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Everything posted by 54Dodgeguy

  1. Hi Tim, 

    I sent this message to Brent & Mark already.  The only thing I can think of is using the shotgun approach and contact as many friends and experts I know.


    Sorry for being so dramatic but I have run out of all the options I know about and my patience has abandoned me as well.

    Quickly as I can, here is my truck life since I last saw you guys at your annual April BBQ in California 2022.

    I hope you remember my promise of bringing my 1954 Dodge C1-C V8 poly.

         The truck had set for about 30 years but wasn't a total loss.

    (2019-2022) To help me, I contracted with a local repair shop.  They dug in and sent the engine out to a local machinist; the trany to a local transmission shop; the body to a local paint shop.  They tried to work on the brakes & electrical.


    THE machinist finished his work in just a few months; fully restored as close to standard as he could get it.  He turned it over by hand, no drag or noise and each cylinder built compression. 

    THE trany was returned to me in a cardboard box saying they could not find parts or knew how to rebuild a transmission that old (I learned where to find the parts and how to rebuild the NP 420 4 speed on the floor)  It worked great on a test bench I built.

    The paint shop did not finish their job, could not be reached so I negotiated with the owner of the shop and took the body back and finished up the painting as well as I could.  Not the greatest but it looks good (from a few steps back).  Thanks for the 2022 'Piston award for PAINT'.  I accepted the award expecting that in 2023 I would be driving up your driveway with my baby fully running.

    (2022 to present)  Covid being over the repair shop started getting busier and didn't have time to finish up the work on my truck.  They refused to let me help them when they first started, sighting liability issues, but as they got busy they reconsidered and let me come to their shop and start finishing up what they had not completed.  * They said they had installed the engine and hooked everything up but it immediately got hot so they shut it down until they had more time to figure it out.

    Yep, you are right.  They forgot to put oil in it when they got it back from the machinist.  Engine seized and could not be repaired.  Another repair shop found me a 241 V8 HEMI.  More on that in a moment.

    I finished up all the electrical, brakes, and found all the parts to finish up the "cosmetic repairs" to the rest of the truck.

    Now to the new shop that found me the 241 HEMI.  They checked it out and called me in to see it bench tested.  Everything looked and sounded fantastic.

    NOTE:  my original was a 241 Poly and I assumed the repair shop knew the HEMI 241 would fit my 54 truck.  In 1954 Dodge did put a 259 V8 HEMI in their 3/4 ton pick up.  (Casting no. C8.  They also had engines; VT-342, 344, 346 (these were 270 ci)  I am guessing if there was a factory HEMI 241 V8 it was a limited experiment.  And not well documented in the public information.

    Sorry I digress.  This new shop finished installing the HEMI, they called me to pick it up.  I was overjoyed!  My baby was coming home.  I could get it licensed, final beauty fixups and drive it over to the Claremont MOPAR BBQ on April 1st 2024!

    That is when my hopes and dreams began their nose dive and I haven't found any way to pull it out.

    Current condition:

    1) 241 V8 HEMI is from a car NOT a truck.  Casting no. D502 110990.

         I am not sure the total problems with this little oops.

    2) In putting in this HEMI they re-routed the exhaust pipes.  This caused them to re-configure the clutch linkage.  And apparently re-route some of the engine compartment wiring.

    Result; the transmission does not work.  The fuel gauge does not work.  The turn signals do not work.  They also 'misplaced' various springs and bolt connections on several other components.  They also said they couldn't find all the old parts they took off.  I had clearly told them that all parts were to be saved and returned to me!


    I hope you have not tired of reading this tail of woe.  Thanks for listening this far.  

    Taking a deep breath and trying for a positive outlook, this is what I am seeking help with.

    A)  My repair manual for the 241 V8 HEMI in the 1954 3/4 T truck says the driver side exhaust manifold has a discharge pipe that is directed downwards in the center of the collection tube.  That matches the 241 Poly.  My old exhaust pipe that has a crossover pipe in front of the oil pan would then fit.  The one that came with the car 241 has the discharge exit out the rear of the collection tube.  That appears to be why they thought they had to re-configure the clutch linkage.


    ** Do you or one of the other MOPAR experts know where I can acquire the 'correct' driver side exhaust manifold with a vertical discharge in the middle of the exhaust collection tube?


    If I am correct?  This exhaust manifold will "solve?" all my problems.

    I already have re-fabricated the needed parts from the clutch pedal through the Z-bar & stabilizer swivel ball joint bracket to the turnbuckle connection to the clutch.

    I have the new exhaust piping sections.  The passenger exhaust manifold does exit vertical like the old one so the Exhaust Temperature Control Valve and Pipe Y-section should all fit normally.


    Hope you can help and thanks for your time.


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  2. Mark, I need HELP!!

    I sent this message to Brent already.  The only thing I can think of is using the shotgun approach and contact as many friends and experts I know.


    Sorry for being so dramatic but I have run out of all the options I know about and my patience has abandoned me as well.

    Quickly as I can, here is my truck life since I last saw you guys at Tim's annual BBQ in California 2022.

    I hope you remember my promise of bringing my 1954 Dodge C1-C V8 poly.

         The truck had set for about 30 years but wasn't a total loss.

    (2019-2022)To help me, I contracted with a local repair shop.  They dug in and sent the engine out to a local machinist; the trany to a local transmission shop; the body to a local paint shop.  They tried to work on the brakes & electrical.


    THE machinist finished his work in just a few months; fully restored as close to standard as he could get it.  He turned it over by hand, no drag or noise and each cylinder built compression. 

    THE trany was returned to me in a cardboard box saying they could not find parts or knew how to rebuild a transmission that old (I learned where to find the parts and how to rebuild the NP 420 4 speed on the floor)  It worked great on a test bench I built.

    The paint shop did not finish their job, could not be reached so I negotiated with the owner of the shop and took the body back and finished up the painting as well as I could.  Not the greatest but it looks good (from a few steps back).

    (2022 to present)  Covid being over the repair shop started getting busier and didn't have time to finish up the work on my truck.  They refused to let me help them when they first started, sighting liability issues, but as they got busy they reconsidered and let me come to their shop and start finishing up what the had not completed.  * They said they had installed the engine and hooked everything up but it immediately got hot so they shut it down until they had more time to figure it out.

    Yep, you are right.  They forgot to put oil in it when they got it back from the machinist.  Engine seized and could not be repaired.  Another repair shop found me a 241 V8 HEMI.  More on that in a moment.

    I finished up all the electrical, brakes, and found all the parts to finish up the "cosmetic repairs" to the rest of the truck.

    Now to the new shop that found me the 241 HEMI.  They checked it out and called me in to see it bench tested.  Everything looked and sounded fantastic.

    NOTE:  my original was a 241 Poly and I assumed the repair shop knew the HEMI 241 would fit my 54 truck.  In 1954 Dodge did put a 259 V8 HEMI in their 3/4 ton pick up.  (Casting no. C8.  They also had engines; VT-342, 344, 346 (these were 270 ci)  I am guessing if there was a factory HEMI 241 V8 it was a limited experiment.  And not well documented in the public information.

    Sorry I digress.  This new shop finished installing the HEMI, they called me to pick it up.  I was overjoyed!  My baby was coming home.  I could get it licensed, final beauty fixups and drive it over to Tim's BBQ on April 1st 2024!

    That is when my hopes and dreams began their nose dive and I haven't found any way to pull it out.

    Current condition:

    1) 241 V8 HEMI is from a car NOT a truck.  Casting no. D502 110990.

         I am not sure the total problems with this little oops.

    2) In putting in this HEMI they re-routed the exhaust pipes.  This caused them to re-configure the clutch linkage.  And apparently re-route some of the engine compartment wiring.

    Result; the transmission does not work.  The fuel gauge does not work.  The turn signals do not work.  They also 'misplaced' various springs and bolt connections on several other components.  They also said they couldn't find all the old parts they took off.  I had clearly told them that all parts were to be saved and returned to me!


    I hope you have not tired of reading this tail of woe.  Thanks for listening this far.  

    Taking a deep breath and trying for a positive outlook, this is what I am seeking help with.

    A)  My repair manual for the 241 V8 HEMI in the 1954 3/4 T truck says the driver side exhaust manifold has a discharge pipe that is directed downwards in the center of the collection tube.  That matches the 241 Poly.  My old exhaust pipe that has a crossover pipe in front of the oil pan would then fit.  The one that came with the car 241 has the discharge exits out the rear of the collection tube.  That appears to be why they thought they had to re-configure the clutch linkage.


    ** Do you or one of the other MOPAR experts know where I can acquire the 'correct' exhaust manifold?


    If I am correct?  This exhaust manifold will "solve?" all my problems.

    I already have re-fabricated the needed parts from the clutch pedal through the Z-bar & stabilizer swivel ball joint bracket to the turnbuckle connection to the clutch.

    I have the new exhaust piping sections.  The passenger exhaust manifold does exit vertical like the old one so the Exhaust Temperature Control Valve and Pipe Y-section should all fit normally.


    Hope you can help and thanks for your time.


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    1. ggdad1951


      Well, to be honest, I have no idea, Tim would be a good source IMO, if it;s not a B series I don't have much knowledge.

    2. 54Dodgeguy


      Thanks for the response.  I was just hopeful that someone either had an answer or knew of someone else I could try to contact.

      Hope you are doing well and having fun with your 'hobby'.


  3. Brent, I need HELP!!


    Sorry for being so dramatic but I have run out of all the options I know about and my patience has abandoned me as well.

    Quickly as I can, here is my truck life since I last saw you guys at Tim's annual BBQ in California 2022.

    I hope you remember my promise of bringing my 1954 Dodge C1-C V8 poly.

         The truck had set for about 30 years but wasn't a total loss.

    (2019-2022)To help me, I contracted with a local repair shop.  They dug in and sent the engine out to a local machinist; the trany to a local transmission shop; the body to a local paint shop.  They tried to work on the brakes & electrical.


    THE machinist finished his work in just a few months; fully restored as close to standard as he could get it.  He turned it over by hand, no drag or noise and each cylinder built compression. 

    THE trany was returned to me in a cardboard box saying they could not find parts or knew how to rebuild a transmission that old (I learned where to find the parts and how to rebuild the NP 420 4 speed on the floor)  It worked great on a test bench I built.

    The paint shop did not finish their job, could not be reached so I negotiated with the owner of the shop and took the body back and finished up the painting as well as I could.  Not the greatest but it looks good (from a few steps back).

    (2022 to present)  Covid being over the repair shop started getting busier and didn't have time to finish up the work on my truck.  They refused to let me help them when they first started, sighting liability issues, but as they got busy the reconsidered and let me come to their shop and start finishing up what the had not completed.  * They said they had installed the engine and hooked everything up but it immediately got hot so they shut it down until they had more time to figure it out.

    Yep, you are right.  They forgot to put oil in it when they got it back from the machinist.  Engine seized and could not be repaired.  Another repair shop found me a 241 V8 HEMI.  More on that in a moment.

    I finished up all the electrical, brakes, and found all the parts to finish up the "cosmetic repairs" to the rest of the truck.

    Now to the new shop that found me the 241 HEMI.  They checked it out and called me in to see it bench tested.  Everything looked and sounded fantastic.  NOTE:  my original was a 241 Poly but I checked and in 1954 Dodge did put a 241 V8 HEMI in their 3/4 ton pick up.

    This new shop finished installing the HEMI, they called me to pick it up.  I was overjoyed!  My baby was coming home.  I could get it licensed, final beauty fixups and drive it over to Tim's BBQ on April 1st 2024!

    That is when my hopes and dreams began their nose dive and I haven't found any way to pull it out.

    Current condition:

    1) 241 V8 HEMI is from a car NOT a truck.  Casting no. D502 110990.

         I am not sure the total problems with this little oops.

    2) In putting in this HEMI they re-routed the exhaust pipes.  This caused them to re-configure the clutch linkage.  And apparently re-rout some of the engine compartment wiring.

    Result; the transmission does not work.  The fuel gauge does not work.  The turn signals do not work.  There is what appears to be 'assembly grease' dripped or flung everywhere.  They also 'misplaced' various springs and bolt connections on several other components.


    I hope you have not tired of reading this tail of woe.  Thanks for listening this far.  

    Taking a deep breath and trying for a positive outlook, this is what I am seeking help with.

    A)  My repair manual for the 241 V8 HEMI in the 1954 3/4 T truck says the driver side exhaust manifold has a discharge pipe that is directed downwards in the center of the collection tube.  That matches the 241 Poly.  My old exhaust pipe that has a crossover pipe in front of the oil pan would then fit.  The one that came with the car 241 has the discharge exits out the rear of the collection tube.  That appears to be why they thought they had to re-configure the clutch linkage.


    ** Do you or one of the other MOPAR experts know where I can acquire the 'correct' exhaust manifold?


    If I am correct?  This exhaust manifold will "solve?" all my problems.

    I already have re-fabricated the needed parts from the clutch pedal through the Z-bar & stabilizer swivel ball joint bracket to the turnbuckle connection to the clutch.

    I have the new exhaust piping sections.  The passenger exhaust manifold does exit vertical like the old one so the Exhaust Temperature Control Valve and Pipe Y-section should all fit normally.


    Hope you can help and thanks for your time.



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    1. Brent B3B

      Brent B3B

      Hi Ken, missed you guys at the BBQ. sorry i don't get on the forum too often so  i didn't see this in a timely manner.

      you probably already figure something out but, if you haven't you could reach out to Wildcat auto wrecking here in Oregon. https://www.wildcatmopars.com/ 

      they have a variety of MoPar parts and maybe able to assist (worth a try) 

      hope it gets better for you



  4. Sounds like a fun trip. You can count us in. Let Becky & me know if there is anything we can do, from a distance, to help out. We may have to trailer it over! I told everyone last year, "no more excuses". Truck looks great; painted, new bed, totally rewired, engine completely gone through, transmission rebuilt, interior redone.... One small issue, engine will not start. appears to be the starter. The bendix is 'out' and won't retract. Can't get it to engage the ring gear to turn over the engine. No engine turning over, can't time & tune it. Vehicle not running, can't get DMV license plates to drive it over to California. I still have a month, so will keep trying. Can't find anyone in town that will work on it so may have to find a new starter and see if that does the trick. Keep your fingers crossed and save us a place for our '54 Dodge C1-C, 241 V8 with 4 spd trans. & 5 window cab. Ken & Becky aka 54Dodgeguy
  5. Becky & I should be able to make it. Have enjoyed meeting all the people and sharing ideas, stories and just plane friendship these last two years. My '54 Dodge 'runs' now. Not well enough for the highway but should be ok after I tinker with it a bit. Still needs some wiring work, new muffler & tail pipe. The biggest hold up is finding the 'clutch bull gear' cover. It was on the truck when it went into the shop but they can't find it now. Hopefully by next March I will be able to find the correct one. After I get it running and all the parts found and put on I will e able to hit the Nevada DMV for a registration and plates. Looking forward to see everyone next April. Update: We found the clutch cover in Colorado. It's cleaned up, repaired and on the truck. Still looking good to make the BBQ in April! Time is getting closer to April 1, 2023! Finished going over all electrical wiring and correcting where previously wired wrong Have replaced components, electrical and mechanical, that were discovered to be bad, going bad or just plain not sure why they were there. lol Down to "cosmetic" items like seat, mirrors, bed boards, etc Hope Nv DMV doesn't find anything wrong when we go in on March 2nd to get it licenced. Won't be much time to make adjustments and still get a rescheduled appointment with them. We have our fingers crossed and a positive outlook for being over to the BBQ. Guess this is not the place to get information from those attending the 16th Annual BBQ for MoPar friends but I will give it one more up-date. Took a BIG step backwards this past month. The engine I spent 1000's of dollars and years rebuilding crapped out and is toast. Good news is I found a mechanic that deals in only Classic/Vintage vehicles and he located a 'good' '54 241 V8 to replace mine. Now we are back on schedule. DMV took an hour and 5 employees to work out how to license a classic truck that had not been licensed for the past 29 years. But we made it! See you all at the BBQ.
  6. Hi Chiefpontiac77, I hope you have solved your lifter issue by now but if you haven't. I have a '54 Dodge with a 241 V8 Poly. Sniper's info should have helped. Everything in your photos looked "normal" to me. If the lifter in question did not free up it is obvious there is more trouble deeper into the block. Should not be a major "junk the whole thing" type of issue but the valve stem guide may need some looking at. I am not a "Chief mechanic" but I have had my '54 since '56 and done most of the maintenance & repairs. Good luck.
  7. UPDATE: Becky & I have reservations at the Holiday Inn in Lodi. We will arrive on April 1st and be departing for home on April 4th. Good news....our '54, 241ci V8 is running but needs a lot of sprucing up to be show worthy. In that regard we are trying to find a way to trailer it over for the BBQ. U-Haul says our Ford Ranger 4x4 is too small to tow it with their trailer. (Ranger has a 6000 lb tow capacity) U-haul's computer does not have a 1954 Dodge C-1-C in their files to plug into their towing capacity program. So they are guessing on the weight of our Dodge. I thought I had the weight someplace but can't find it. Does anyone know where I can research and find the standard unladen weight of a 1954 Dodge Truck? Bad news....if we can't find a way to tow the truck to the BBQ it will have to wait until next year. I made the mistake of just "not registering" the truck when it went down and not runnable, in 1994. Nevada DMV is not easy to work with when you just stop giving them their registration money. Now they are talking about steep fines and/or requiring back registrations. We are still coming one way or the other. Prefer towing the '54 but will have to find a tow trailer. Ken
  8. It has been a good run and we all thank you! Now with that settled, maybe you can just leave the gate open, the BBQ truck available and a place we can pitch a tent or two. The rest of us can bring the fixings, trucks to tell lies over and good friends to enjoy. If you are needin the hay cut around the summer house and barn just let us know where you keep the scythe. Looking forward to seeing everyone in April....If I can find a starter for my truck. ken
  9. Thanks for sharing this information. As a 'newbie' to Vintage Dodge truck restoration (long time Dodge owner) I have started to run into a scarcity of correct repair parts and this has caused me to be looking at 'restoration' more than just repair. Having a resource list of possible parts or repair people sure will help. So far I have been able to find what I have needed. My current slow down is finding a place to rebuild my starter or has the repair parts so I can rebuild it. [1954 C1- 241 v8, 6 volt positive ground, Mopar part number 1473218, MCH-6206, clockwise rotation w/9-tooth pinion gear, flow thru Bendix] If I can find this one part I should be able to complete my "restoration" well enough to drive it to the 16th? BBQ near Lodi, CA this coming April. Ken
  10. Hi Brent,

    I am sure I did everything correctly (lol) but after putting the cap onto the tranny case the gear shifter does not engage ANY of the gears.

    Before putting the cap on I was able to move the gears by hand into every gear smoothly.

    I didn't do anything to the cap while making the repairs to the tranny.


    Any ideas of what went wrong?  Are there any videos on how the cap should 'look' or how it should be 'positioned' when setting it onto the case?


    At this rate I may have to tow my baby to the BBQ next April and let the crew there take a crack at it and when we get it put in we all can hear it fired up for the first time in 25 years.


    Next time I will remember it is easier to maintain an old truck rather than restore one.

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    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 54Dodgeguy


      Thanks Brent,  I know it will come together, just frustrating it is not coming together the first time.  lol


      I will let you know when I get it to work.  Probably should have taken more photos when it was working those 25 years ago.  lol    If something is working who thinks about photo documenting the way it is put together?


      I am running into a similar issue with the hand brake that is attached to the tail end of the trans.   I can't remember whether the 'yoke' on the output splines is attached to the 'inside' of the brake drum or the 'outside'.  Haven't found any photos that clearify it and the repair manual I have only handles the output yoke and it "IS" the drive shaft yoke.  No mention of the hand brake drum that is 'in between' the 'two yokes'.  This delima will be answered also.  I just have to keep calm and double check myself each step.

      It is nice having someone that understands the frustrations of restoring a ventage vehicle.

      Thanks for listening.


    3. Brent B3B

      Brent B3B

      Let me know if you need a photo of anything. I have a truck with the dash pull style and one with the floor lever style 

    4. 54Dodgeguy


      My hand brake is 'on the dash'.  I have confidence I can figure it out, sooner or later.  lol

      I will let you know.

  11. Tim, Becky had so much fun this past BBQ, she didn't even hesitate with her enthusiastic YES! Let's go! I hope to have my '54 Dodge back running by then and will bring it over. Lookin forward to seeing our new friends and talking MoPar Dodge, even if your guys don't believe my 241 Poly V8 exists. Ken & Becky
  12. Coming about 540 miles from Henderson, Nevada. Looks like it will be an 8 hour drive. We are staying at the Holiday Inn Express in Lodi. How do we find the Ranch and do you need any last minute help on Friday? Not sure what to bring to the BBQ but let us know and we will bring it if it isn't to expensive or bulkier that a stack of 4' x 8' plywood 2 foot high. We have some Ball Park hotdogs, chicken thighs or breasts, personal recipe hamburgers or some pork chops in the freezer we can thaw out in a cooler on out way over there. We are excited about meeting everyone. Sorry we can't bring our '54 Dodge V8 truck but hope some pictures will mask the fact we will be driving a 2014 Toyota van. (We can leave the van outside of the gate and walk in with the photos, if need be.) Ken & Becky Colgate
  13. Thanks for the info. We like Holiday Inn when we travel so that should be good. Looks like your project car is about 4 years older than mine. I may have to pick your brain one of these days. Obviously I am new to this group but I will find out who is who as quickly as I can. Ken
  14. OK, just got the wife's approval to go for the road trip (I know that sounds weak but there are reasons). We will be there but unfortunately, no '54 Dodge to show you guys. Lots of photos though. lol Have been working on the restoration for about 20 years now (can explain that when we get there). Baring the end of the world.... Engine should be done, Paint should be complete, Bed boards also on the finished list, Transmission is the stumbling block as well as the final assembling. May be able to get there on Thursday definitely by Friday (late). Any suggestions on places to stay? Looking forward to our first BBQ with some like minded folks. Ken & Becky
  15. Thanks guys for the leads for parts to finish off Dodge Truck beds. Looks like Mar-K.com is the way I may go. Seems to have everything I need in one place as a set. Only problem is I need to find out if they have the curved side pieces. Phone call for Monday morning!
  16. I feel your 'pain'. I caught my first case of MoPar fever, when I was 4 yo, about 66 years ago when my Dad brought home a '54 Dodge 3/4 ton 241 V8. I have had it since and nearly caught another case in 1969 when I met my girl friend that had a '66 Dodge Dart with a 273 V8. Wish I had a shop like yours. Looks great to keep your obsessions under cover. Ken
  17. I did not find any topics like this on any forums, so here goes. Can anyone help me find out when NP 420's were used in the C1-C8-116 Dodge trucks? I have started rebuilding the 54 Dodge I have had since 1955. Most of the parts are hard to find but I am getting there but the transmission looks like it will stop me in my tracks. I want to keep it as original as I can, so I would like to keep the NP420, which is the transmission that I think is in it now. Any help on where I can get parts for it; bearings, seals, gaskets? All the gears and shafts seem to be ok. I have had the truck for 66 years and maintained it fairly well and overhauled the engine myself about 30 years ago. Never touched the trans. The trans shop I recently took it to has it in pieces and says they can't find parts for it.
  18. Thanks for the location of the BBQ. Looks like we are almost neighbors. I live near Las Vegas, NV.
  19. I just found this place. A BBQ to meet fellow Dodge fans sounds like a good thing. Where is Clements? I have a 54 241 V8 3/4 T. Been in the family since 55. Ken
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