? And in what sort of troubleshooting order should I go? Thanks, Tom
  23. My radio was d.o.a...upon crawling under the dash, I found the power line had been cut but I can't find the other side cut in the wiring under the dash. can anyone point me in the right place to find the radio power wire in the bundle under the dash? Or, a suitable alternative to deliver juice to it? I just about have all the capacitors replaced, tubes tested, new speaker found (from my junk box)... Tom
  24. I need to find a speaker for my Mopar 602 radio...I measured the space today and can't decide if it's 6" or not... What size modern speaker will fit in there and mount up the easiest? Any sources for the "right" one? Thanks, Tom
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