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OUTFXD last won the day on November 9 2023

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  • My Project Cars
    1946 Plymouth P-15 Special deluxe

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  • Biography
    I was born, lived, and am now waiting to die.
  • Occupation
    "Medically Retired" Sandblaster


  • Location
    Washington State
  • Interests
    Anything with an Engine

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  1. Doing a new oil pan gasket to try and fix the leak I created last time I did an oil pan gasket. Noticed a slim wirerope wrapped around the base of the crank pulley. I am guessing it is from my last V-belt failure. I am now worried about the integrity of the front main seal gasket. The local parts hause doesnt even have a listing. I tried looking online. Anyone have a Parts number I can search?
  2. Well. I have revisited this. I spontaneously tried the "Push the clutch in" test. a couple experiments in and I found Clutch in no vibration. clutch out Vibration, but only in third gear. I am currently playing with the adjuster and have managed to lessen the vibration. Not entirely but an acceptable amount.
  3. Okay, I am almost through Gathering parts. Question hit me. I know "Electricity doesnt care which way its going" What about Relays and H-4 Bulbs? Do I need to wire things backwards (Positive Hot Negative Ground) or is just matching red to red and black to black sufficient?
  4. Okay, Got my Toyota endorsed headlight kit, Got my 6v H-4 bulbs. All sorts of ready to start installing. A thought occurred to me BEFORE I wv as neck deep in the project (A rarity for sure, but it DOES happen from time to time). I am Pro Relaying the headlights, especially as EVERYTHING (Horn, headlights, brake lights, EEVVEERRYTTHIHNNGG) goes through the ignition switch and I am keen to get some amperage AWAY from the switch. Will the relays that come with the kit work on a 6v system, would relaying the system require 6v special relays, or am I totally safe Plug and playing the existing the new bulbs into my existing harness? Edit : Read further down the thread posted by Sniper and read about relay issues caused to Sam Buchanan and ended up ordering the Bosch 6V relays.
  5. I also noticed that in item specifics the required voltage is listed as 12v ... That is one heck of a good deal! Thanks!
  6. Anyone have any experience with these? Last I heard 6V LEDs where junk. https://www.ebay.com/itm/176062383163?mkevt=1&mkpid=2&emsid=e90001.m161799.l174484&plmtId=700008&mesgId=3015&mkcid=8&ch=osgood&bu=44780323931&trkId=953f5779-c352-369d-be48-2cee33ce92e3&cnvId=700003&recoId=176062383163&recoPos=1
  7. The other day I noticed a fair amount of corrosion on my battery terminals. I tore everything down. Cleaned the terminals with a wire-brush terminal thing. Painted them with Baking soda water. cleaned everything off and put it back together. The starter spun like gang busters! Couple of days later(Literally like three), Starter is dragging again. Out of curiosity I took the battery cables back off and had a good look. There was rust stain on the parts and the battery cable ends where glazed. I cleaned everything up and put it back together. Starter turns like gang busters again. What am I doing wrong and how can I prevent Corrosion and the like in the future?
  8. I ended up using this dipstick, It fit like a glove! One thing. I guess it goes without saying but put four quarts in, then run the engine to fill the oil filter THEN mark the dipstick(mark as low then add 1 quart and mark as full)? Just want to make sure I am doing things correctly!
  9. I'm learning already! I had one of the shorter ones. Do you happen to know what the difference in length is? (How long is one of the long ones vs how long is one of the short ones?) edit Let me rephrase. How long is a short one AND how long is a longer one?
  10. So it finally happened. I have made a habit out of checking the oil. I put the dipstick on top of the engine as I pour oil into the engine. The other day I added oil. and failed to replace the dipstick, leaving it on top of the engine. I then drove off. At some point the dipstick vibrated off the engine and ended up in some ditch some where. Sadly my Google-fu is weak and I am not finding a replacement. Soooo, time to call in the experts! Anyone have a line on replacement oil dipsticks for our cars? Specifically looking for one for a 218 flathead 6 (Not sure if there is a difference between that and a 230). Thanks in advance!
  11. so i finally happened. the hood release cable got free and shorted against the battery and got burned in half. so I ordered a new cable and let the hood down to the safety release. The cable came in. I went out to the car and sure enough, the hood was entirely closed. I messed with it a bit but there doesnt seem to be an easy way to pop the hood with the release being enitirely enclosed between the hood, the radiator, the grill, splash gaurd, and the inner fenders. Does anyone have tips/advice on how to get her hood open again? ps 1946 Plymouth Special Deluxe
  12. Our cars have an issue. After driving the car to operating temperature, especially on a hot day, Turn the car off, walk away for a while. Come back and try to start the car. Guess what? No fuel in the carb. Means you need to crank the engine for quite a bit before the carb sees fuel and will start. This is a common enough problem that many will put an electric fuel pump in simply to "prime" the carb. But why? What causes this condition? Corn syrup fuel (read Ethanol) having a lower boiling point? Surely our cars did not come off the assembly line like this! So. Is there any other work around other than installing a "prime" pump?(I no do electric good) E.G. Heat shields etc Just looking to expand my infoz.
  13. So, not long ago I squished the needle bearings in the rear Universal on my 1946 Plymouth Super Deluxe. It took some doing but I got a rebuild kit, pulled the driveline, and replaced the needles, balls, and caps. when I dropped the driveline I noted that the rear universal didnt have a cap and only the rear had a spring. I was told that I needed to beware of over greasing the universal and that I should only put in an ounce of grease. having no idea how much grease made up and ounce, I coated each ball with a liberal amount of grease. after retightening and retightening the bolts holding the driveline in. she drives SMOOTH, upto about 40. Then a constant vibration builds to distracting levels. I replaced the cap on the rear universal with one provided in the rebuild kit. I replaced the rear spring with one from the kit but did NOT put one in the front universal. I decided before jumping back into it, id consult with the experts. Anyone see something I did wrong? Suggestions? Advice? All welcome!
  14. 1946 Plymouth Special Deluxe. I have a "Bypass" style Oil filter. I want to swap/mod/hack etc a full filtration system in. How hard is it to do and what is the best route to go? All advice/suggestions appritiated! Dave
  15. Okay, Turns our the balls where to close together to fit through the opening of the flange. I pushed each out a little bit and it slid right together! Thanks all who provided help!
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